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Tales of Faerun


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"Oh? We're having interesting dreams Nawen?" Tannin said, looking up from Nawen's armor. "Good interesting or bad? Can't have you having any bad dreams, enough of us get those around here." He said with a smile, turning his attention back to working on the armor.


"It's probably from Hex." Azuris said to Daud when he asked about the gem. "He had all sorts of things falling out of his pockets when I carried him in last night. I know I got most of the junk but there's always the chance I missed something." He shrugged before looking over at the lake to see Lucas jogging on the opposite side of the lake clad only in a pair of shorts and his shoes.

"Doesn't he know that we're supposed to be resting?"


"What I told him, but no he's one of those, "we must always be at our best" types of people. That and he want to impress Rhaine, got a thing for her." Said Tannin.


"So.... what you're saying is.... he's just a typical dumb kid?"


"First year adventurer, first time he's been out from under someone's orders, yeeaaah he's gonna be all kinds of fun." Tannin said with a chuckle.


After a few moments Azuris let out a sigh and grumbled. "I hate kids."

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Rhaine lay on her back and stared at the ceiling for a few moments, not wanting the memory of her dream to fade too quickly. But, as always, it slipped from her mind like water through her fingers with each second that passed, until the details were too difficult to conjure. She yawned and stretched, pulled off the blanket and began dressing, putting on her arming vest and breeches, then slipped her feet into her boots before strapping Touch of Death to her side. After, the Doomguide quickly brushed her hair and pulled it back into a ponytail, shouldered her pack, and headed outside.


Zorica and Dagny emerged from their cabin about the same time. The former shielded her eyes briefly against the sun as she watched Lucas making his way around the lake. The half-drow grinned widely and whistled playfully at the bare-chested squire. The dwarf chuckled, shaking her head.


Rhaine placed her pack by the now cool campfire and adjusted her hair, the ponytail slapping her bare shoulders and arms as she tugged it. As she did so, she glanced to Zorica, "So, you said you wished to practice as well?"


The half-drow nodded, "I do, my lad -- I mean, Rhaine. Been too long since my last fight, and I feel like I'm getting rusty."


Theia lingered on the edges of camp, watching a figure to the southeast - it looked like that pale elf named Argyros was finally coming back. He had something slung over his shoulder, and he walked with a brisk but relaxed pace. She found watching him far more entertaining than listening to the others, and so she turned her back on them to keep an eye on the elf.




Meanwhile, Conall sat up on his bed and stared at Aera with a mixture of disbelief and puzzlement. Ulterior motives? What in the Hells? Did she actually think he was going to do something to her?


Finally, he replied to her while getting up and putting on his own boots, "Oh, that's quite all right. You see, I was under the mistaken impression that these cabins were for sharing. I had thought you might appreciate someone else being in the same cabin in case someone like Raidan and his fellows tried to cause us grief again. However, I see now that I erred. Next time, I shall choose another, as it is apparent that you prefer to be alone."


With that, he took his belongings and made his way out of the door.

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"Dreams? I didn't-" Nawen began speaking as her eyes searched around the camp for anything more interesting than her dreams. That's when she noticed that Tannin was working on her armor. Did he work on it all night? "So... how's the armor coming along?" She asked, "did you work on it all this time?"


Shalena was clearly enjoying at how flustered Nawen was. The piratess laughed until her stomach ached. "I'm sure that her dreams were very interesting," she winked, "if you get my meaning."


"You're not helping!" Nawen quickly added as she tried to focus all her attention on the food. "Hey, look, breakfast is finished! Anyone hungry?"


"I could help but interpreting them for Tannin if you'd like." Shalena grinned as she took some of the food.


"How about you shut up," Nawen said as she handed out plates with food to everyone.


The piratess chuckled and turned her attention to Daud as she heard him mentioning gems. "Got any more of those shiny gems? Gems are pretty." She grinned.

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Daud nodded as Azuris mentioned Hexols junk laden pockets "I'll see if its his when he shows up then, not that its worth much" He said, then watched the banter about the dreams. He smiled weakly as it progressed and Nawen tried to block it out and focus on making the food. When she offered them all breakfast, he looked down to the food as he took a plate, giving a mumbled 'Thank you' before turning his head towards Shalena. He smirked and shook his head "You're quick to jump on a way to get some gold, aren't you? It's just Zircon anyway, you aren't missing much, I just found it queer where it was but it seems to be a boring reason after all. Couldn't have been a diamond could it, has to be one of the worthless ones." He looked back down to the food and began to eat slowly Edited by Brutii
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Tannin let out a laugh. "It's alright Nawen, I myself had a rather enjoyable dream last night as well. It involved you somehow, though you were rather underdressed.... but no matter, I can't really remember it now." He said with a wave of his hand. "And it's going just fine." He said accepting a plate from her. "And not all night, but most of it yes. It's long overdue and I would like to have it finished before we leave."




When Lucas made it back to the came sight he bid them all a good morning taking in sharp breaths as he did. "So how are we all this morning?" He asked with a smile. "I have to admit I'm rather excited and a little nervous too, didn't get a good night's sleep last night." He admitted sheepishly.

