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"But stabbing him would make me feel better!" Tannin whined as Rhaine walked away.




"I'm rather surprised you all don't already have someone in that position." Said Lucas as Nawen appointed herself the party's cook. "Back with the others everyone had a duty to perform, which... usually I ended up doing all of the menial work." He said with a shrug, as if the mistreatment that he had to deal with was to be expected.


"Should have left them sooner." Azuris grunted.


"Thought about it." Lucas said nervously. "But... well... other people had dealt with worse soo... you know." He said in an embarrassed tone, looking down to hide the fact that his face was turning a shade of red. "It wasn't that big of a problem."


As Tannin approached and over heard Lucas, he spread his arms out wide and smiled. "And yet you still haven't thanked me for giving you a way out."


"I didn't want them dead." Lucas muttered.


"Details." Tannin said with a wave of his hand as he sat back down near Nawen. "Besides, they were going to attack us anyways right?"


"Well.... maybe?"




"If... Rhaine had surrendered they wouldn't have...." Lucas said.


"And when she didn't surrender, what were they going to do?"


"Try and take her prisoner.... aaand be killed."


"And I did give them plenty of opportunities to run yes?" Tannin asked


"Yes you did.." Lucas said with a nod.


"I did, so don't get mad at me for their mistakes. They were stupid and were going to die anyways, and fat chance of anything stopping them. I did my best to and failed." Tannin explained.


"I know.. I was there."


"Yes, but they weren't." Tannin twirled his finger around, motioning to everyone around the camp. "Would rather that people didn't get the idea that I just randomly massacred a squad of paladins out in the street for no reason. That kind of stuff has gotten me in big trouble in the past."

Edited by josh900
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Ravenna gave Quarylene a blazing glare as she slighted her, but kept her blistering rage in surprising check. She exhaled heavily and leant against her throne, pondering their current predicament against the Spider Queen; it was becoming a fruitless endeavour, as their every turn was seemingly manipulated by the Goddess's spindly fingers- even razing a city to the ground had served the bloated arachnid's purposes. A full assault upon every Drow stronghold in the Underdark would be a folly, as the forces Ravenna could muster were barbarians suited to the surface; her Orcs would not be wasted in such a conflict as this, out of their depth and faced with foes beyond their reckoning... but this was also not Ravenna's own fight. This was Quarylene's issue.


But the obese queen of spiders had insulted Ravenna's pride, mocked her power; she would not stand for that.


"Your goddess is proving to be every bit the manipulator the legends detail, so before you insult my efforts perhaps you should present a scheme of your own, hmm? I have heard no plan form upon your lips, no suggestion spew forth; this is your territory, not mine. My ground is the land of Thay and the circle's of hell, I am comfortable with treading upon the toes of the powerful in such places... but here? In your Underdark? I had expected you to be familiar with your homeland, yet we attacked a city which your Goddess wished destroyed!" Ravenna vented her rage but contained herself again. "No... I shall not bicker with you Quarylene, the corpulent insect would rather like it if we tore out eachother's throats... Direct assault has failed us, so we must resort to the covert. How best to deal with a spider that ensnares the whole of the Underdark?" Ravenna's question was open, but an idea crept into her head "We strike at her faith."

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Ianthe smiled as Theia accepted her flowers, then watched as she and Annette both walked away, seeming quite displeased with each other. She didn't fully understand why Theia was always so grumpy, and followed a few steps behind her. "I'm from the forest, too. Kryptgarden. I'm a half-nymph, so I lived my entire life in nature. Large cities seemed strange to me as well the first time I saw one. My father owned one of those large, grand homes, and I couldn't understand why he needed such extravagant things until I realized it was all for his image. Everyone tries to outdo one another in the cities."

Arva, who kept his distance but still followed Ianthe and Theia, interrupted, "It's all a show of wealth in the big cities, but in smaller ones, people just build what they need to survive. And nearly everyone dreams of large cities and being part of them."

Ianthe turned from paying attention to Arva and looked back to Theia, "He's from Cormyr, if you've heard of it. He grew up on my father's estate."

Arva gently took hold of Ianthe's shoulders and nervously gazed at Theia, "Sorry if she's a bother, she's just a very friendly girl."

Meanwhile, Aera gratefully took her breakfast from Nawen and smiled, "Thank you." She then turned her attention to Conall, still grinning, "Perhaps we can still share a cabin. It could be fun. But you must have noticed I snore by now."

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She smiled to Aera when she thanked her and turned to Lucas.


"We've been staying at the inns most of the time," Nawen said when Lucas expressed his surprise of no cook in the group, "we didn't have to make food for ourselves, and when we weren't staying anywhere, anyone who felt like it cocked." She added. When Tannin sat down and mentioned the paladins he killed she shot a glance at him.


