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Tales of Faerun


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Throughout the storytelling of his comrades, Xallistine remained in contemplative- and respectful- silence. He offered no comments to them as they told their multitude of tales, but something about Weyland's tale made him distant. The disdain in the man's voice, the sorrow, the hatred, the fear... all a product of his slavery, something in which Xallistine was incredibly well versed, at times he felt more so than his innate arcane abilities. The description of Sana's treatment to her slaves stirred nothing within the Ulitharid, and he raised his eyebrows to shield his atrophied emotions. He would be a hypocrite of the highest degree to condemn the Lamia's actions, and frankly, he could not condemn them even if he wished. If anything, her treatment of her slaves had been kind and merciful, if the sights of the Underdark had been anything to judge upon. The realisation that he was not truly a member of the party eclipsed the Ulitharid for a moment, and his aquatic features grew dim. Weyland's tale had elicited reaction and disgust in his companions, sorrow, even. Yet in Xallistine it brought nothing. It may well have been that the boy was explaining a trip to the bakery. Perhaps Xallistine was not so different to his kin as he so proudly believed. Was it delusion? Or was his thirst for knowledge the only thing dwarfing his instincts? He wanted to believe that these people were truly friends, that he truly loved them, but was such a thing possible?


Xallistine was left with a perturbed expression painted across his tentacled visage, and his eyes starred glassily into nothingness as Weyland finished and the others began, their stories merely passing through the Ulitharid's mind as trickles.


"Was that not the intention, dear Tannin?" Aurora replied with a smug expression and a winning smile, settling herself down into a chair close to the half-drow, reclining lazily with her legs crossed as the story telling began, but nor before catching the appreciative gaze from the newly assassin, Daud, and delivering him a small smile, accompanied by a heavy wink. It was certainly becoming a night of mixed emotions. To Weyland's tale she could feel herself near welling up and almost bursting into floods of tears during various intervals, casting a gaze of respect and condolence his way as he finished, her eyes covered by a sheen of water and her lips pulled down sadly in the corners.


She was rather astonished by Tannins story and gave him a warm smile "Well aren't you an exotic little piece?" She listened intently as the others too shared their stories, and awaited the next speaker.

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"So am I, but thank you." Nawen said to Daud.


After Rhaine told her story, she noticed that the Doomguide looked rather uncomfortable. She shot a rather nasty glare to Shalena who simply shrugged before looking back at Rhaine. "I'm sure you will find someone if you'll ever wish to. Most of us don't seem to have anyone at the moment."

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Rhaine smiled slightly at Nawen, replying simply, "I thank you for your confidence, friend."


Then, glancing back to the Greys, who had been rather quiet after Weyland's tale, the Doomguide added, "What about you, Sybille? Any stories to share? Perhaps of your own adventures before you joined with us?"

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Tannin let out a laugh when Nawen mentioned wanting to hear what he did before joining the group. "Nooo dear Nawen, there aren't enough nights like this one to even BEGIN to go into those details."

Hearing her story about the villagers rather upset him but he didn't show it much. "Typical. Couldn't even tell you from the ones attacking, you'd think that the armor and weaponry would have been enough. But I suppose a drow could have stolen them in the battle."


He kept a smirk on his face throughout Rhaine's story of her suitors, he remembered what Rhaine had told him when he was measuring her for her outfit, he also remembered her reaction to him offering to court her. "Yes you do seem to attract all the wrong types don't you?" He asked her with a smirk. "Just all the wrong men asking for a chance to court you."


His attention was once again turned to Aurora at her calling him exotic. "Think I'm exotic do you? Well traveled and well aged maybe, but exotic? Hardly, though that does make me wonder whatever thoughts about me are running through that mind of yours." He said with a laugh. "So what's your story anyways, I'd imagine you'd be all too happy to share some stories of your own." He asked her.

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Conall was sleeping lightly. He had changed into just his breeches, his shirtless form half-covered by the bedsheet. Aodh had curled atop the paladin's well-muscled chest, snoring softly, laying just below both amulets that hung about the werewolf's neck. The moon shone brightly through the slightly open window, the night breeze to ruffling the curtains, and the light causing Conall's silvery white hair to glow with a ghostly aura.


