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Tales of Faerun


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Tannin gave a quick bow and a tip of an imaginary hat to Nawen. "And you shall receive them my fair lady." He said with a smile.


"Yes it'd be nice to go back for for a while." He said at the mention of Waterdeep. "Have some unfinished business to take care of there. And some possessions to collect." He said thinking of his old suit of armor and other weapons, though these thoughts were brushed aside as Nawen broke out into laughter.


"Are you alright Nawen?" He asked her with a smile, having never seen her laugh like this before he was caught off guard by her outburst.


While all of this was going on Hexol had gotten his hands on the mug that Arland and Dagny had been fighting over since they found it. He found that he particularly enjoyed the taste of the liquid in it and soon found himself in a drunken state as he staggered off over to Dagny.


"Ya know shomething Dagny. If tha stories is trues, and dwarves jhust... POP.. outta da ground.. then yer the most...beautiful thing ish place is made. And I dun care WHAT ANYBODIES SAYS! IIII think... yer pretty... And you gots yer muscles... and can really... HIT.. something over the head.. And that... thatsh.. UST SEXAAH" He slurred just about every word before he fell straight to the ground. "Iiiii FELL OVER... aaaand I can get up.... Buuut I don't wanna. YOU CAN'T MAKE ME! I'M A REBEL! A REBEEEEEL!!!!"


This drunken display left Azuris nearly breathless as he doubled over in a giggling fit.

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Rhaine abruptly turned her head at hearing Nawen's laughter. It was so unusual for the normally solemn drow. The Doomguide smiled, pleased that the ranger was enjoying a happy moment, and a bit surprised that Tannin was the one who had brought it about. A brief moment of worry crossed her mind, before she stood up and moved over to Lucas, putting her hand on his shoulder briefly, "You'll find that we don't place importance on things like that. Now, go get some rest, squire. In the morning, you and I are going to do some sparring. I want to see where you are in your training."


Zorica suddenly stood, too, raising her hand to get their attention, "I'd like to do so as well." She paused for a moment and then added, "Of course, if that is all right with you, lady Chosen."


Rhaine nodded, "Certainly. And please, it's just Rhaine." Glancing back to Lucas, she continued, "You might wish to practice with several members of the group...get a feel for their talents and how yours fit in with theirs. But for now, just focus on getting some sleep. I shall do the same." With that, she walked off to inspect one of the cabins, cautiously opening the door and stepping inside.


Conall hesitated a few minutes before following Aera to the cabin she had picked out. He had thought about sleeping outside, but the lure of the beds within was too strong. Rhaine's suggestion of getting rest seemed to make him fully aware of the exhaustion that still lingered from their two-week journey by sea. He quietly closed the cabin door behind him, climbed into a cot near to - but not beside - Aera's, and, fully-clothed, he swiftly fell asleep. Aodh curled atop his chest and began snoring softly.


Seeing Hexol in a drunken stupor, Dagny chuckled, "Well...the poor little lad's a lightweight, that's for sure." Then, when Azuris started giggling uncontrollably, she pointed a stubby finger at him, "Hey! Ye have to admit, I am a good-looking dwarf, now aren't I? Well? Aren't I?"


Theia snorted and rose, moving off into the shadows of the treeline without a word.

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"I'm- I'm alright," Nawen said as she finally stopped laughing and wiped the tears from her eyes. Gods, she hadn't laughed like this in what felt like forever. She nearly broke out into laughter again after hearing Hexol flirting with Dagny, but this time managed to constrain herself.


"Right... I think I'll retire for the night as well." She said as she went to the cabin closest to her. She opened the door and peeked inside first just to make sure that there were really no confused and scared people inside ready to throw various objects at them. The cabin was empty.


Nawen picked the cot farthest from the door and placed her pack beside it, Rhegar who snuck inside after her, curled into a ball beside her things. Nawen patted him on the head gently before taking off her boots and settling in comfortably for the night. "Now... time to count the sheep." She said to herself as she started at the ceiling.

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When Aera awoke, she stretched and yawned hugely before rolling over. She noticed something. Pulling the covers back over herself, she hid beneath them, for she saw Conall sleeping on the other end of the cabin, in a bed across the room from hers, Aodh curled up on his chest.

Oh gods, she thought, rolling over so that she wasn't facing him anymore. Under her blankets or not, she felt as if he could see her even if he was sleeping. Her eyes were large and her heart beat quickly as she realized this was the first time a man had slept in the same room as her.

