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Tales of Faerun


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Daud nodded in response to the pirate saying it was a shame the dragon left... Then paused and watched the dancing seal with amusement... And surprise. Conjured, bearded dancing seals? Now he has seen everything "I bet you could turn a profit playing such tricks..." he said with a grin as he turned to look at Annette "Not to mention the commotion it could cause, and it's certainly catch the attention of a crowd" He then looked back to Shalena "It certainly got her attention..." he shook his head slowly as he said that smirking "Watch her, she might try to steal it., ha"
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"Changing the color won't be any problem, bought some material that'll help me enchant it anyways." Tannin said with a shrug. At the mention of pirating he let out a chuckle. "Pirating has it's merits if you can stand being stuck on a ship for months at a time. Certainly more profitable than saving the world that's for sure, especially if you can hit a good, lightly defended trade route and a port that'll buy your loot without too much fuss." He explained, speaking from experience.




When Rhaine knelt down to help him up, Lucas took her hand but suddenly brought his sword up and pointed it's tip at her chest. "Sorry." He laughed. "Cheap move and I know it wouldn't actually work, but it was all I had at this point." He said apologetically.

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After being healed, Zorica thanked Amendale and slowly stood, hugging the cleric. She then snickered as she saw the dancing seal that Annette had perfectly recreated, with her own twist. Pointing, she said, "Looks like you've got competition, elf." Releasing Amendale, she nodded to Weyland and breathed in slowly, checking that her ribs would hold up to any more abuse, "I...think I can keep going. I hate to cut this practice off so short...especially after that stupid mistake. I've...certainly learned my lesson."


Dagny hollered back to Nawen, "I call first on the rabbit stew, lassie! I could eat me weight in that stuff." The dwarf then turned to Sybille and, without warning, ducked down and charged the larger woman, hitting her head right in the Grey sister's knee and grasping her leg with two vice-grip hands.




Rhaine closed her eyes briefly with a wry smile, "Hm...you got me, squire. But I shall know better next time."


She then yanked his hand and forcefully brought him chest to chest with her, "Sorry...but this is equally as cheap." With that, she suddenly stepped backwards and silently cast a Hold Person spell upon him.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Tenebris didn't pay much attention to the others, thoughts lost on the strange reading he had cast. Only when everyone made exclamations at the cabins Tannin created was his attention drawn. "Well, now, this is a pleasant surprise," he murmured. What else do you have hidden, Tannin..? the half-vampire questioned silently before heading towards one of the cabins, speaking in a distracted tone as he went.


"I believe I shall take my leave of you lot. May all of you rest well. Good night." Finished, Tenebris found himself a bed in one of the corners and soon fell asleep, murmuring things about "love affairs" and "impossible fates" ....



Dri, tired and spent after traveling (and willing to get away from the dragon among them as well) was grateful to see the summoned cabins. "Good night, Weyland," she said, after feeling confidant Aurora wasn't going to seduce him, the thought of which made her cheeks burn. Why does that bother me so much...? she thought, but quickly left before anyone could see the blush on her face. She went into one of the cabins and went to sleep almost instantly as she laid down in a soft bed.




Tak'we, still feeling a little despondent over his lost meal, wandered off from the camp and spent most of the night drifting among the tall grass. He eventually came a cross a clearing, where a small pool of water reflecting Mother Moon's light lay. Mother Moon...


He looked up and saw Her as she flew across the night sky, Her tears for Her children trailing behind her. It felt as if She was crying for him. But are they tears of joy, or of sorrow? he pondered. So much had happened to the warrior, so many painful moons, so much loss... and yet he had gained so much as well. Mother Moon... will I actually get to go home? After so many moons? He sat down by the calm pool and stayed there watching the moon's reflection, long until Mighty Sun began to wake on the horizon. I should go back to my clutch now... he thought, before chittering with laughter. "Tak'we cannot let clutchmates eat all the food now, can he?"




The thri-kreen came back in time for breakfast, which, from the smell, he could tell Nawen was the one who had cooked the morning meal. "Thank you, Nawen. Dark pointy-ear makess very good food, would be very sought after by thri-kreen males," he said, completely oblivious of the discussion his clutchmates had just been having.


Seeing how several of his clutchmates were wanting to spar, the warrior quickly scarfed down the food and watched as the others sparred. He shook his head at first when he saw Lucas fall down, but that quickly turned to a nod of approval as he saw the trick the softskin had played. Very cunning... he'll make a good warrior someday. He winced as Winged Pointy-ear quickly turned the tables and pulled a similar trick. Although not if he faces foes likes Rhaine...


Eager to practice, Tak'we chirped up his willingness to spar. "Thiss one would like to practice, if clutchmates would have him." He looked at his scythes and realized they would be too dangerous to use, even with the protections of Rhaine's powers. "Tak'we could use a staff or go unarmed, if that is better."