Suddenly, there was a dark shape at the window...a lithe humanoid in black. With gloved hands, it oiled the frame and then slowly pushed upwards, carefully lifting the window large enough to climb through. The figure slid through the opening and over the sill, stepping on the floor with almost inhuman lightness...


...and a board creaked beneath the figure's weight. It was only a soft sound, barely audible over the natural din of the tavern. The intruder froze, but Aodh had already been wakened by the noise. He screeched a warning, and Conall sat straight up, snatching his crossbow from the nightstand, his dream-laced blue eyes wide with surprise. The silver bolt was leveled at the stranger's chest.


The figure hissed, beady black eyes the only features visible over a cloth face wrapping beneath a shadowy hood, "Can you fire a shot before I manage to tear out your throat, Conall Whitefang?" There was a maniacal giggle, "Raidan says 'hello.' He knows where you're going, you know. Told us to wait on you in Iljak. And here you are!"


Conall kept his crossbow trained on the figure, "'Us?'"


More laughter, "Ahhhh, yes....didn't think he'd just send one of us, do you? Malar will have your blood, abomination!"


A yell was heard from across the hall...


...Dagny's chambers.


Before he knew it, the figure in front of him had transformed into a wererat, leaping at him with teeth bared. The paladin fired too late, and the lycan tumbled with him off the bed and into the floor.




The teeth of Raidan's minion sank into Conall's bare shoulder, tearing into his flesh. Despite the pain, the paladin managed to raise up and push the wererat away enough to grab his hunting knife, but it was swiftly batted from his hands, disgusting claws raking down his forearm and leaving bloody trails. Conall growled and punched the lycan in the jaw, then raised one leg and kicked his abdomen, throwing him across the room where he hit the dresser with a crash.


Selune guide me, Conall prayed silently as he jumped to his feet.


And Conall felt himself begin to transform...




"Tell me about it," Rhaine replied to Tannin with a smirk.


At that moment, there was a loud yell and a crash from upstairs, followed by quite a bit of tumbling about.


Zorica straightened, her hands going to her sword hilts, "What was that?"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Xundus, who had been in peaceful Reverie, was awoken by some loud noises coming from a nearby room. At first the drow thought it was just some petty squabble, but it was far too violent a sound for that. He immediately snatched his rapier from his bed, not bothering to put on his scarlet cloak. Quietly stepping outside and going to the room where the sound was coming from, he tried to come up with a plan. Deciding that whatever it was had to be an emergency, he opened the door to the room - and was met with Conall fighting some sort of creature.

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Dri unconsciously rubbed her scarred throat while Nawen told everyone about her treatment at the hands of those villagers. Some way to thank you, she thought, grim-faced.


She listened quietly as Rhaine shared her story, and was debating with herself of ever meeting someone before jumping in her chair as she heard the thumps coming from upstairs. What's going on up there? she thought, concern showing in her face.


Tak'we chittered rather angrily as Nawen shared her tale. "Tak'we would have clawed off their hands for hurting dark pointy-ear," he stated matter-of-factly, a small trickle of venom forming on his mandibles as a clawed hand went up to the stubs where his antennae once were. "Torturing someone... ssuch a foul act..."


He looked at Rhaine as she spoke of having potential mates, that curious tilt of the head appearing at the words of hagspawn. "Hagspawn?" the thri-kreen asked, befuddled as to what that was and followed up with a string of questions. "Iss that what winged pointy-ears are? Would not winged pointy-ear have a simple time finding matess? Your kind doess not sseem very common. Would it not be be better to find a mate and have hatchlingss jusst for the ssake of your people?"


Before he could question further, Tak'we heard a loud crash upstairs. What in the spirits was that? he quickly thought, then the realization that some of his clutchmates were still upstairs. "By Mother Moon, no!"


Fearing for his friends, the pink thri-kreen leaped from his chair and charged upstairs. What he saw was greatly confusing. In Conall's room, all he could see was two creatures wrestling with one another. What iss this...? he thought, trying to analyze the situation. However, the silence that was coming from Dagny's room disturbed him even more.


