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Tales of Faerun


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"That's good to hear," Nawen said and smiled warmly to Argyros, "thank you for telling me this. I've spent so much time down here that I forgot how many days passed."


"Maybe I should go outside for once?" She asked but then the ship swayed again, "or maybe not."


Shalena leaned on the railing and watched the horizon. Throughout their journey, the weather was in their favor and by the looks of it, it won't change and they'll reach Westgate quickly.

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Dri giggled silently as Tannin jumped, not bothering to hide her amusement. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. And yes, it is nice to be able to... um, be heard. And Weyland gave it to me, actually."


"Thanks, Rhaine," Dri sent as she faced the Doomguide, a smile on her face. "It's something of a new experience for me, but I'll definitely keep a good eye on it." Dri had a puzzled expression on her face when the two went off to Rhaine's personal quarters, but, not wanting to intrude on something that might get her in a world of trouble, the girl simply shrugged and went off to find the other members of the party.


She wandered for a while before coming to the cargo hold and finding Nawen and Argyros. "Oh, hi, you two." She greeted them happily. "How's everything down here?




Tak'we hung over the railing miserably as he waited for Conall to come back. After what seemed like an eternity, the softskin finally came back holding some strange liquid in his hands. Taking the vial gingerly, Tak'we hesitated a moment when he opened it, the soupy contents swirling lazily in it. Oh, spirits, let's be done with this! And with that thought, the thri-kreen downed the potion.


*KRrrr-TAK-TCKTCKTCK!* Tak'we gave a gagging chatter as he struggled to force his stomach to accept the substance. When it didn't reject the potion, and after a few breathes, he did begin to feel a little better. *Wee!* "Thank you, Conall," he said as he gave a shaky bowing motion. "Thiss one feelss a little better already." The boat swayed a little, causing the warrior to grab a hold of the railing again. "Although I do not think I will ride in a boat ever again. How do you softsskinss even sstand such shaky creationsss?"

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Tannin leaned up against a wall as Rhaine began to take off her armor. "Well you never know, certainly beautiful enough to have a legion of suitors. I imagine you've had no difficulty in the past finding someone to share a bed with." He said as he searched his pockets for his measuring rope.

"And I actually, knew how to sew, probably when I was seven or eight. A friend of my fathers sat me down and showed me how after I asked her to. Thought it was rather neat, making clothes. Then years later when I found myself growing up in Neverwinter's slums, well, had to take care of what little clothing I and the rest of the children in my gang had, so the skill got a lot of use. Got to learn how to properly work with leather a year after I left Neverwinter, some old elf tutored me and well, since then it's been something of a hobby of mine, cheaper than buying my own clothes and I can make them fit however I want to. That and... well, knowing clothes has many a time given me an ice breaker when speaking to noble ladies." He said with a smirk.

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Argyros nodded to Nawen, "Perhaps the fresh sea air would help you. You do not seem to be one who enjoys being cloistered in such tight quarters."


As Dri approached them, the pale moon elf smiled widely at her, "It seems one among us has discovered her voice. How wonderful! Tell me, is it some sort of device you found? Or an enchantment forged by the clever Xallistine?"




Meanwhile, Dagny had wandered back to her quarters with her mug dangling from one hand. She had hoped to finally get some rest as exhaustion set in that evening.


I'll never sail again, she thought as she plopped onto her cot and curled into a ball, not even bothering to close her chamber door.




On the top deck of the Sea Compass, Conall grinned at Tak'we, "Glad to know it has helped, friend. And trust me, there are a lot of us who don't fare any better than you have. It is a strange thing...some of us take to it, and some of us don't. But maybe it will make you feel better to know that we'll reach port in the next day or so."




Rhaine couldn't help but blush a bit at Tannin's initial words. As she continued taking off armor pieces, she sighed again and replied, "It might surprise you to know that I haven't ever shared a bed with anyone. Two men have tried to win my heart before; one was a paladin old enough to be my father, and the other was a egotistical hagspawn from Rashemen. Suffice it to say, I rejected both."


Removing her breastplate and moving on to her cuisses, she added, "I never did learn the supposed 'female arts' like sewing and cooking. It might have helped me to know such things, though. It is, as you say, cheaper to make your own clothes...and far more customizable than purchasing them. I would say you are lucky to know how and to like it."


Finally, she tossed the last piece of armor on her cot and put her hands on her hips. She was still clad in her arming vest and breeches, but both were skin tight.


"All right, then. This will have to do."

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"You're right. I don't like small spaces but up there, it's too open, there's water everywhere," she chuckled nervously, "water you could drown in."


As they were heading to the main deck, they met Dri. She waited for Argyros to finish speaking before saying, "I don't think we were properly introduced before. My name is Nawen, a pleasure to finally speak with you." She said with the warm smile.

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"Only two?!" Tannin asked surprised at the number. "Well that won't do at all. A woman like yourself should have lost count of her suitors long ago. And even if not surely you're worthy of far better men than those two. Though I suppose you do have an intimidating air to you, what with your accomplishments and all that." He said as he began to take her measurements.