The smell of food woke Dri up, who immediately got up and mindlessly homed in on the source of the scent. Completely disregarding the mess her hair and clothes were in, the girl piled a plate up with food, gave a half-conscious nod to Nawen, then went back inside one of the cabins and was gone for the rest of the morning.



Tenebris woke up at the sound of swords clashing and rose from his bed irritably. They had better be fighting for their lives and people ought to be dead... he cursed his companions, coming up with hexes and curses to cast if that were not the case. Smoothing out his clothes, he walked out and, much to his chagrin, saw that there was only sparring going on. Figures...


"And here I thought my companions were in peril," he muttered out loud as he approached the breakfast fire. "Never mind the sleeping folks, especially the priest who spent days floating in the ocean, oh nooo, we need to go about and bang away at one another... Wake the dead while you all are at it, why don't you?" Tirade finished, Tenebris grabbed a plate and went to get food, only to find that the leftovers had already been given to the animals. With a look that clearly showed his disdain for life, the half-vampire muttered only three words: "I hate mornings..."

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"What in the hells-?!" Weyland only just now caught sight of Annette's charming little dancing seal. He looked at her with a huge grin on his face. "This yours?" He asked.


"Yep!" She smiled. Weyland chuckled. At Zorica's declaration that Amendale had competition, however, he reduced Weyland to wheezing with laughter when he conjured a tap-dancing walrus (in a dress) playing the trombone.


When he eventually recomposed himself, Weyland looked up at Zorica. "Yeah, we can go a few more rounds if you like. I'm not going to insult you by going easy on you, though...something tells me the tables might turn." He smiled before grabbing his shield again and taking his place in the "circle" where they had sparred before.


Sybille had just barely spread out her feet to give herself a better center of gravity before she took Dagny's forehead to the knee and winced with pain. If she'd seen it coming she might have bent the knee to make the headbutt more painful on her foe but alas, that was not how it turned out. Now she had the dwarf clinging to her leg. Thinking fast, Sybille decided that crushing Dagny under said knee would also leave her vulnerable to grappling, and on the ground the odds were like to stack much higher in Dagny's favor. Instead, using gravity and momentum to her advantage, the Grey sister rained blow after blow on Dagny's head, aiming for the temple. From the throbbing coming from her kneecap it was probably already bruising.


Weyland, meanwhile, felt obligated to give Zorica a few tips on fighting, as he put it, "masters of the art of the sword and board" such as himself. Some of them, he admitted, she probably already knew. Perhaps even most of them. But just in case she didn't, knowing this could save her life. Or somebody else's if she was feeling particularly heroic.


"If you're going for a flank, focus on the side opposite the shield if you can. Harder to block with just a blade and most of us are used to relying on the shield for defense, so our parrying skills get rusty. If you can, probably our weakest spot is behind us and to the right. We can't get the shield around in time to block anything, nearly impossible to parry from that angle. We're lucky if we manage to lurch forward just enough to avoid a blow from that angle. All of us can take a hit so make sure if you can't hit something vital you hit something that'll cripple, because a painful- if shallow - cut across the back isn't enough to slow the tougher ones down, and that's if you get through the armor. If you hit the tendons that'll cripple our mobility more than heavy armor ever could, so you'd be able to finish 'em off right after. Jugular vein and the inside of the thigh are good places to hit to bleed 'em out. Could also just kick out the back of the knee, send 'em for a tumble."


"Ha!" Amendale laughed. "He's using some of my own medical terminology. Three years ago he didn't know the name of the Jugular, he'd just say "this bit right here" and point."


"Shuddup, Amendale." Weyland grinned. "I didn't show up when I did you'd stab yourself on your own sword, you fumbled around with it so much."


"...I'll give you that one." Amendale conceded with a laugh as he walked back to Annette to continue teaching. Their seal and walrus illusions danced a charming little duet before disappearing in a puff of smoke.


Weyland was still going. "If you're forced to take an artist- and by that I mean a sword-and-boarder - on from the front, force them to use the shield to block constantly. If we have the shield in front of our face all the time we can't see what you're doing with your other blade, which can fly in and hit wherever the hell you want it to, which in a best case scenario would be an armor gap or the bad guy's face."

Edited by Flipout6
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"Thanks a lot for revealing my plan to everyone." Shalena said to Daud once he told everyone that she might try to steal the dancing seal, though, in truth while the little animal was adorable it involved too much effort into stealing it, and where should she put it now that they're traveling by land, and her ship had been shrunk and is now resting in the safety of her pocket.


The piratess went back to her seat by Nawen and just as Tannin began talking about pirating, she began to grin. "See? He understands." She said as she nudged the drow with her elbow. "If you'll ever feel like becoming a pirate, just let me know." She winked.


Nawen smiled when Dagny told that she'd like the rabbit stew. "At least somebody's interested," she said, and when Tak'we joined them and complimented her cooking she thanked him, though the idea of being sought by giant insect-like beings wasn't too pleasing, but of course Shalena found this pretty amusing.


"Looks like someone might have some competition," the piratess laughed, "just imagine that one day our dear drow might be swept off her feet by a giant mantis man."


