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Tales of Faerun


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Shalena folded her arms across her chest when Sybille asked Rhaine about any juicy stories and brothels. She doubted that the Doomguide had any to share. "I have a lot of stories about brothels," the piratess spoke, "most of them end with fighting and occasional fire."


"Oh, I don't know," Nawen said as pulled her own pack closer and searched for clean clothes, "I don't think that we ever got in trouble because of our race."


When Tannin began his story, Nawen listened intently about his adventure, she only got up to change into clean clothes once she got cold, but then quickly got back to her spot and listened to the rest of it. It wasn't as exciting as she thought, but still she enjoyed the story and it was another opportunity to get to know him a little bit better. He wasn't talking much about himself but then again neither did she.


When Tannin was done she sat quietly for a moment, thinking everything through. "So did you eventually found that gem?" She asked but then she realized another thing he said. "Wait... you spent seventy maybe eighty years with them? I never thought that half-drow look this good... uhm... young when they're over eighty years old."


After a brief moment of silence she spoke again: "You shouldn't end stories by saying that the better stories comes much later unless you want me to keep asking you to tell them." She smiled lightly.

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Aurora elicited a rather audible 'gulp' as Aera mentioned that she toyed with the mouse until it was dead... Aurora certainly enjoyed flirting, and had rather hoped it would stir something over with Tannin, but as Conall had already been 'claimed' by Aera (who happened to be a weretiger, of all things...) the half-elf knew that it may just have been time to back off. Arva's comments about Aera being jealous brought a smile to Aurora's face, however, and it pleased her to know that she still had it in her to stir up the competition... competition she was not going to risk being mauled to death by, but the point stood... maybe.


As Conall and Aera shared their tales of their shared affliction, Aurora realized that all hope in this little endeavor was lost, and focused upon Tannin as he began his tale; she listened intently, and took the opportunity to sit closer to him once Nawen went off the change; but she found the cold effected her similarly, and with another sigh, she left the group around the campfire and marched off to change into something a tad warmer.

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Rhaine looked at Sybille with a flat expression, "No, no, no, no, and no." She rocked backwards a bit, thought a moment, and added, "Though I have been in one. Not for any of that, mind you. It involved looking for an artifact, protecting an elderly, lecherous lord, banishing demons, and narrowly escaping death from a borderline deranged warlock."


The Doomguide chuckled, "Actually, the owner would frown at me for calling it a brothel. It was far too high-class to be called that in her eyes. It was the Moonstone Mask, in Neverwinter. I was sent there during a mission, back when I was a squire for Lord Nasher. Long story short, I'd been ordered to go there after saving the aforementioned old man from demons and was to search for the artifact he'd sent to be hidden in the Mask, only to find more demons ransacking the place. It ended with the warlock escaping with the artifact, half my company wounded by the demons, and most of the patrons and workers slain. Not exactly a moment of glory, that. Then again, hardly anything was going well at that point."


She sighed, "But yes, that's the extent of my experience in a house of ill repute. May I never see another."

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Tannin chuckled at Nawen's reaction to discovering his age. "Between you and me, there are easier ways to achieve eternal youth than by becoming a god's chosen or by stealing it from other people. And no, that's a story I'll be keeping to myself. As for the gem, yes we did eventually find it, and stop the destruction of Faerun for the first time of our careers." He said with a laugh. "And if I didn't tell you there were better ones," He said as he stood up. "How else would I get your attention?" He said with a wink.

"now if you'll excuse me for just a moment." He said before walking a short bit aways. He found a good flat spot for what he was about to summon and began casting a spell he had just recently remembered. Once the spell was cast a medium sized wood cabin sprang up from the ground. Inside it was fairly well furnished, with eight bunks a trestle table, eight stools, a writing desk, two shuttered doors, and a fireplace.

He conjured up several more before walking to the campfire. "Ladies and Gentlemen, Our dwellings for our stay here." He said with a flourish bow.


Azuris looked at the cabins and smirked. "So where have those been all this time?"


"Completely forgot about the spell until I overheard someone mentioning it in a store, so sorry." Tannin apologized sincerely before returning to Nawen and his supplies.


"I can use my old age as an excuse for not remembering about those things right?" He asked her with a laugh, pointing to the cabins with his thumb.

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"I've been to the Moonstone Mask once, before Neverwinter war with Luskan," Shalena said after Rhaine shared her story, "I liked it much better back then, now that was a good brothel!"


"That sounds fair," Nawen said, "I'm not trying to pry or anything, and you don't have to tell me stories to have my attention. You always-" she paused and frowned to herself a little. Why does it have to be so hard to express the most simple emotions to her? "You know..." she trailed off as he went back to the camp and she noticed how he conjured up several cabins. When he returned she started at him and the cabins wide eyed.


"That was amazing! I didn't know you could do that!" She exclaimed. "I didn't know that was even possible!" She leaned against the tree trunk and sighed heavily, "now I really regret that time when my guardian tried to teach me a few spells, but I wasn't interested."