"If you'd like, I could try and court you for a bit." He said as casually as one would talk about the weather.

"Might be good practice for when you find a man you want. And while I doubt anything serious would develop between us, I'd imagine it'd help us understand one another better. Ease some tension and all that." He said nonchalantly.

"Just a thought. Mull it around in your head for a bit, no rush. And certainly no long term intent.. well.. Right now at least, no telling what might happen down the road. Might start to actually want to keep at it." He said as he started to write down what he had measured so far. "These wings of yours are going to be fun to work around, can imagine all the poor souls you tried to get to make you a shirt or something, How many actually succeeded? Or did you eventually just give up entirely?"

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Tannin's suggestion both shocked and angered Rhaine. The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. Though she did not show it outwardly, her mind was raging with furious thoughts.


So he thought himself to be a better man than they who had courted her in the past, hmm? She recalled his earlier behavior and seethed. She could see past his carefully worded, yet casual, statement and understood what he was really offering. He barely even knew her, and he already wanted to jump in bed with her like she was some common trollop!


What, did he think that she was so desperate that she would involve herself with a man she barely even trusted? A man whom she certainly did not love? And he had already admitted to it being nothing more than a temporary arrangement...how many others had he made the same offer to? How many women had he seduced and then left, time and again, all for the sake of "practice" for a real relationship in the future? A relationship that would be almost impossible for someone like him to build?


"Understand one another better"....as if that helps someone understand a person!


Her hand clenched into a fist by her side, her knuckles white as she debated on whether or not to slap him or punch his teeth out. To her, love - and its associated behaviors - was quite serious. It was not the casual affair that Tannin seemed to suggest it was. And jumping around from bedfellow to bedfellow like a coinwench did not create it. It was sacred, and, ideally, it was forever.


And she would never bed anyone without having first been bound to them in holy matrimony. She was raised in a temple, not a pigsty.


At last, she spoke, her words quiet and terse.


"I can answer your proposition now, and it is thus: Never."


Her eyes flashed as she met his gaze and added, "In addition to the very thought of it being against my morals, I wouldn't want to risk catching something that might bypass my disease resistance. You're obviously so used, you're frayed around the edges."

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One didn't have to be a master of body language to be able to tell that Rhaine was furious. And he couldn't help but smirk as he figured out why. "Rhaine, as hard as it may be to believe, I'm not the type to try and weasel my way into someone's bed. I'd be willing to bet a lot of coin that I haven't been with as many women as you might think I have." He said trying to defuse Rhaine's smoldering temper. "What I had proposed would have remained completely innocent, or at least as innocent as you would like. I doubt you'd like it if I were to act like a smitten schoolboy around you." He said finishing up her measurements. "No, to be entirely honest with you, it's been about... five or six years since I was last with a woman, and that was after several months of knowing each other. I try my best not to be too promiscuous, would rather avoid earning a reputation as a stereotypical bard who jumps into bed with any woman that bats her eyelashes at him." He said as he put away the measuring rope and finished writing down her measurements. "Okay, now putting all of this together might take me some time, so don't expect it by the time the week's out. I'll buy the supplies in Westgate and get to work once I can. Ships make poor places for tailoring you see."

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"Actually, Amendale found this amulet back in the dragon's lair, and then Weyland gave it to me." Dri answered Argyros, pulling out the amulet and showing it to the moon elf as they walked back up to the main deck. "And it's very nice to meet you, too, Nawen," she spoke, smiling broadly; the girl was genuinely happy with Weyland's gift. I should get him something, too, though, the rogue thought to herself, but what would he like?


"Weyland's been so nice to me," she said to Argyros and Nawen, "and Amendale, occasionally Arland as well. Do you know of anything that they might like to have? I think they deserve something for the kindness they've shown me."




Tak'we simply shook his head at Conall. "We should not travel on deep waters. Iss not natural or ssafe. But," the thri-kreen added, a little cheer entering his tone of voice for once since he'd been on the boat. "Thiss one iss glad our journey iss nearly over. It will be nice to be back on land where I belong. Thank you, Conall, both for letting me know we are almosst done with thiss filthy boat, and for the potion you made me."


He gave a small bow to his clutchmate, and went over to sit beneath the stairs that led up to where the boat-guide was, managing to gain a sense of peace for the first time in days. Stupid softskin boats...

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"Well," Rhaine replied flatly, in answer to his statement about his suppressed promiscuity, "You're not doing a very good job of it."


The Doomguide almost immediately began strapping her armor back on, "I thank you for your efforts concerning an outfit, though. Now, you can see yourself out."




They arrived in Westgate the next night, just as the moon was beginning to rise. Rhaine was amongst the first to depart, followed closely by Dagny, who bent and kissed the cobblestones. Conall and Aodh came next, with Argyros bringing up the rear. As they disembarked, they all looked around; Westgate was certainly not the most respectable place they had visited. It was filthy, old, and dangerous. They all gripped the hilts of their weapons tightly, even as they entered the nearest inn.

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