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Tales of Faerun


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"Hmm... sharing stories sounds fine with me." Shalena said not really interested in the hunting or gathering strength parts.


"As it so happens, you are the first person to... to say something like this," Nawen said as she blushed lightly, "I think they are scared, yes," she chuckled, "or simply don't find me, you know, attractive." Even if it wasn't the first time Tannin had complimented her, it still felt unusual.


"Oh, I don't know. I don't find him lecherous," she said to Dagny, "we have far more lecherous people among us." She said as she shot a glance at Shalena's crew. While the pirates mostly stayed away from the rest of them, it was pretty obvious how they saw the female members of the group, aside from their captain that is.

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Tannin looked over at Nawen with his head cocked to the side. "Am I really? In all your life I'm the ONLY one who's mention your beauty? So.. what, you've never been involved with anyone before?" He asked, scarcely believing such a thing could be true.




"Alright." Lucas said as he took his stance. "I'll tell you now I'm not that great with a sword, better with a spear but... Carrying one around all the time is a hassle." He said with a laugh. "Anyways.." He stopped bantering and focused on what he would do next. Knowing that she was going to beat him, he forced himself to stop worrying and just charged in head on, appearing to swing towards her head but then angling the blade so that it swung down towards her mid-section.

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"Sure thing." Weyland replied, grabbing his sword and shield. "Guess this time around we'll go without armor, then." He took his place opposite Zorica, a good eight feet away, and readied himself.


"Zorica fights like I do." Marie commented. "Maybe I can take a few pointers."


"Depends on how good she is." Sybille commented, before she teased, "You know, Arland could've given you a few pointers for two blades as well." Marie rolled her eyes and scowled, Sybille laughed. Then an idea sparked and Sybille jumped to her feet, dropping her long-since-cleaned plate. "Say, I can't spar with a maul, but I can still go without! Anyone up for boxing, kickboxing, wrestling, any of that?"


"Nah, I'd prefer to maintain the functionality of my limbs." Amendale commented.


"Last time we did that I think you put me through a line of boxes." Marie recalled sourly.


Several feet away from the camp, Weyland watched Zorica like a hawk. He knew that charging an agile combatant was an easy way to get flanked and quickly bested, so he instead let her strike first and countered with a tip of his shield to throw off the angle at which her blade bounced off the bulwark, and moved it aside quickly to deliver two solid, strong blows before faking a third and instead bringing his shield in sideways to knock Zorica off balance, preparing to deliver a "final" blow if it succeeded. (Or what would be a final blow if his blade hadn't been blunted.)


Hearing the clash of swords woke Annette up from her slumber, and a minute later she was eating breakfast beside her sister, yawning.

"You look like you slept a little too well." Sybille pointed out. Annette said nothing, yawned, and smiled.


"Maybe some magic training'll help you out, if you're up to it." Amendale told her. She shrugged and nodded. After finishing her breakfast, he took her to a clearing behind the other two sparring sessions. "Let's see what you know." Through demonstration, he learned that while Annette's knowledge of magic was limited and unpracticed, she was a natural with Transmutation spells and, without much practice, already knew several spells in the field and her Transmutation spells were actually noticeably more powerful than his own. That's where it ended, though. Besides Transmutation the only spells she knew for sure and consistently used was Magic Missiles, a simple Shield spell, and the ability to Identify enchanted objects.


"I'm not too experienced." She admitted shamelessly. "I spend most of my time in front of an alchemy set. Better with that than I am with magic."


"Let's try to even that out a little." Amendale suggested. "I'll teach you defensive spells before we move on to anything offensive. Which is unfortunate, because becoming a walking flamethrower is rather entertaining." He grinned, before teaching her the basics behind the Mage Armor spell. When she mastered that to his satisfaction (Which took a while, he was sure not to leave any room for error.) Amendale moved onto Protection from Evil, which Annette had more trouble with. But Amendale was patient, and Annette was willing to learn, so thankfully there was little in the way of frustration.

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Nawen shifted uncomfortably in her spot. Why was he so curious about this? "N-no. I've never been... involved with anyone." She said as she started gathering leftovers for the animal companions of the group. "I thought once that I could be with someone-" she paused as she remembered one of the worst moments in her life. It happened years ago but she could still recall everything clearly. Every expression that he made, every word she yelled at him, even how the room looked.


