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Tales of Faerun


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Daud's horsed reared backwards when the centaur grew louder, turning and attempting to move, but Daud pulled it's reins to turn it back to the centaur. His hand drew his blade slightly from it's sheath... then gently slid it back in as Rhaine raised her hand. He took a few moments before speaking himself

"I have a better suggestion. Nobody dies, and nobody complains about who's what. I don't understand why this 'abomination' part matters one bit. I mean, what brought you to this world might be bad, but it's not like we get to choose. Does that mean you must die? No. Your roots don't define you, do they? Don't worry about your beginnings, and enjoy what you have, because things can always get worse. As for your distrust of dark elves for their creating you... If one man from a village kills someone does that make the entire village accountable for the crime?" Daud reasoned... or rather, tried to reason. He didn't have much experience in this department, and honestly, why should it matter if she was an 'abomination'? What brought her into existence might be wrong, but what's it matter at the end of the day? He shook his head slightly.

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"Oh look, someone who hates the drow," Nawen said with the light frown on her face, "and I was wondering where all of them went."


She remembered how that other centaur looked at her back at the camp, maybe he was warning her about this, but because she couldn't understand elven, and because Tannin barely translated anything to the group she had no idea. "It's a good thing we're not alone," she thought as she shot a glance at Xundus, "or else she would have given us a lot of trouble.


The drow smiled at how protective Aodh was. She reached out and touched the pseudodragon gently. "It's okay, Aodh, they won't attack us." She said, though, she was unsure if what she said was the truth.


"Either way," Shalena said from her spot, "can we go now? Who knows what else is hiding in these woods."


Underdark, the city of Tes Natha'rra.


Nadhriir played with a small flame in his hand while his mother, Valthiira, the Matron Mother of house Relve'fer wiped the blood of her dagger. "So Nawen is in Shaar," she said as she stepped over the body of an unfortunate messenger who brought the news that her daughter was currently beyond her reach, "and just after I found her too..."


Frustrated, she kicked the corpse lying by her feet, but then quickly calmed herself, and turned around to look at her son.


"Aren't worried that my little sister isn't traveling alone, but in a group of quite capable surfacers?" He asked.


"Everyone has a price," she replied, "in the end she will be alone."


"And what if she won't be alone?" Nadhriir asked as he extinguished the flame.


"When I'll kill them too."

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Though almost disappointed that there would be no fight, Xundus followed Rhaine's orders and put his rapier away. He didn't like the idea of being around a creature that hated drow, though. Racism was bad enough; acting on it was even worse.


Unlike the others, Xundus was no so surprised at Theia. As far as he was concerned, she was still an abomination. Just like he was. Just like all drow were. And there were plenty of other beings that could be considered "abominations" - half-vampires, fiends, half-drow, undead: all beings the group had at least some interaction with.


"Who cares if you're an abomination," he said. "You could say the same about drow."

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Tannin stood quietly and let the others speak. When Xundus finished he slowly turned his head to the drow while wearing a perplexed look on his face. "Xundus..... I'm going to want to have a word with you later and until then... Keep your mouth shut. You're either incredibly ignorant about us... Or you're a terrible actor."


He turned back to Theia and pushed air into his cheek while he looked at the miserable hybrid. She was an angry creature, filed with hate and fear, pushed out of society and forced to survive however she could. And there was simply no way that Tannin was going to let that continue. "Why don't you travel with us?" He suddenly asked. "I think it might do you some good to see that the Realms are full of different and unusual persons like yourself. You certainly are unique yes, but hardly an abomination. And I imagine that you could do with the company of people that would much rather befriend you than run you off."

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Tenebris gave a sardonic ghost of a grin at Lucas' questioning look and Rhaine's following explanation. "Yes, I do believe my father got through eating someone before my birth or conception," he said to the squire in a low voice with a tone of conjecture. "Possibly even ate my mother during a one-night stand, or seduction, take your pick. Regardless, I exist, so it's possible. Now, back to more pressing matters, before I imagine the details of said affair."


The Jergali returned his attention to Theia and Tannin as they spoke. 'Most original thing...,' he thought, amused. Judging from his reaction and current behavior, I'd say he's more inclined find a new ride...