"So that's how you got that wound," she said, "did it heal properly?" Nawen immediately asked. "I'm very sorry for not checking up on you." She felt guilty for forgetting about his injury. "What a terrible cleric I'd be." She thought to herself.


"I wouldn't complain if you did," Shalena said, "though it's such a waste. I would have taken them hostage and demanded ransom."


"And who would have paid for them? A church?" Nawen asked.


"Sure. Why not?"


"You'd take gold from a church? Why am I not surprised."


Shalena laughed. "I am what I am, dear drow. And unlike some people," she said referring to no one in particular, "I don't pretend to be someone I'm not."

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Tenebris scoffed and shook his head at Aurora's response. "Typical...." Nope, doesn't remember... He shrugged and started walking towards the fire where Nawen was cooking. "Well, if you are quite finished, I believe I shall get a bite to eat..." he said, before adding in a very quiet voice: "...before someone gives it to the animals..."



Dri's mouth dropped at Weyland's words. She had at first been dismissive of Aurora, not wanting to hear about her, but at that story... "Tak'we? Our Tak'we? The giant insect who could rip someone in half? That Tak'we?" She stared at the man, trying to determine if he was pulling her leg or not. When no one contradicted Weyland, the girl simply shook her head. "Tymora, what strange bit of luck will you pull next?"


No sooner than had she finished the words there was loud, angry screeching and the sounds of increasingly loud wrestling in the tall grass as the struggle came closer to camp. Suddenly a massive, enraged boar burst out of the brush, with an equally-enraged, familiar pink thri-kreen latched onto its back. The angry brute jerked this way and that, trying to dislodge the insectoid ripping away at its thick hide.


It charged madly, causing Tenebris to curse as he ran and tackled Aurora out of harm's way. The boar finally dislodged Tak'we from its back when it tripped and sent the thri-kreen flying into the cooking fire Nawen was attending, narrowly missing her and ruining the fire and some of the food, while the rest remained unsoiled in the cooking pot.


Tak'we got up, hissing with pain as the hot coals singed his chitin, and charged the boar just as it recovered and charged as well. At the last moment, he dodged under its jutting tusk and grabbed it as they met and, using his own body as a fulcrum and the animal's own weight, flipped it past him and twisted it to the ground with a vicious thump! With the animal stunned, Tak'we didn't hesitate and drove a clawed hand straight into the creature's chest, putting its rampage to an end at last.


Hissing with the effort as he tried to catch his breath, the thri-kreen looked around and gave an apologetic shrug. "Thiss one iss back early," he offered timidly. "Tak'we brought food with him, if clutchmates would like ssome..."

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Conall looked puzzled, "You do? I wouldn't know. I've always been a deep sleeper. Usually don't wake up until dawn. I fear that I might do so myself and keep you awake."


As Tannin and Lucas shared words, the faces of almost everyone went stern, including Conall, Argyros, Zorica, Dagny, and Rhaine. After a few moments of silence when Tannin finished, Rhaine finally nodded at Nawen's request and changed the subject, "Of course, friend. We can speak whenever you-"


It was then that Tak'we came crashing back into camp with the boar, knocking food and hot coals everywhere.


The Doomguide closed her eyes slowly and sighed heavily.


"Thank you...Tak'we."




The next few hours constituted preparation of the boar, which took Conall, Nawen, and Argyros together to get the animal butchered before the meat went too strong. What food had not been ruined by the beast's charging through camp was divided amongst the party members, but it did not last the group; stomachs were growling long before the sun began to set, and it was just starting to become dusk when the boar - which had been put on a makeshift spit - began to look ready to eat.


Rhaine and Zorica both had bathed again, having become sweaty after their intense sparring sessions with Lucas and Weyland, respectively. Both were now in their casual wear once more, and they sat quietly by the fire. The latter glared at Shalena whenever the piratess caught her gaze. The former merely hugged her knees to her chest and stared deeply into the flames, completely absorbed in her own thoughts.


Theia appeared in a similar manner - thinking over what the women had told her earlier. However, her face was expressionless, and there was no way to know from her countenance alone that she was quite interested in what Ianthe, Annette, and Arva had said...


Dagny absentmindedly rubbed her slightly touchy brow; even though Amendale had long since patched her up, she was still a bit sore. Sybille was a tough one. Had she been a dwarf, she would have been counted amongst the strongest shield maidens of her clan. Dagny had enjoyed speaking with the woman ever since their spar, and she sensed a kindred spirit in the Lady Grey. Even now, she sat beside Sybille before the fire, across from Rhaine and Zorica.


Conall examined the boar as it cooked and put his hands on his hips, "Well...it looks to be ready now." He gazed up at the purpling sky with its twinkling stars, "About time, eh?"