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Zorica's mouth hung open as Tannin conjured the cabins seemingly from thin air. After a few breaths, she closed her mouth, glanced to Rhaine, and said, "You're one lucky duck, you know that?"


Rhaine smiled, "Everyone in this group has many talents, and each of them an asset to us all."


"I'll say!" Dagny promptly rose and inspected one of the structures, knocking lightly on one cabin wall, "Isn't dwarf work, sure, but it'll do nicely."


Conall, inwardly glad that attention had been diverted from himself and Aera, merely nodded in agreement. Theia remained silent nearby, but it was clear from the look on her face that she was not pleased with the sudden addition of such dwellings to the landscape.


At the appearance of the cabins, the silver dragon took it as his cue to depart. He rose and stretched, speaking with his bell-like voice, "I see you all must be ready for rest. I shall take my leave, then, and disturb you no more. My thanks for allowing me to share your fire and listen to your tales."


The dragon spread his wings wide and jumped into the air, buffeting them all with a powerful wind before gaining a bit of altitude and hovering steadily above them. "Good fortune to you!" he called, and then he was off, propelling himself through the air with swift precision. It was not long before he disappeared over the treeline.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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"Brothels eh?" Aurora piped up as she came to sit by Shalena, preferring the company of the piratess to the shiny, sharp claws of Aera and her affections... "There are a number of backstreets in Waterdeep I'll bet you didn't know existed; it's where I learnt the arts of Sharess!" Aurora announced with a large grin, adjusting the feathered-hat upon her head and grinning devilishly "Not that my parents knew mind you, but they caught on eventually once rumours of 'Amorous Aurora' started to circulate among the workers of Daddy's tradehouse." She gave a small chuckle at her rather pointless tale, but it was a tale nonetheless.


Her grin was morphed into a gaping chasm as Tannin summoned the cabins from thin air "Well I'll be damned... is there anything you can't do, oh exotic one?" She asked him with a wink, standing with a hand on her hip as she gazed sceptically at the Cabins "These aren't real, are they? I'm not going to find the fisherman's wife inside baking her bread?" Aurora naturally wondered from whence these cabins had come; had they been magically stolen from some village somewhere and transported here? Whatever the case, the Bardess was impressed.

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"Oh I know I don't have to." Tannin said to Nawen with a smirk. "But I enjoy impressing beautiful women with my stories." He said, flashing her a smile before Aurora spoke to him, asking if there was an end to his talents.


"Well... I'm not too good at loosing... Does that count?" He asked with a laugh. "And yes they're very real, and no, no one's in them. They'll fade away after we're done with them. Eight beds in each one, but I made enough that we don't all have to share in case anyone wanted some privacy for a change."




Lucas looked to the cabins in amazement. "Wow... This will be a nice. Haven't slept in a real bed in months. I always had to sleep on the floors or in a chair with my old group. Was the youngest so... seniority has it's perks I guess." He said with a small shrug.

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"Did he just call me beautiful?" Nawen thought as she smiled back at him, "how should I...?" "Then I expect more stories in the future. I won't let you get off that easy." She chuckled, and looked back at the cabins. She loved camping outside, she did that most of her life after all, but she could get used to sleeping in comfortable beds. As long as they don't have bed bugs, or fleas... or both.


The idea that Tannin magically stole the cabins from somewhere else and that they might see someone inside was not only amusing, but so funny to the point where she began laughing heartily. She didn't laugh often, and it was probably the first time some of her friends hear her laughing.


Shalena smiled widely as she listened to Aurora talk. "I hope we'll go to Waterdeep at some point," she said, "I'd be so interested to see those backstreets. I usually stick to the docks if we dock somewhere, though I could show you some backstreets I know in Westgate, Starmantle, any city with the docks in the Sea of Fallen Stars really." The piratess said grinning. What she didn't say is that her familiarity with the backstreets of dock districts were most of the time of different nature than that of bardess's. She preferred cleaner environments for that.

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After recovering from having Conall actually touch her on the shoulders, Aera wrinkled her nose, "Why do we need cabins when we can just camp out under the stars? It's calm outside and not too cold."

"You have fur. I, for one, will not pass up an opportunity to sleep in a warm bed." Arva replied to her, rolling his eyes. He ate a few kabobs and a sausage before gathering up his things and heading for the nearest cabin, knowing Ianthe would likely sleep in the water.

However, he was surprised to hear footsteps behind himself and to find Ianthe close behind his heels. He turned around, "Why are you coming to the cabin with me, when you could sleep in the water?"

She smiled, "I like when you hold me."

Arva, of course, was completely smitten at this point and walked to his cabin with a spring in his step. It may have been simply holding his bride as she slept, but that was something special to him. It was an accomplishment that made him feel as if they had a chance as a couple.

Watching the short exchange take place, Aera decided to make her way to her own cabin and sat down on its bed for a few minutes before lying down and falling asleep.

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