Nawen shook her head as she listened to Shalena, "and I wish that something would sweep you somewhere far far away."

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"Thanks but no thanks." Tannin laughed. "Pirating got boring after a few years. I much prefer adventuring. Less smelly men and more beautiful women." He said before looking over at Nawen. "And speaking of which, please don't hook up with any bug men. No offence Tak'we but uhh.. smooth-skins don't mix well with exoskeletons." He said with a chuckle as he grabbed a plate of food, realizing that he was rather hungry. After taking a few bites of it he scooted over and put an arm around Nawen's shoulders. "No she's mine, I'm claiming her and her cooking skills, she can only cook for me now." He said with a laugh.


Moments later Hexol came out from the cabin with dark circles around his eyes and a look of misery. "Never..... again... Will I EVER!!!.... Sleep on a wooden floor, seriously my back's all messed up, can't bend over or anything! I haven't felt this bad in years! I remember one time I got tied to a pole for two days, and I didn't feel this bad even then! And that was uncomfortable to tell the truth, cause I didn't get a change of pants so I was COVERED in-"


"Hexol! Want breakfast?" Azuris called out as to stop the Kender from completing his sentence.


"Oh sounds good!" Hexol said, thankfully stopping his story and swapping his focus over to food.




Caught complete off guard by Rhaine's chest against his, he was completely helpless against her spell, causing him to fall flat on his face and into the dirt. Not being able to speak he let out a sharp exhale of breath and simply waiting for Rhaine to dispell him.

Edited by josh900
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Zorica grinned at Weyland, "Well...thanks for the pointers. As for people like us," she twirled her two blades and gripped them firmly, "People who dual wield are at a slight disadvantage because we aren't able to use shields like you do. If you manage to get in a close strike at us, we ideally dodge it. But, sometimes, that doesn't work out quite right, and we're forced to parry. Sometimes, parries can be awkward and ill-performed, and if you manage to catch a dual-wielder in an off-balance parry, it only takes a little shove to push us right over. And, a well-timed shield bash can result in what you just witnessed.


"However, people who like to use dual-weapons often are constantly on the move. We favor lighter armor to help us move faster. Speed gives an advantage, even over strength, and we often make small, quick strikes that add up over time. One way to combat this is to back us into a corner where maneuver room is limited. Otherwise, if the space is open, like this, it will be hard to keep us out from behind you."




Dagny grunted as she took Sybille's punches, digging her heels into the ground and attempting to push Sybille's leg out from under her as her vice grip still held the warrior by the knee. Then, thinking fast, she abruptly reversed direction, pulling Sybille's leg forward instead of pushing it backwards.




Rhaine shook her head at Lucas, waiting a few minutes before dispelling the charm from him with a crackling ball of white and violet energy. She then took him by the hand and pulled him up once more, "All right, then, squire...time to get serious. At me again!"


The Doomguide readied herself once more, wondering how he would strike at her this time. He needed to get some more intense swordfighting practice, and he had yet to show her what he could really do in combat.

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Aurora- having missed most of the excitement- emerged energetically from her cabin fully dressed and bright-eyed; sleeping in a decent bed had alleviated her of whatever drunken stupor it was she had succumbed to the night before; the beer bottles dotted around her room testified to a night spent alone and drinking- perhaps a few of the pirates had joined her, it would have been a little less pathetic if that were the case. Catching sight of the ongoing spar, her hand drifted to her rapier and she felt the gilded guard beneath her satin gloves. Admittedly it had been a while since their last fight, and her swordsmanship was most probably a little rusty.


She couldn't suppress a giggle at the sight of Lucas falling flat upon his face, and cocked a head to look at the seemingly paralysed squire. She was about to ask if he'd be alright, but Rhaine dispelled her incantation and he was seemingly able again. As the Doomguide urged the young man on, Aurora grinned, calling "Ohh hear that Lucas! Time to get serious young squire!" She gave him a little wink and sauntered over to Tak'we, after hearing of his wish to spar. She brandished her ornate rapier with a flamboyant flourish- , Aurora positioned herself fluidly into a battle-stance "C'mon then Tak'we, I'll take you! En garde!" A grin spread across her face and she held her blade pointedly.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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"Got boring?!" Shalena exclaimed. She just couldn't believe her ears. "That means you didn't do it right, but suit yourself." She added. All of a sudden Tannin didn't seem as interesting as he first appeared, so she turned her attention to Aurora after she challenged Tak'we.


"This is going to be good," she said while eagerly awaiting for the sparring to begin.


Now that most of them had eaten breakfast, Nawen finally got a chance to eat something as well, but then Tannin unexpectedly put his arm around her shoulders she nearly dropped her plate. She felt her cheeks go red when he started talking. "He's only joking." She thought to herself. "When why does this effect me in this way?"


"So it's just my cooking skills that interests you so?" She asked. "If so, I must disappoint you, I can't cook everything well."

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