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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine waved at Lucas, "Go on, squire. I'll catch up later." Turning to Tannin, she placed her hands on her hips, eyebrows raised, "You do, do you? Well then, out with it." She wondered what it was that required her attention so...intimately. She thought she had glimpsed him speaking with Nawen and Daud between rounds with Lucas. Perhaps it was something concerning them...




Conall had finished his walk around the lake and was just taking his seat at the water's edge when Aera approached to fill her bottle. As she stuttered out an apology, he looked up at her with an appraising gaze before sighing and replying, "Water under the bridge."




Theia was a bit surprised to find herself in the midst of all this attention. As Annette finished her inquiries, Ianthe approached with a garland of flowers; the centauress's face was expressionless for a few minutes, as she was debating whether or not to berate Ianthe for taking all the flowers in the area. At last, though, she simply took the crown and placed it on her brow. The purple flowers dangled slightly around her horn, and she smiled softly, "Thank you. It is pretty."


To Annette, she answered, "This region is all I have ever known. I have nothing to compare it to. I have never been anywhere near what you humans call cities. Small settlements I have glimpsed from a distance. I dared not go nearer. I have found my own friends and resources here, so I suppose you could say that it is satisfactory."


She paused, "You humans and settled elves baffle me - building your grand towns and castles as you do. Do you not know that nature will one day come back to reclaim them? How many times has it already attempted? When will it finally be successful? Why can not the earth be your bed and the stars be your roof?"

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Nawen noticed that some had finished sparring so she started preparing food for them too as she was unsure if they ate something or not. After that she thought that taking a walk would be a good idea.

She noticed that Tannin went to talk with Rhaine about something. She wondered what it was, because she felt that she needed to talk with her as well. "If only it was a more pleasant topic." She thought to herself realizing that they haven't spoke to each other in a very long time. Chasing the thoughts away, the drow focused her attention on the cooking again.

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Lucas nodded to Rhaine. "Okay," He said before heading back to the camp.


"I get the feeling you don't want to talk to me." Tannin said in a hurt manner. "You really hold a grudge don't you? What do I have to do to get back on your good side? Would telling you that one of our new traveling companions would make a certain member of my heritage a very happy man? He just admitted to enjoying sneaking up on people aaaaand slitting their throats. So this might be me going out on a limb here but I think we have the A-typical assassiny type of villain in our midst." He said with a disgusted look on his face.

"Yes I know, what right do I have of bringing this up? Well for starters I don't casually bring stuff like that up in the middle of breakfast like he just did." Tannin then paused and put both his hands behind his back and raised the left side of his lips. "I don't like him can I pretty please stab him in the face....... a lot?"



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When Shalena came out of the cabin, the piratess noticed that the rest had finished sparring so she went back to them, taking a bit of food from Nawen as she walked by. The drow tried to hit her hand with a spoon but missed. The half-elf chuckled at the failed attempt to assault her hand with a wooden tableware before sitting down.


She looked around the camp thinking what to do next when she noticed Zorica. The half-drow wasn't very talkative about herself and the piratess decided to fix that. "So," she started, "it is rather strange how you shared so little about you. I love to talk about myself all the time, but nobody listens." Shalena looked around hoping to find something good to drink but after not being able to find anything, she sighed heavily and looked back at the half-drow.


"Care to share anything about your life aside from your faith? I think we hear enough about Lord of the Dead from our dear Doomguide." She chuckled. "Any embarrassing but incredibly detailed incidents? Tavern brawls? Color of everyone's unmentionables?"


Nawen finished cooking and was placing all the food on the plates when she heard Shalena's barrage of questions. "Don't mind her," she said to Zorica, "Shalena is always ready to ask strange or inappropriate questions. I think it's because it's a primary aspect of her personality."


"Yes," the piratess laughed, "about eighty percent in fact."

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Annette stood there to think for a second over Theia's line of questioning, but did manage to come up with an answer. "It's...not really my place to speak for everyone. But the basic idea is shelter and safety. The roof to keep out the rain that leaves you shivering at night, walls to keep out the monsters. Safer that way. Even if nature does reclaim them, they've still protected people from the elements and saved lives. That's the original idea, I think." She took the opportunity to sit down, smiling at Aera as she did so. "I don't need a crown, but thanks."


Back around the fire, both Greys were eagerly awaiting lunch. As Nawen kept cooking, they both pointed out that it looked and smelled really good and that they couldn't wait to try it. Marie hung back from the campfire, her gaze flicking from Daud to Theia and back again, back straight and nostrils flaring. She thumbed the string of her bow, which was slung around her back. Her face was the usual- severe-looking, with a bit of a scowl - and she hid the fear she felt well, but didn't fool Sybille. She'd have a talk with Marie later, if Rhaine didn't pick up on it and beat her to the punchline.

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Tak'we felt utterly humiliated after sparring with Aurora. He felt so confidant in fighting the small softskin... Stupid spirit-touched softskins... no fair at all. Angry and disappointed in himself, he went off hunting, hoping to find some prey upon which to vent his frustration on.