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"Sounds like you two had a more interesting night than I did." Weyland commented as he walked out of his own cabin.


"...With a few interesting nights to come, I think." Sybille added.


"I'll be sure to mute the cabin." Amendale interjected helpfully with a smirk.


"Thanks, I'd prefer to actually sleep at night." Marie pitched in dryly. Weyland gaped.


"She can JOKE?" Sybille gave him a right hook across the jaw for that one. "Ow."


"Breakfast time!" She suddenly piped up cheerfully, and took a sizable portion for herself and ate it in minutes. It was a similar story for Weyland, who gulped down food urgently, having woken up ravenous. Marie gingerly took a small portion for herself and sat beside Sybille.


"Where's Annie?" Sybille asked.


"Still out like a light." Marie's lips curled into a smile. Her friend snorted and almost shot food out her nose.


Weyland, meanwhile, picked up instantly on the word "sparring". Looking around to see who was going, he figured Rhaine would stick with training Lucas more and a two-on-one sparring match was probably less educational, meaning Zorica would be left out. That, and sparring was fun.


"I could spar with you if you like, Zorica." He offered. "More time whacking each-other than you'd get with just the three of you. More fun, you learn more, all that good stuff."


"I'd offer too but with a hammer like this I'd probably kill somebody." Was Sybille's truly apologetic excuse.

Edited by Flipout6
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"Ohoo," Dagny said as she grabbed some breakfast from Nawen's preparations, "Sparring, eh? This I gotta see!"


Conall wordlessly got some breakfast of his own and sat beside the dwarf at the dead campfire, watching the morning birds. Aera was avoiding him now, and it seemed Ianthe and Arva were going off on their own somewhere. Theia still watched the approaching form of Argyros in the distance, though she kept an eye on the others as well. Kyli perched on her shoulder and appeared to be stealing glances at Aodh every now and then...


Zorica inclined her head to Weyland, "I would be happy to practice with you. Let me go get my weapons."


As the half-drow retrieved her swords, Rhaine drew Touch of Death and muttered a small incantation. The blade hummed slightly before giving off an eerie glow, and the Doomguide grinned at Lucas, "You'll be fine. Get your own weapon, squire, and let me see it."


Soon, Zorica came back up to them, and Rhaine cast the same enchantment on the half-drow's longswords, "There. This will keep our blades from harming us. Since we're not wearing armor, this type of spell is a necessity. You might get a few bruises, but that will be the extent of your injuries...and Amendale and I can heal those well enough."


Zorica grinned and nodded to Weyland, "Whenever you're ready."

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"Of course I am," Shalena laughed, "wouldn't be a very good pirate if shiny treasures didn't interest me." She said as she took a bite of the meat. The piratess finished eating her breakfast while grinning and occasionally chuckling as everyone added something to the discussion about the dreams. "Who knew that hanging around a bunch of good-doers will be this much fun?" She thought.


Nawen's face grew more red as the talk about dreams progressed. "You... you... me... under... underdressed?" She sort of stated more than asked. No one's ever said anything like this to her before, and the strange part was that she wasn't offended by it at all. No, quite the contrary. She somewhat liked it? "By the gods! What is wrong with me?" She thought as she looked down at the plate in her hands.


"So... aside from sparring, what more can we do in this middle of nowhere?" Shalena asked.

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"Well I certainly can't have been the first person to do so." Said Tannin. "And if I am... then that worries me about the state of the men in this world. I can't be the only one that finds you attractive, or is it that they've all just been too scared to let you know?" He asked her with a perplexed look on his face.




Lucas brought his longsword to Rhaine, it was a simple blade but well kept. "It's not as impressive as everyone else's weapons but... Well it hasn't failed me yet, which I suppose is a good thing." He said with a hint of embarrassment. The sword was the best that he was able to afford at the time but it's cheap design and lack of any enchantments or history made it pale in comparison to the weapons that everyone else wielded.

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"Hunt, rest, gather our strength," Conall suggested to Shalena's inquiry. "Share more stories, perhaps."


Dagny saw that Nawen was getting a bit flustered, and she grinned, "Don't let him bother ye, lass. He's a man, and a lecherous one to boot...'course he's havin' those kind o' dreams." The dwarf winked at Tannin and Nawen, and then chuckled loudly as Conall elbowed her in the ribs.


As the discussion about Nawen's attractiveness continued, Rhaine gently took Lucas's blade and cast the protective enchantment on it as well, "A weapon is for defense, squire, both yours and that of others. So long as it serves that purpose, it is enough." She flipped the sword over in her hands and noted a few scratches and nicks on the edge, "It seems it has already done so in the past, and thus it is just as great as ours, yes? Do not judge it too harshly."


She gave the weapon back to him and motioned for him to follow her. The Doomguide led him a ways from the camp, close to the lakeside, where the land was flat and free of stones or roots. Then, she stopped and turned around, rolling her shoulders and settling her weight. She lightly bent her knees and readied Touch of Death in both hands.


"All right, squire Lucas. Let's see what you've got. Whenever you're ready, you have the first move."

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