"Oh gods," she repeated audibly, throwing the covers off herself with such force that they slid into the floor. Getting up rather rigidly, she tiptoed past the beds with no effort before picking up her boots and starting to put them on. She pulled one leg up and slid her boot on without difficulty, before moving onto the other leg. As things usually go, she then tripped over her blanket and fell, smacking the back of her head on the floor. She was a bit dazed, but pushed herself up onto her hands and knees, eyes on Conall as she hoped the thud hadn't woken him or Aodh.
Arva woke up very early in the morning and was shocked to see that he and Ianthe were in the same bed. It took a moment to register with him that his bride had actually wanted to snuggle up to him while they slept. Her head was resting on her arms atop his chest and their legs were twined together. They were both fully clothed and it was quite stuffy under the blankets, but Arva didn't mind that. He wrapped his arms around Ianthe and kissed her hair, feeling as if he were the luckiest man in the world.

"Good morning," She muttered as she began to stir, looking up at him with her eyes heavy from sleep.

"Good morning," he replied, hugging her tighter to his chest and wishing they could stay like this forever.

Ianthe rolled off of Arva's chest and they clasped their hands together, both staring at the ceiling wordlessly. They lay there for what felt to them like hours, before Ianthe turned her head toward Arva.

After a moment, he realized she was looking at him and turned toward her, and his heart began to thump in his chest as he realized her face was inches away. He gulped, and their faces both seemed to move toward each other in the same instant and before they both knew it, their lips were together and their eyes were closed. Neither pulled away until several seconds passed, and when they finally did, both sets of eyes fluttered open at the same time.

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Lucas's hair stood on end when Rhaine touched his shoulder, his whole body jerked up at her touch and his face once again turn a shade of red. "Sp sp spsp spar? Of of ofo ff of course." He managed to stutter out.



Hexol let out a drunken laugh at Dagny calling him a lightweight. "Yeesheety... I may be light... buts I gotshomething heavy in ma pants eheheh if ya know whas i meaning."


"And that's enough from him." Azuris said, his laughing suddenly stopping as he got up and lifted Hexol up off the ground. "Leets get you to bed."


Unaware that Azuris had picked him up Hexol let out another laugh. "Heeey baby.. you sush a good looken dwarf... Dat i feels likes im flyyyyyiiing when I looks at cha." He then stuck his arms out and made wooshing noises as Azuris carried him into one of the cabins.



After bidding Nawen a goodnight, Tannin watched Hexol's drunken attempt at wooing Dagny with an amused grin. Once the show was over he sat down near the firepit and went back to work on Nawen's armor.


"You all have yourselves a goodnight." He said to them all as they went inside the cabins, taking it upon himself to carry out the watch for the night.

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Xundus never moved from the campfire, even as the others up and went to Tannin's cabins. The drow was in almost a trance as he stared at the fire; it intrigued him. It embodied life, and yet was so destructive.


Belatedly realising he had not yet ate, he made his way back to where he had decided to stay the night. He had only a few pieces of bread left, but he made them last.


It took a few minutes for Xundus to decide whether or not to take a cabin. He didn't fully trust Tannin, or any of the others, for that matter, and so decided to endure the discomforts of the outside. As he laid back, however, the combination of the soft grass and the cool air from the tributary made it worth his while.

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The cabin Rhaine entered was surprisingly warm and cozy. The fireplace was already blazing, offering a soft orange glow to the interior, and the occasional popping of embers could be heard from the large logs piled on the hearth. Sleep beckoned like a siren; unable to put off rest any longer, the Doomguide quickly shuttered the windows and changed into her nightdress before slipping under the fur blankets of one of the cots, placing her pack beside her. She gave a contented sigh, as the bed was more comfortable than any she had slept in for weeks, simple as it was. Darkness began to envelop her even before her head hit the pillow, and she surrendered to it gladly, her weary limbs relaxing as her eyelids closed…


When they opened, she found herself in a dreamscape again. That same permeating sensation of peace that usually came over her was here as well, but her surroundings were quite different, or so they seemed. It appeared she was in a forest glade. The grass was thick and springy, her bare feet sinking several inches into it with her weight. The trees surrounding her were ancient, their gnarled roots winding all around the perimeter of the glade in knobby curves and arches. In the center of this glade, a small pond reflected the pinks and purples of the sunset sky, the surface only rippling ever so slightly. The faint stars occasionally glittered on its waters as they did the same in the heavens above. Brightly colored fish swam lazily just beneath the surface, their dorsal fins making small wakes.


