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Tales of Faerun


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Tannin had spent the rest of the journey on his own, wanting to stay out of Rhaine's way for the time being, at least until she cooled off. In that time however he kept busy working on yet another armor design for Nawen, this one taking inspiration from Drowish leather armor, which has a tendency to be the most comfortable and protective leather that anyone could find on Toril. That being said the drow were a bit too fond of showing skin in their protective garments, a flaw that Tannin completely took out of his designs. The web patterns would also have to go, he would have to replace it with something more leafy, adding to the camouflage effect that the green coloring from the dragon's skin and the enchantment he planned on having placed on it.


By the time they made landfall, had gotten to the inn and rented their rooms, Tannin had decided to scrape all the designs all together and go about designing the armor the direct way.

"Nawen," He approached her as she came down into the common room. "I'm making you armor from the green dragon scale, how do you want it? Also I'm going to have to measure you so I can actually make it fit you." He said in a tone that suggested that she didn't really have a choice as to whether or not he made it for her.



Thankful to be back on dry land once again Azuris took up the Grey's offer of joining them for diner, though he wasn't enjoying it as much as the others as he spent most of the time keeping Hexol's hands from ever going into his pockets, and by answering the barrage of questions that the Kender was shooting off to no one in particular, this set being mostly about different types of food. But having seen the Grey's mother's enchanted spoon he could barely contain himself and his questions were soon directed at Annabelle.

"You're really good at throwing that spoon! How'd you get so good? My Mom never threw spoons at me and my brothers, she just yelled a lot. She never had an enchanted spoon either, But I have an enchanted fork! Wanna see it? It turns blue when food's gone bad! I can throw it too but not as good as you can, I bet you could REALLY hurt someone with a fork! You ever do that? Hi Rhaine! When did you get here? There's a lot of food here Rhaine you should eat some! It's better than the food on the ship but that's not saying much, but there IS less mold on some of it at least!"

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When the giant sack of coins thumped on the table in front of Arland's face, he looked at Rhaine and studied her carefully. This entire offer caught him completely off-guard, and he sat there in silence for several second.


"Wait, you're serious?" He asked her incredulously. "...even with Ilen's child sitting right here?" He nodded his head towards Marie, whose face openly displayed her viewing this as a personal affront, though her common sense told her not to blame Rhaine.


"....She is, Arland." Sybille told him, and Weyland came to the same conclusion and nodded.


"Well, uh..." He was at a loss for words. "...Thanks. Really, I mean it. I'll combine this with what little coin I collected from that dragon's horde and pay it off. Then I guess....well, I don't know what to do afterwards." Marie, without a word, stood up and stormed out of the house, while Annette sat there, wondering whether to go after her. She looked questioningly at Sybille, who gave a subtle dip of her head, and she left as well.


"Well, I know I'm sticking around with her." Weyland stated casually. "Wouldn't forgive myself if they went into some hole in the Shaar and got themselves killed. And they just might do that without me there to piss 'em off and draw the baddies' fire onto me." He grinned, before looking at Dunsam and Annabelle and saying apologetically, "Hey, I'm still happy as the hells to be here. But they're out doing good, figure I might as well do so too."


"That's fine." Annabelle shrugged. "Do what you love to do. You always were gonna move out eventually." She looked as if the entire statement didn't bother her at all, as did Dunsam, who pointed at her and nodded. As Hexol began nagging at her again and again, she repressed hitting what she thought was a child with the spoon, and instead humoured him. "Practice on these two miscreants is how I got so good." She smiled and pointed at Weyland and Arland. "'Specially Arland. No need to pull out that fork, though. Unless you wanna eat something."


"This's got me interested." Sybille declared. "I'll have to check out this big band of people you got going, I might sign myself up. If Marie and Annette agree to come along too, anyway. Say, Lady Rhaine? I figure that's an appropriate manner with which to address Kelemvor's Chosen. Would you like to stay for dinner? Least we can do to thank you for hauling Arland's behind out of that mess with the bounty."


"Yeah, stay a while!" Weyland cheered.


Arland looked at her with a rare sincere look, and said, "Yeah, you're welcome to. Can sit beside me, if you like."

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"Why, hello there little friend," she said warmly to Aodh when he landed on her shoulder. She was quite curious about this tiny creature as she had never seen anything like him before.


When Tannin approached her and told her that he's making an armor for her and by the way he said it, it seemed that he won't take no for an answer.


"Why... I mean, thank you. That's very generous of you." She wasn't sure what's wrong with her current armor or why he's making one for her and not someone else. "What about you? Will you have enough scales for yourself?"

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Rhaine was silent as one of the women stormed out, followed by another. According to Arland, the first was the murdered man's daughter. The Doomguide had certainly not intended to offend her...


At the Greys' insistence that she remain with them, she took her seat beside Arland, replying, "Like I said...I don't condone what you've done. But I'm giving you a chance to try and make things right...with both the law and the man's family."


Smiling at his brother, she added, "And thank you, Weyland. Your continued aid is greatly appreciated."


Turning to Sybille, she dipped her head a bit, "I've been called that, yes...though I do prefer just Rhaine. If you are interested in joining us, you are more than welcome...though I must warn you that it is quite likely you have never faced evils such as the ones we go to fight."


Rhaine grinned at the interaction between Hexol and Annabelle. She was doubly surprised at the patience of the latter. When she noticed that there didn't seem to be any rules regarding table manners, with everyone pretty much helping themselves, she took a few slices of turkey and some bread with butter. Out of the corner of her eye, she thought she saw a mug sitting beneath Weyland's chair, but she paid it no heed.