Going to Dagny's room, he tried to open the door, only to find it barred from the other side. "Dagny!?" he screeched, before he simply ripped the door and pieces of the wall it was attached to off. What he saw angered and terrified him.


There was dark figure hovering over Dagny, who was severely bloody with red stains everywhere. Fury coursing through him suddenly, Tak'we grabbed the dresser that barricaded the once-attached door and hurled it with all his might. Before the rat-like figure could react, the piece of furniture connected with the full force of the thri-kreen's strength and both went flying to the bedroom wall... and clean through it.


Ignoring the choked scream and the resounding crash that followed after, Tak'we rushed to Dagny's side to see if she was alright. "Dagny! Iss short softskin alright?!"



Tenebris was lazily paying attention to everyone's stories when he heard the crashing sounds from upstairs. "That doesn't sound good," he muttered, and closed his eyes as he concentrated on a spell...


"Hells..." the half-vampire cursed as he received the answer to his question. "Wererats."


Drawing his heavy mace Bones, the Jergali ran up the stairs after the thri-kreen and seeing how Tak'we had Dagny's room handled, he turned to Conall's room. Oh bother... he thought as he studied the fight going on between a wererat and a werewolf. Well, this is interesting, he thought casually, before casting a bolt of darkness at the wererat, attempting to aid what he assumed to be Conall when an opening in the melee opened up.

Edited by GrueMaster
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Aurora grinned devilishly at Tannin "My thoughts are my own my darling, but should the time come when I desire to be an open book arise, I'll be sure to let you run your fingers down my spine, and crack me open first." She leaned into Tannin and bit her lip playfully, withdrawing to sit back into her chair. A look of puzzlement passed over the bardess's face, and she lifted a velvet-gloved finger softly to her lips.


"Hmm... a story? You know despite my love of the centre stage, I don't really have anything interesting to tell... perhaps I would have, were it not for my drinking, but everything exciting and dangerous has taken place with you all. There is of course the tale of my escape from my family, the stealing of my funds, and my becoming a bard, should you be so..." Aurora was cut off as the crash became apparent from upstairs. Immediately alerted, her hand drifted to the ornate handle of her rapier, her eyes turning to Tannin in wonder. As Tak'we arose and ascended into the fray, Aurora voiced her concern.


"Should we follow? That was quite the sound."

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Unfortunately for Arva, he had no idea of the sensuous words Aurora had shared with Tannin. He was fast asleep with Ianthe slumbering in his arms, oblivious to the flirtation which would have excited him to no end. They lay in the floor together curled up around each other in an innocent fashion which melted Aera's heart. All she seemed to be able to do was stare at them and smile as she listened to the stories her companions shared.

Suddenly, Aera heard a ruckus coming from upstairs and rushed up there, not really knowing why. Perhaps she craved a little excitement after the calm of storytelling. She rushed up the stairs after Tenebris and felt herself begin to transform in her excitement. She threw her clothes off and thrust them toward the wall, not feeling shame for being nude, but pride for what she was. Within a few minutes, she was a massive white and tan tiger with two-inch claws and teeth to match. She roared and pounced into the room past Tenebris and Xundus, bristling at the wererat.

She swiped her paw at the wererat, hoping to smash its face in, but only managed to make deep cuts in its chest.

Edited by tokyobleach
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Daud drew his sword, spinning around. He glanced toward Aurora "Of course we should, or are you afraid of things which go bump in the night?" He half said half whispered. He took flight and dashed up the stars, his foot steps light as he did. He kept his sword tightly grasped, ready to attack anything that should come for him

He slid to a halt just outside the room where the sound was emanating from and leant around, peering ina nd snapping back in shock. Then he heard the half vampire thing confirm it. Werecreatures?! What had he gotten himself into... He had no idea whether either were friendly, so he stood his ground, steadying himself as he cautiously stepped into the room, blade at the ready to take on an attacker. He felt his heart rate increase and felt a surge of adrenaline

He watched as the half vampire attacked one of the two creatures, the wererat, and assumed that would be the hostile as a result. Darting forwards, he plunged his blade towards the beasts chest with speed, grace and ferocity.

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