She stepped forward slowly, taking in first the sights and then the sounds. Insects of the evening hours sang a steady chorus around her, night birds occasionally offering notes of their own to the song. There was a soft breeze that rustled through the thick canopy of the oaks and elms and hickories about her, and it never seemed to go away entirely, brushing her scarlet hair about her bare shoulders. It occasionally brought a slight chill when it momentarily strengthened, and she rubbed her arms when it did. There was a faint scent of roses brought with the whispering zephyr, along with that of the grass and the trees…cedar….


She smiled to herself. Things that she liked about nature – they were all here. The Doomguide had a hunch that this was just another part of the same dream world she had been in before, the one that was distinctly “hers.” But why was she here instead of at the usual cliff side spot? Her smile turned into a frown; there was always a reason for these things.


Rhaine shivered – this time not from the breeze – and the hair stood up on the back of her neck as she became aware of a familiar presence. She was no longer alone. Instinctively, she whirled around…


Forcefully sighing, her smile returned, and she glanced down at her feet, “You did it again, my lord.”


Kelemvor was leaning on his shoulder against the trunk of a tall elm behind her, the surface of his silvery mask dancing with the reflective shimmer of the water and contrasting with the deep shadows that his cowl cast around his face. She could have sworn that its stoic expression cracked a wry grin as he uncrossed his forearms in a gesture of innocence.


“Did what?”


Rhaine gave a quiet chuckle, “Nevermind, my lord. It is good to see you again. What brings you back to this…” she glanced around, “Apparent mental world of my own subconscious making? You have something you wish to tell me?”


He pushed off from the tree trunk and took a step forward, tattered chain clanking softly against the blackened metal of his stylized breastplate, “Yes…though there are troubles on your mind. Perhaps it would be best if I addressed those to begin with?”


“I…” she hesitated. There were indeed a myriad of things on her mind, and it took a few moments for her to sort them out. It seemed that she had shoved them all in the back of her consciousness during the course of the evening, and she had trouble deciding on what to ask about first.


She rubbed the back of her neck, “Iljak. Sir Marko and his friends. I was told that…there are some like him who believe that I am not your real Chosen. Is this…is this really true? That they honestly think this, I mean?”


Kelemvor shifted his weight from both feet to one, his heavy boots rustling in the grass, “Unfortunately, it is so. Sir Roland is part of this sector of my church, as you might have already guessed. They are…misguided, to say the least. They believe that you are a pretender trying to divide my faith, when the reality of the matter is that they are being deceived by an outsider. They are weak-minded, and their inherent doubt and chauvinism does nothing to help them. Their revulsion at your being a woman supersedes their common sense.”


“Wh-what?!” Rhaine exclaimed, emerald eyes widening before narrowing in anger, “How dare they?! I…you…but you…”


He raised a gloved hand, “Yes. I Chose a woman, and it is apparent that some of my so-called followers have a problem with that decision. However, they have yet to realize that it is not something they have the privilege of questioning. Worry not; this issue will solve itself soon. There are already other divisions of the faith that have been made aware of the matter, and they will deal with those who are raising this controversy. As for the outside troublemaker…he may be beyond your reach. He shall seek other waters to trouble, however, as his whims demand.”


The Doomguide sighed, letting her fury fade. It comforted her to know that not everyone in the church held such an extreme view. Surely her old brothers and sisters back in Waterdeep did not believe that garbage. Her mind wandered to when she had asked Kelemvor why he had Chosen her, and he had not answered her directly, but she quickly swept that memory aside.


Her thoughts returned to recent events, and she suddenly remembered the strange, out-of-body experience she had whilst in Iljak. A blush rose to her cheeks, “That was you, wasn’t it? When I accosted Sir Marko. You spoke through me, yes?”


He nodded once, his mask flashing in the light, “I did. And you see that it did nothing to dissuade him, despite my words. It confirms just how ignorant and narrow-minded he is, and the others who believe like him. Lucas was wise enough to know the truth, however, and thus it served its purpose.”


She chuckled again as she recalled the squire, and Kelemvor continued, “He adores you. I think that if he could get away with worshiping you instead of me, he would. He is fully aware of the inherent rank difference between the two of you, and he is a bit intimidated by you…but he also possesses an insatiable curiosity.”