Tenebris spent a good while in a foul mood. He didn't typically feel this way, but a lousy night's rest and no breakfast left him not caring what happened even if the world came up and bit him. Eventually though, he got out of his funk and watched as Aurora surprisingly defeated the mantis warrior. Striding up to her as he watched the thri-kreen march off sulking, he spoke aside to the bard. "So... still risking having your personage ravaged physically, I see..." He gave her a non-expressive look as he said this, mulling over a past experience. I wonder if she even remembers that time...


Dri finally came back out as Nawen was cooking food, looking better than she had when she first left the cabins. "That smells great, Nawen," she said, offering a smile as she sat down next to Weyland, glad that Aurora wasn't sitting next to him. "So, what have you been up to, Weyland?"

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Aurora jumped in triumph over Tak'we, grinning smugly from ear-to-ear as she gave a bow to any who may have been watching the bout "And now you all know not to mess with me! Whoever said your dearest bard is only a drunken liability?" She sheathed her rapier and flicked the sheen of sweat from her forehead with a snap of her wrist, sighing contentedly as she proceeded to get some food, the aroma of Nawen's meal enticing enough to draw her; when Tenebris approached her, she cocked her head and offered him a coy smile "I like to live my life dangerously Tenebris, where's the fun if there is no risk of being physically ravaged?"

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Rhaine gave Tannin a flat look, "I'm assuming you mean Daud. No, you cannot 'stab him in the face a lot'." She sighed forcefully and shook her head, running her fingers through her damp hair, "All you have is his word. For all you know, he's a pathological liar starved for attention. If he was indeed a - what did you call it - an 'A-typical assassiny type villain'....I don't think he would be stupid enough to admit it in the middle of camp. And if he is that stupid, he's just exposed himself to everyone, thereby foiling future attempts to do anything against us." She cocked one hip, "And until he actually does something, we can do nothing but take care around him."


The Doomguide then put a hand on Tannin's shoulder and squeezed briefly, "But thank you for bringing this up. I will be watchful. As for getting back on my good side," her eyes watched him intently, and a wry smile tugged at her lips, "Keep trying." Her hand moved to his chest and gave him two resounding smacks - a comradely hint of approval - before she began walking towards the center of camp.


"Whatever you're cooking smells heavenly, Nawen," Rhaine smiled at the drow as she sat beside Lucas. She caught Argyros's gaze and nodded to him, "Welcome back, friend." The pale elf merely inclined his head in response.


Zorica glared at Shalena, "I've known you for a matter of days. Would you go spilling your life story to someone you knew less than a tenday? Oh wait, nevermind, something tells me you would. Perhaps it would give you something to think about to know that I once led a life very similar to yours, only I had enough pride to stop when I saw a road ahead of me that didn't involve taking someone else's hard-earned gold to ease my growling stomach!" She abruptly looked away, "So there's your story of embarrassment...a nice juicy tidbit that'll feed your curiosity: Zorica D'Aurelis was once a thief."


Meanwhile, Theia stood, towering over Annette with a mere "hmph" before picking her way back over to the main encampment.

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Nawen smiled and thanked everyone for the compliments about the meal she's been preparing. "I guess I'm officially our group's cook now." She chuckled as she handed out the food, and this time she made sure that everyone got a portion of it.


"So, does everyone have any plans for the rest of the day?" She asked, "I was thinking about looking around the area for a bit," she said and then looked at Rhaine, "and I'd like to speak with you, once you'll have time for it." She added.


Shalena listened to Zorica with the amused smile on her face. She didn't take anything the half-drow said to the heart but it was amusing to both watch and listen. "My, my, someone's very secretive, and yes, I see no reason to hide my past from anyone. Especially those I travel with," She said, "they'd find out sooner or later anyway."


"I am sure that you're so very proud of yourself for being a good little citizen of the Realms," Shalena continued but this time it was difficult to tell whether she was mocking or talking seriously, "I'd much rather be called a criminal than being told how to live my life and more importantly, follow someone else's rules, but to each their own."

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Weyland gave Dri a smile of his own before he went on to describe the morning's events. "Been sparring with Zorica here since breakfast. I think we're both going to bed with a few bumps and bruises tonight. Should've seen Sybbie and Dagny, though, you'd almost think they were going to the death."


"We're just that good." Sybille joked.


"I think I saw her drop-kick Dagny into a tree." Amendale noted with a wry grin.


"Then she punched three of my teeth out." She grinned to prove her point.


"Yeah. Rhaine sparred with Lucas, Aurora somehow took Tak'We down a minute ago, Amendale taught Annette some spells and they conjured dancing animals-" Literally as he spoke this Annette re-conjured the dancing seal (yes, with the beard and hat) and had it tap-dance on top of his head, much to Sybille's amusement. "...Been a fun morning." Weyland finished, eyes flicking upwards as he frowned at the illusion. "And no, you didn't miss any bacon, don't worry."


Annette shrugged at Theia's indifference as she walked away and then went back to the fire herself. Marie visibly relaxed, but still said nothing as she waited for lunch, not meeting anybody's eye.

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