Shaking the thought away, Tenebris focused his mind, eyes closed, a serious expression forming on his face as he muttered a simple spell under his breath. Hmm... weal and woe... mixed fortune... Forehead crinkled in debate, Tenebris opened his eyes. "I don't necessarily see any major problems with having Theia travel with us," he stated matter-of-factly. "As for the benefits, well, those remain to be seen as well. Ultimately, it doesn't matter to me. I've spoken my piece."



Tak'we shifted awkwardly where he stood. Traveling with horse-kin? he thought, perplexed by the very thought, memories going back to the quiet troubles between horse-kin and thri-kreen. Then he remembered having to travel with a wemic, of all things, which made this situation seem a bit more tame by comparison.


*Tcktck!* "Okay..." the pink thri-kreen said, lowering his weapon slowly. "If clutchmatess have no difficulty with horse-kin, then thiss one will not asss well." I am also curious about this one, too, the warrior admitted silently, now wanting to learn more about Theia.



Dri kept silent, sensing that adding her thoughts here might cause more problems with the already-unstable centauress. At how Theia seemed to wilt in hopelessness, however, she made up her mind. Getting off of Weyland's horse, she walked slowly up to the centauress and signed her name slowly, a soft welcoming smile on her face. *Hi, I am Audri. Nice to meet you.*

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For a moment, Theia looked stunned at the group's words. Her tail flicked from side to side in one lustrous black ribbon, but she otherwise made no move. At last, though, after a few breaths of silence, she crossed her striped arms and replied, "Befriend me? Honeyed words you speak...and since when do honeyed words not have an ulterior motive?"


At that moment, one of the younger women approached and seemed to speak without actually speaking. Theia danced backwards, staring at the auburn-haired girl suspiciously. But then, she began to analyze every one of the other members of the party - half-bloods of several kinds, an Ulitharid, a pink Thri-kreen, a weretigress...and yes, drow. They all seemed to be getting along with each other just fine - only Lurue knew why - and they all seemed to want to let her live.


Rhaine raised her eyebrow at Tannin's bold request that the centauress travel with them. The Doomguide was unsure if everyone would accept Theia's presence, especially considering how flighty and temperamental she was. Nevertheless, she added, "Tannin is right. Perhaps in coming along with us, you will find true friendship and purpose."


"A life without purpose is an empty one, indeed," Zorica murmured quietly, still watching Theia with curiosity.


The centauress herself seemed uncertain, as if - despite her brief plea for death - she was still afraid of harm. But then, after a few more impossibly long moments, she slowly bent and picked up her bow, lashing it to her hips beside her quiver. She peered down at Audri before attempting a tentative and shaky smile of her own.


"A...a pleasure," Theia replied, "And...thank you. All of you."


She then moved carefully towards them, sidling somewhat close to Nawen and Xundus, though her muscles were obviously tense in suppressed frustration, "I...apologize for my words." The centauress opened her mouth as if to elaborate, but she abruptly fell silent, unable to continue. Her faerie dragon fluttered back up on top of her staff, and as she passed by, Aodh blew a loud raspberry at her.


Theia took her place at the right side of the group, a little farther out than the others. As she did so, she said, "I know this area well, and the area south of here. If you have any questions about this place, I will do my best to provide an accurate answer. But if you have nothing for me, then...let us go. Please."


It was obvious she was feeling rather awkward, and so Rhaine merely spurred Azrael onward, "Come, then. We still have a lot of ground to cover."

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Nawen raised an eyebrow at Xundus's comment. "Did he just called me as well as himself an abomination?" She thought but then shrugged it off and then completely forgot when Theia apologized which to her was most unexpected. She wanted to protest to Tannin's idea of inviting the centauress with them as the last thing she needed is to watch her back while in a company of friends, but one simple word made her reconsider the idea, so she remained quiet. If Theia was willing to act civil, then Nawen was willing to give her a chance.


"It's alright." She said to the centauress not sure what more to say.


Shalena seemed as always indifferent when Theia joined them. "With such a colorful group like ours I think we could use a name," she mused out loud, "I think I've heard someone calling us circus, but I don't like that name. I don't want to be a part of a circus. Merry band of misfits, maybe?"

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"Great!" Tannin said, clapping his hands together. "Always good to meet someone that isn't going to try and kill us." He said as he fell back in line.


Lucas didn't really want to give Tenebris's origins anymore thought so he listened in on the conversation between Tannin and Theia. He was surprised when the half-Cantaur agreed to join them. "So does this happen often with you people? You just.... take whoever would join you?"