“He’s a good man,” Rhaine replied, “And I feel blessed to have both him and Zorica at my side.”


Kelemvor shifted, moving to walk past her and gesturing for her to follow, “Zorica is certainly unusual for one of our order, with a unique set of talents that may prove invaluable. Her faith is no less powerful, nor is her determination. She is driven by a need for vengeance, and this hides beneath her seemingly rakish exterior. Win her trust and learn her tale, and you will both benefit.”


Rhaine inclined her head deeply and followed slightly to the side and behind him, wondering where he was going. She jumped back a bit as the hem of his cape brushed her bare ankle, and from the brief contact, she felt that the dark fabric was softer than it looked, like light linen. She paused a moment and let him get a bit farther ahead before continuing on, somewhat skittish of getting that close to him again.


Of a sudden, the forest ended abruptly, and there was a gaping canyon in before them, deep, but narrow. She took in her breath sharply, peering down to see a flowing river hundreds of feet below. To their left roared a waterfall, taller than the canopy. Kelemvor turned to face her and stood in front of her, between her and the edge of the ravine.


“You recall your incident with the green dragon, Ivanthyriatryx, do you not?” he inquired.


Her mind whirled with thoughts as to where this might be heading, “Yes, my lord. I distinctly recall asking you to bless Tak’we with your favor for his…timely rescue.”


He nodded, “Your fear of falling is your body’s natural fear of death at work. Hardly anyone would be unafraid of such a fall as you took that day. Yet, this fear is something that is strong enough to be an obstacle, at times…an obstacle that, if not overcome, could cost your companions dearly in the future.”


With that, he suddenly backed off the edge of the canyon wall. Rhaine threw her hands to her mouth momentarily until she saw that he remained suspended in midair, his cloak billowing eerily about him in the wind. He then stretched his gloved hands outward to her, “Come.”


She froze. What is he doing?




He beckoned her again, “Come.”


Rhaine’s breath caught in her throat. This was a test, she was sure of it. And she was certain she was going to fail miserably. Yet, she found her feet moving almost unbidden towards the edge of the gorge. Her pulse increased, and her heart thumped loudly in her ears as she approached. Her mind screamed for her to stop this madness…


As her toes reached the edge, she shook her head rapidly back and forth, “I…”


Before she could refuse, he suddenly took her wrists into his hands and pulled. With a whoosh of air, the two were tugged beyond the canyon wall. Rhaine’s eyes slammed shut and she shrieked, clenching her fists and grasping desperately at his gauntlets and satin sleeves. The pull of gravity made her think that she was dropping, and her legs flailed, brushing his breeches and boots.


At last, though, logic kicked in, and she realized he still had a firm grip on her arms. She forced her eyes open and looked down. A faint “Oh gods” of fear escaped her lips as she glimpsed the white water far below them.


“You can conquer this fear.”


His words jarred her and forced her attention back on him. Her emerald gaze frantically searched his flawless mask, her brow furrowed. Then, his hands released their firm hold on her.


“Let go.”


Her eyes widened again, and her own grip tightened on him, “N-“


“Let go.”


She visibly trembled. Her eyes jammed shut again as she tried to work up the courage to do as he told her. She had to obey him…


Slowly, finger by finger, even with her mind crying at her to leap at the opposite canyon wall, she began to relax her grip on his arms…


…until, at last, she let go.


Her feet abruptly brushed something solid. Her eyes snapped open, and there was still nothing below her, and yet she could feel something there, supporting her. She jumped up and down. Still there. A grin suddenly crossed her face, and she found herself uncontrollably giggling.


“All it takes is a little faith.”


Kelemvor was on the opposite side of the canyon, waiting on her. A brief moment of panic rose within her again as the distance between them left her feeling vulnerable above the gaping gorge. However, with a determined expression on her face, she forced her feet to move one in front of the other until she, too, touched down on the soft grass of the other side. Once there, Rhaine let out an audible sigh of relief, and she replied with a light, nervous laugh, “Point taken, my lord.”


She glanced around. At last, she recognized the area as the usual one she came to in the dreaming. She had not realized there was a canyon between the tall-grassed plain and the thick forest. Or, perhaps, this was its first appearance in her dreamscape. Nonetheless, she was glad to be back in relatively familiar territory.


“Concerning your companions,” Kelemvor continued, “It might be best to consider staying in your current position for a few days.”