"I'm sorry, Nawen, but I never saw you in this way," "I've been seeing someone else," "you're a treasured friend, and you always will be, but I can't give you what you want..."


"But it didn't go too well." She said and faked a smile.

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Dagny leaned close to Conall and whispered, "Don't ye think this is getting a wee bit personal?" The werewolf nodded slowly as he leaned forward and put away his plate with a hushed reply, "Aye. And more than a bit uncomfortable for Nawen, it seems." Dagny frowned but said nothing else. Theia, who caught bits of the conversation from her position on the edge of camp, merely rolled her eyes and said loudly, "Argyros is coming back. Looks like he has more food."




Zorica managed to block Weyland's first two blows with swift parries, but the third one - his shield - came in too strong and fast. She had reflexively attempted to dodge his feint, which left her vulnerable to his shield bash, but the half-drow managed to drop to the ground just before it swung overhead, rolling sideways and coming back to her feet a bit beside and behind him. The momentum of his blow left his side wide open for an attack, and it was to this opening she now directed her blades with a scissor-like motion.




Rhaine jumped backwards a bit and deflected Lucas's blade with her own, the two swords clanging together just in front of her torso. She pushed his to the side with Touch of Death and sidestepped in the opposite direction.


"Good feint there, squire."


In answer, the Doomguide brought her bastard sword to bear in an overhand, aiming for the squire's shoulder before letting it slip with a whistle just past his arm. She then used the sword's momentum to spin it back around in her hands, taking hold of the blade roughly halfway down its length and thrusting the tip with force at Lucas's chest.

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"Well I'm sorry to hear that. Sometimes things don't really work out the way you hope." Tannin said with shrug. "If I told you about every failed romance I've had we'd be here all day. Two ended with me having to kill the girls unfortunately. But oh well, his loss I'll say, only an idiot would turn you down." He laughed. "Could have been the luckiest man alive, a drow woman who isn't evil to the core? You're a rare find and I have nothing but pity for the fool that missed a chance at your heart. Also you like a darker shade of green correct? Think these scales might be too bright anyways but I'm just checking if I need to darken them a bit." He said as he fussed over the scattered pieces of hide and scales.




As the blade tip came to his chest, Lucas made an attempt to parry her blade by striking it where her hand was as he lurched to the side and lost his footing, tripping over his feet and falling onto his side and his sword.

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Seeing Zorica's sudden lunge out of the corner of his eye, Weyland used the momentum from lunging with his shield to spin himself around, sliding just out of reach of her blades. When they missed, he rushed her with his shield and tried slamming himself into her. He put his shoulder into it, adding a considerable amount of force. When he finished, he kept his guard up, not willing to repeat his previous mistake of leaving himself an opening. He did, however, bring his blade up to a ready position, be it to parry or attack.


"Oh, that looks like it'd hurt." Marie commented.


"Eh, depends on how drunk you are." Sybille threw out, casually. "So, anyone for boxing?" She asked again, an eager glint in her eyes.


In their own little clearing, Amendale continued to tweak Annette's technique when it came to her spellcraft. It wasn't long, however, until they were exchanging the odd joke or two. Amendale conjured a silent illusion of a seal and made it do a little dance, much to Annette's amusement. Whispering that Marie hated it when she did this, she turned Marie's hair from its natural dark brown to a messy, haphazard combination of every color imaginable, from reds to pinks to greens to blues. Marie utterly failed to noticed until she caught Annette staring and snickering, after which she inspected a lock of her hair and shot her sister what was supposed to be a disapproving glare, but she couldn't help but smirk.

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Dagny slowly stood from her seat and stretched her legs, still a bit stiff and saddle-sore from the previous day's ride on Bob. She then put her hands on her hips and gave Sybille a wily grin, "I'll take ye on, lassie, and ye'll see the tall folk haven't got nothin' on a dwarf!" Beside her, Conall couldn't help but smile at Dagny's bravado. The size difference certainly was going to make for an interesting fight...




Zorica was caught with her arms wide open from her maneuver when Weyland rushed her; she didn't even have time to dodge out of the way before he was on top of her, his shield slamming into her chest and throwing her backwards off her feet. She fell flat on her back into the dirt, the wind completely knocked out of her. Rolling over onto her side as she still gripped her swords, her face bore a contorted expression, and the half-drow gasped and coughed almost uncontrollably. Every breath was punctuated with a grunt and whimper of pain.