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Tannin waved his hand dismissively at Nawen's question. "Don't worry about it, wasn't planning on making anything for myself anyways. It just wouldn't be right, I have a set back home and I simply couldn't bear to wear another set, it just wouldn't feel right. No I'd much rather spend the time crafting the armor for someone who would appreciate it, and needs it."

"Now then." He said clapping his hands together. "The look of the armor, do you care all that much or would you like it any certain way? I drew up several designs and hated just about everyone of them. I know you prefer practicality over aesthetics but I like a good mix so most of the designs had something of a flare to them, if you'd like I could just copy your usual suit of armor though it is a bit...plain, no we'll definitely have to make it look good." He half said to himself, resting his hand on his chin and index finger over his mouth as he seemed to examine Nawen's figure. "Something forest inspired, will help you blend in out in the woods and be impressive to look at when not. And there I go again with the planning, do me a favor and please don't be indecisive or leave it up to me as that would cause me no end of trouble," He begged her, " Iwould spend weeks on the damn thing and scrap it over and over again until I was either happy with it or I run out of scales. The latter of which being the most likely outcome."

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Nawen listened to Tannin talking about the armor and some sketches he drew with her mouth slightly open. "I get to learn new things about him every day." She thought as she watched him. She already knew that he was a talented musician but a tailor too? Nawen would have never thought that he possessed such skill.


"Plain?" She said as he mentioned her usual armor. "What's wrong with plain? It doesn't attract attention." She thought but didn't say a thing and let Tannin to continue for a bit until he mentioned the aesthetics again.


"What do you mean 'impressive to look at'? Why is that important?" She was proud of her skill to remain unnoticed when she wanted to, even in towns no one ever paid much attention to her but with an armor that was impressive to look at she might not stay unseen for long. Nawen throught she understood why Tannin wanted it to look nice as he's the one who's going to make it but from her own point of view, the aesthetics of her attire meant little.


She was indifferent regarding the look of her armor but since he asked her, the least she could do is to try and come up with something for his sake as Tannin seemed to take this very seriously.


"Do you still have those designs you drew? I'd like to see them."

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Arland sighed and looked at Rhaine. "Actually...I think those were both of his daughters. Whatever, I'll talk to them tomorrow, pay off the bounty too. Least I can do."


Sybille looked at Rhaine and shrugged. "Simply 'Rhaine' it is, then." She agreed. Once she finished listening to Rhaine's warnings about the evil they would face, she grinned and said, "I can handle that. Not many baddies can take a hit from this." She patted her maul, which was resting up against a wall. "And if they can? Well, I hit them again. If that doesn't work, there's always aid from friends."


Arland went to take a drink from his mug, only to grasp thin air. "Alright, hold up, where's my mug?"


"Dunno." Weyland answered simply, and Arland stared at him accusingly. "What? I don't know where it went."


"Right." Arland got up and heavily scrutinized Weyland's entire section of the table, before finding said mug beneath his seat. "You DID steal it!" He made to punch Weyland's nose in, before he tripped over his own boots and fell on his face. Weyland, moving to move his head out of the way, tripped sideways, slammed his face into the wall, and then landed hard on the stone floor.

"Ow!" He shouted.


"What just happened?" Arland asked.


"Someone untied our laces." Weyland answered.


"Nah you just can't tie to save your life."


"They were double-knotted! Of course somebody untied them!" Weyland protested, throwing his own accusing looks at everyone on the table. Rhaine wouldn't, Annabelle and Dunsam wouldn't, the Ordain girls had left....wait, Hexol was here? "Hexol! Did you do this? You little bugger, you totally did!"


"Should punt ya into the river!" Arland growled.


"He's a child!" Sybille protested.


"No he's not. He's a Kender." Weyland stated matter-of-factly, and Sybille's expression turned to one of sheer horror.


"Oh, don't worry. He knows that if anything 'falls' into his pockets then he's going for a swim." Weyland reassured her. All the while, they were totally unaware that Dri was the true culprit.

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Tak'we chirped happily when Rhaine sat down. When Weyland and Arland suddenly started squabbling, the thri-kreen simply shrugged, and proceeded to tear into the turkey he had sat in front of him. "Ssso," he spoke between bites, making sure his mandibles didn't have anything sticking from them. "Greyss musst have a great heritage, yesss?"



Dri could barely keep herself from shaking from laughter as the trouble she had set up slowly broke out. Keeping silent, she watched in amusement as they accused one another and Hexol.

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Rhaine ignored the chaos building around her as she cut into her turkey and addressed Sybille, "So, what is your trade? Are you a mercenary or a town guard? Or perhaps an adventurer? From the way you speak, I would guess that you are both quite experienced and skilled."

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Colton "One-eye" cursed his ill luck. He had gone aboard with a merchant whom he paid to take him to Westgate, and was summarily stripped of all currency on his person and dumped into the harbor. Now he sat, drenched, on one of the many piers of the Outer Harbor. At least I have my weapons, he thought. After drying off (for the most part), he made his way to a nearby tavern.


Upon entering, the smell of vomit assaulted his nostrils. The room was very crowded, filled with all sorts of seedy-looking characters. Of course it would be - Colton was on the Outer Harbor, out of the reach of the Harbormaster of the Inner harbor. He was rather fortunate he'd picked up the skill of pickpocketing; he managed to steal a few coins - enough for a room and maybe an ale. Deciding not to spend it all at the filthy tavern he had procured it in, he made his way to the Inner Harbor. The taverns were more expensive there, but it was worth it.

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