"Yup." Azuris grunted.


"And is it...always Tannin's fault?"


"Not always."


"Just lately?"




Before he could speak again the ever excited Kender charged straight for Theia. "HI THERE! I'm Hexol the Kender! You're really neat looking! Very pretty too! So what kinda stuff do you like? Living the woods? Did you have a house out here or you just walk around like aaaaaaa like a wood person? I knew a Dryad once that lived in a tree, it was a reaaaally BIG tree! I bet we could all have fit inside it! Did you know any Dryads? They're kinda weird aren't they? I like the outdoors too but not THAT much. I bet you like it more than I do. Hey! do you think you could show me which plants are itchy? I keep grabbing the wrong kind and they make walking and riding reeeaaalllyy uncomfortable if ya know what I mean."


With Theia's attention now most probably turned to Hexol, Tannin made his way over to Nawen to answer her previous question. "They said she had a bit of a temper, especially towards us Drow folk." Tannin said out the corner of his mouth, walking close enough alongside Nawen that she could hear him. "Sorry, didn't want to risk angering her just then, why I didn't answer. Most of what they told me came outta her anyways."

Edited by josh900
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Through Theia's guidance and their good fortune, the party managed to make it out of the outer portion of the Chondalwood and back into the plains of the Shaar before dusk. Along the way, the centauress was surprisingly willing to answer Hexol's almost incessant barrage of questions - albeit with very short answers. Conall was wondering how many Theia would actually reply to before she exploded again...


On the rough and blurry line between the nations of Chondath and Sespech, the countryside was filled with beautiful, tall, golden grasses. It was here that they found a suitable campsite, near a small tributary of the River Arran. The source of this tributary was an underground spring, which produced a large, gently moving lake. On one end, the water fell over a small cliff face and transformed into a stream, which eventually fed into the river farther south. The lake itself was shaded by a few oak trees that had been born from the nearby forest, and it reflected the purples and pinks of the sky above in its glittering ripples. Evening birds chirped softly in the bushes, and the babbling of the water in the nearby stream was sweetly soothing.


As Zorica dismounted from behind Conall, stretching her legs, she looked around at the peaceful scene before her, "You know, this part of Faerun is so beautiful. Reminds me a lot of Aglarond."


Conall slid from his horse's saddle after her and smiled, "I agree. It is a very beautiful region...very quiet. Very serene."


Dagny poked her stiff legs, which were sticking straight out over Bob's massive flanks, "Oh dear. Me legs are stiff as boards. I don't think I'll ever be able to bend 'em again. Can someone help me down?"


Argyros grinned up at her, "I would...but I'm not strong enough, according to your assessment, am I?" With a silver wink, he strode away, leaving the dwarf woman blinking at him with her mouth open before she put her hands on her hips, "Hey! It was just a joke, ye know!"


Rhaine dismounted from Azrael with a sigh of relief as she saw the lake. It had been too long since her last thorough bath - at least fifteen days - and she was beginning to feel rather filthy. The Doomguide would first take care of Azrael, though, as she had neglected to care for him in detail since the fair. Though the great horse didn't seem to mind it much, she felt he deserved some extra attention.


Meanwhile, Theia remained on the fringes of the group, still, watching them all with a detached interest.

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As soon as Shalena and her crew arrived at the site of their soon-to-be camp, the pirates began working on building tents and searching for the wood for the fire while Shalena looked at the lake. "Finally a good place to take a bath." The piratess said as she looked around.


"It's rather small." Nawen said as she admired the scenery.


"What? Got something to hide," Shalena asked, "or hide from someone?" She added as she noticed Tannin. He always seemed awfully friendly with certain women of the group.


"No I'm just-" the drow began talking as she followed Shalena's glance and noticed where she was looking but then looked away, "that's just ridicu-" Nawen continued as she walked away from the piratess but then nearly tripped over one pirate who was building a tent, "watch where yer goin'!" He shouted angrily. "Sorry!" Nawen said as she backed away and then bumped into someone. She spun around and saw Tannin.


"I'm not hiding anything at you... I mean I wasn't looking from you," she blurted out, "I mean sorry." She said as she rushed towards the horses. "What the hells happened?!" She thought to herself as she walked as fast as she could while avoiding eye contact with anyone.

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