"So...stupid..." she managed to moan as she curled up into a fetal position.




Rhaine's fingers had barely missed being pinched between her blade and Lucas's when the squire suddenly lost his footing and fell down into the dirt.


"Lucas!" The Doomguide knelt down and offered him a hand, "Are you all right?"




Meanwhile, Argyros had reached the camp, a whole string of rabbits slung over one shoulder. He nodded to Conall and sat beside the paladin, setting his kills near Nawen and inclining his head to the drow, "Hope you can make use of them."


Conall glanced sideways at the elf, "So, where have you been?"


"Oh, around," Argyros winked, "As you can see, hunting some food for our stay here. Unfortunately, our progress may be blocked for a few days; we've got a land dispute going on a couple of miles south of here - seems to be between an old man and his cousin, fighting over an inheritance. Anyway, it looks like armies are about to get involved, and I don't think we want to get caught in the middle of it. Best to stay here and wait it out."

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"...Ouch, that definitely hurt." Marie added to her previous statement, as she watched Zorica gasp for air. "You alright there?"


"Alright, let's consider round one over for now." Weyland said as he slid his blade into its sheath and used his free hand to yank Zorica to her feet. "I'll sit you by the fire, grab Amendale, he'll see if you broke anything." He let her use him as a human crutch until he found a stump for her to sit down on, before beckoning Amendale over. Not that he had to, the Moon Elf was already on his way.


"That looked like a nasty hit. Doing alright? Where's it hurt?" And thus began Amendale's treatment. He examined Zorica's sternum and sides, noting two cracked ribs and a lot of soon-to-be-bruising, possibly even with healing. Figuring it best not to waste any time describing it, Amendale placed his hand gently on the cracked ribs and muttered the words to a healing spell and felt them shift back into place. The angry red splotches of flesh where Zorica would later bruise softened, and with that done, Amendale stood up. "I don't know how much pain you still feel, but you're fit for duty now, so to speak."


"Don't know if you were planning on a round two." Weyland interjected. "But we could go if you wanted to. No shame if you don't, though, maybe rest would do you better." He was completely unaware that Annette had imitated Amendale's spell and had created the same dancing seal, just with a hat and a bushy beard. It danced happily right behind Weyland, inciting snickers and snorts from Sybille and Marie before the former stood to take Weyland's place on the grass.


She was already wearing a short-sleeved shirt and nonrestrictive pants, so she just cracked her neck and said, "Whenever you're ready, Dagny."

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"Kill the girls? What?" Nawen thought as she started at Tannin but decided not to ask what happened. However, the words that followed were truly touching, and she had to fight off the tears so she wouldn't embarrass herself or make those by the fire pit uncomfortable. This was the nicest thing anyone had ever said to her, and yet again she did not know what to say.


"I... thank you..." she said, but then thankfully he changed the subject. "I do like darker shade of green, yes, but you don't have to worry about that, it already looks great." She said as she glanced at the armor.


When Argyros came back to the camp with the rabbits she smiled as she looked at the rabbits. "Of course I can," she said quite proudly, "anyone want rabbit stew for dinner?" The drow asked out loud. "I think we still have some carrots, and I think I saw a few potatoes somewhere around here too." She wondered out loud as she tried to remember the recipe.


"Rabbit stew? Oh, I'd love to eat some of that," Shalena exclaimed, "the only time my ship's cook made a rabbit stew... well, it had no rabbits in it."


As Nawen finally remembered all the ingredients needed for the stew she looked at Argyros. "Let us hope that it's only for a few days, we can't wait for more than that."


"If only they were fighting over ships," Shalena said, "we could either destroy them or take them for ourselves. Just imagine what I... we could do with more ships."


"Yes," Nawen mumbled, "we could just give up this saving the world business, and take up pirating instead. Marvelous fun." She said sarcastically.


"That's what I was thinking!" The piratess laughed fully aware that the drow wasn't serious. "Back to the squabbling fools, a shame that the dragon left. He could have carried us across-" she said but then the dancing seal with a hat and a beard caught her attention, "just look at that!" She exclaimed as she got up and rushed towards the seal. "He's the cutest little thing I've ever seen! Just look at that hat and the bushy beard... adorable!"


Nawen noticed the seal as well and chuckled, "he is adorable, and that beard... it looks very nice on him."

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