Rhaine nodded, returning her gaze to his face, “Yes, I had thought of that. What of Kalin? Can we afford to take such time in one place?”


“Let us say that it would be better to arrive at the eleventh-hour at full strength, as prepared as possible, than early and weak from exhaustion. Though Shalena’s Sea Compass has given you more time with which to work, the rushed journey has taken its toll on your party. Rest now will save lives later.


“Additionally, your quest to stop Valthanarax is being cut short by outside forces, which may or may not be good news to you. The Church of Lathander has caught wind of the dracolich’s efforts, and they are moving to oppose any branches of the Cult of the Dragon of which they are aware. They have already destroyed his phylacteries in Amn and Turmish. Furthermore, there is another opponent of Valthanarax that has dealt with the phylactery in Chult – though not for the same reason.”


Rhaine’s brow furrowed, “Who is this opponent?”


Kelemvor crossed his arms atop his breastplate, “Shadovar agents. They seek the ancient dragon’s knowledge on spells and long-forgotten powers. As long as they have one phylactery in their safekeeping, he is beholden to do whatever they wish of him. His followers are powerless to stop their progress, and many of them are fleeing from his service. In short, Valthanarax’s plans for power are crumbling around him.”


Rhaine slowly inclined her head to him again, “Thank you for this information, my lord. I am sure my companions will be pleased to hear such news, even if it means our foe is once again changing.”


“Take care. These are not your average Shadovar. Your…expertise…will still be needed.”


She nodded and half-smiled, “I understand, my lord. I shall be wary, as always.”


He then reached forward and clasped her shoulder firmly, and she found herself looking up at the stern silver face. Her eyes never tired of taking in the details of it, and she felt almost dwarfed by him in such close proximity, as she had back in Xallistine’s lair and at the ball in Cormyr. A myriad of emotions swam to the surface of her mind with his touch, and she was unsure what all of them were. She felt her eyes go hot as she realized that he was departing once more.


“May the winds favor you, Rhaine. Savor your journeys, even as you quest against the forces of evil. You have my blessing, as always.”


Before he vanished into silvery mist, her hand reached up and brushed his fingers ever so briefly…


…and then he was gone. She stayed in that position for several breaths, watching the air where he had been just moments previous, before finally relaxing with a heavy sigh. Once again, out of the corner of her eye, she saw the two plants that had attracted her attention before: the ash tree and the rose bush. She approached them, curiosity piqued. The ash tree had gotten slightly larger than she had remembered, almost her height, and the rose bush had grown, too. She knelt to more closely examine the latter, taking a branch carefully and pulling it gently towards her to inspect one of the buds.


It had opened just a crack…enough to see dark petals within…


Then, the dream abruptly began dissolving around her, and she awoke.




Zorica winked at Lucas, “Cat got your tongue there, squire?”


Before he could reply, she picked one of the cabins and crashed on one of the cots, fully dressed. It was not long until the paladin was asleep.


The next morning, she forgot that she was in a bed, and she rolled off the edge of it and onto the floor with a loud thunk.






Dagny merely shook her head as Hexol was carried away by Azuris, “Silly thing.” The dwarf woman then followed Zorica into the cabin and picked a cot next to the wall, falling asleep even before the half-drow did.


She was awakened the following morning with a very loud noise that, as her eyes fluttered open, she realized was Zorica hitting the floor.


“You all right there, lassie?”


The half-drow rubbed her shoulder, “Yeah, I’m fine. Forgot where I was, is all.”


The dwarf rubbed her eyes, “Aye, reminds me of the time I got so drunk I woke up in a flowerbox on the side of a stairwell and went tumbling down it. Sobered me up quick, that did.”




Conall jumped as he heard a noise. Aodh scrambled behind him as the paladin reached for his crossbow…


…but then, his sharp blue eyes beheld Aera on the floor, on her hands and knees, one boot on and the other off.


“Aera, what are you….” He trailed, “Are you all right?”

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Aera looked up at Conall, still in bed, in her cabin, wondering what she was doing sprawled out in the floor. Her tail twitched.

"I - But - You... What are you doing in here, Conall? THAT'S THE REAL QUESTION!" She found herself pointing at him, her tail waving back and forth.

Arva and Ianthe overheard Aera's yelling, and exchanged a look to each other before begrudgingly getting up and rushing over to her cabin, still grasping one another's hands. They burst the door open, each with a hand on their weapons. They were met with Aera lying on the floor looking as if she were about to either murder Conall or take off her boots for some reason, or perhaps both.

Aera looked back and forth from Conall to Ianthe and Arva, then realized they were holding hands. She broke out in a sly grin, "Getting awful cozy, aren't you two?"

Arva raised an eyebrow, letting go of Ianthe's hand to point at Aera, "This is about you, though. What are you doing?"

"I - Well - Conall slept in my room last night."

"What's the big deal?" Ianthe interjected, genuinely confused.

"The big deal is - Well -" The weretiger's shoulders slumped as she got to her feet and slid her boot on. "I don't know. What's Conall doing in here?"

"You're friends with him, aren't you?" Ianthe said, raising her eyebrow and tilting her head to the side.

"Well, yes. I suppose I am. I apologize, Conall. I thought you had ulterior motives." Aera responded, rolling her shoulders in a shrug.

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Shalena was drinking wine when Hexol started flirting with Dagny. She spit out her drink and burst out into laughter. She laughed until Azuris carried him away to one of the cabins.


"That little guy is great," the piratess said as she stood up and headed for one of the cabins, "I could use someone like him on my crew." She said as she walked past her crew. The pirates started at their captain with their eyes wide in horror. Some even shuddered, even the usually quiet quartermaster mumbled in disapproval.


The inside of the cabin was warm and quite cozy, but the piratess was far too sleepy to look around any further. She picked a cot farther from the door and windows and crashed on it fully clothed. What she did not expect was to hear a loud "Ow!" coming from underneath her. Shalena jumped on her feet in surprise only to see a very displeased Nawen covering her left eye with her hand.


"Of all cots in this room you just had to chose mine." The drow complained.


"It's your fault for choosing the one I wanted," the piratess replied as she picked the other cot and began undressing herself, "besides, you wouldn't complain if that purple eyed half-drow fell on you." She glanced at the drow and noticed that she was blushing.


"You hit me in the eye!" Nawen said and then added, "probably gave me a black eye too."


"A little pain never hurt anyone," Shalena said as she slipped under the covers, "goodnight, dear drow."


"I hope you'll have nightmares." Nawen mumbled.


"And I hope you'll have very pleasant dreams." Shalena replied with the chuckle.


The next morning when Shalena woke up, Nawen's cot was already empty. The piratess got dressed quickly and went outside. She found her crew already up and about, and Nawen was making breakfast for the group by the fire pit. "Morning," the piratess greeted everyone outside as she sat down on the ground by the fire pit, "anyone had any interesting dreams," she asked and then glanced at the drow, "Nawen?" The drow said nothing as she looked up from the food and gave Shalena the 'I hate you so much' look.


The piratess laughed, "thought so."

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Daud roused from his slumber and then sat bolt upright, looking around for a moment, before relaxing. Right, that was correct, Tannin had conjured up a set of Cabins. That had been impressive, he had to admit... Though he had been reluctant to trust Tannin, and had checked his bed and much of the Cabin for anything out of the ordinary... not that Cabins appearing out of the air was ordinarly.

He gave a short sigh as he remembered exactly what was going on... "Can't live in dreams" he mumbled to himself as he clambered out of the bed and stretched. He took his equipment from the floor, examining his swords edge before sheathing it into it's scabbard. Daud took the crossbow from the floor and slung it over his back, before turning to leave... but something else caught his eye.

He turned back to it and knelt down, checking over his shoulder as he did, before picking the small gem off the floor.At first his eyes were large at the prospect of the valuable gem before him... until he examined it closer... Zircon. He recognised it. After all, how could he forget? These gems had been involved in the time he had almost been duped in Scardale, he'd left that bastard with a hole in his chest. So what was this, a cruel joke?

His face hardened and he went to toss it to the side, but stopped and quickly looked over his shoulder again, before standing and placing it into the pouch on his chest and sealing it. He didn't know why yet, but he felt compelled to hold onto it... how did it even get here? He must have spent at least 20 minutes scouring the cabin for any sign of where it could come from, before finally giving up and uncomfortably leaving the cabin.


He proceeded outside and looked up to the sky, before looking back around the camp. He declared a half hearted good morning which implied he found it anything but good, and slumped himself down near the fire pit, staring into the flames his thoughts a mile away from the group and their task. His mind told him it had to be a prank, but something made him doubt that... one way to settle it "Did any of you put a gemstone near my bed?" He asked slowly "I found one this morning, I figure it must be someone elses."

Edited by Brutii
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