Quarylene sneered at Ravenna, "And just how are we going to do that? Isn't that what we thought we were doing before? Unless..." The drow trailed, and her mind whirred with thoughts. She touched her tongue to her fangs as she contemplated what Ravenna had said...


"We convert them instead of killing them."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Sybille pulled a startled Annette out of the boar's path as it charged through the camp and picked up her warhammer, but Tak'We had a "handle" on the situation and killed it before she could brain it.


"Think we should make sure it's dead?" She asked, raising the maul and preparing to crush the boar's skull.


"No thanks the camp's a big mess let's not make a bigger mess." Marie responded hastily, not eager to be splattered with boar brains. Sybille was visibly disappointed, but set her hammer down and sat down by the fire again. And thus began a long afternoon of preparing a great meal.


When dinner was nearly ready, Annette approached Xallistine at one point. They'd been introduced on the road, but hadn't spoken much as of yet. "Xallistine?" She asked tentatively. "I was just wondering if you had a minute to I could talk to you. I was wondering how much you know about alchemy, and possibly teach me a few things. I'm sure you've got quite a lot of knowledge to share."


It was only a few minutes later, when the smell of boar bacon and various other boar-related dishes began to waft through the camp that suddenly an armed man pulled up on a horse just a few feet off from camp. This certainly caught a lot of attention. Marie almost went for her bow before Sybille stopped her. The rider was wearing brown pants, with a short-sleeved white shirt and leather working gloves, with a pair of blades strapped to his hips.


"Damn! What IS that heavenly smell?!?!" Arland Grey asked, and he grinned, a mischievous but happy smile that bore an uncanny resemblance to Sybille...especially when she now wore the same expression as she pulled him right off the horse into a bear hug and a knuckle-rub to the head.


"Arland!" Both of the other Grey siblings declared at once. Marie didn't look quite as happy, but smiled a little when she saw the enthusiasm on their faces. Weyland stood up to join in on the friendly Arland beat-up before they let him go.

"Come sit, we're making boar."


"Bacon?" Was Arland's first question.


"Everything." Weyland answered. Arland scurried to the side of the fire, still standing but obviously ready to fight for his spot in the meal line already.


"Hi Rhaine!" Arland waved to the Doomguide, strangely happy. "Bet none of you were expecting to see my face ever again. But I figured out real quick that there's NO good in Westgate comparable to what I can do here. Lugging lumber to the docks to rebuild them isn't exactly exciting. So here I am again, probably to stir up hells and step on everyone's toes. Much more fun here."


"Of course the infamous Arland Grey couldn't find anything fun to do in Westgate that didn't involve murder." Sybille rolled her eyes. Marie scowled deeply at him but stayed out of the way.


"....Yeah, that sounds about right." Arland agreed casually.

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Xallistine regarded Annette warmly as she approached, gesturing to the place beside him with one of his larger tentacles, he crossed his taloned hands atop his lap gently, to give himself an image of non-hostility if not outright friendliness; Annette was new to the group, and while they had been introduced, he had not recalled communicating full with her before, so he did not wish to impart and impression of intimidation upon her; he understood his kind was by their very nature nightmarish, he wouldn't heighten that impression. "Alchemy eh? Hmm, I must admit it is not my premier area of study, I've long preffered the lure of enchanting or... more destructive arts." He chuckled slightly, idly wrapping a small tentacle around one of his fingers "But my knowledge is sufficient I imagine, to teach you a thing or two" he would have smiled if he were able, and left his comment lingering so Anette could give him specifics as to the area of teaching she required.


Aurora managed a resounding "Oof!" as Tenebris tackled her rather ungracefully to the ground, her hat rolling on the floor behind her and her head feeling worse for wear. She scrambled out from beneath the Jergali with a hmph, picking up her hat and sighing "Ugh, you could have warned me at least! I'm quite nimble enough to jump out of the way of porky there and his valiant pink knight!" She stamped her foot and rubbed the back of her head, proceeding to the campfire for warmth and respite.




A devilish grin split across the Devil Queen's face, and she regarded Quarylene with a knowing gaze. "Convert them, my dear... to you." Her grin split and she beamed a fanged, pearlescent smile "Correct me if I am wrong... but you once commanded a great house did you not? You were matron mother, you commanded power, influence... surely the name Ginafae must command a reaction at least, even in these times? What better story is there among the faithfully oppressed than the one who got away? The one who broke the chains of Lolth's command? Emerged a new being?"

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Aera chuckled at Conall, "Perhaps we will wake each other up snoring tonight."

Ianthe and Arva sat close to each other with their feet dipped in the lake water, Arva nibbling absently at a piece of pork. "What do you think of Theia, Ianthe?"

"She's our friend, and she's pretty. I like her," was Ianthe's innocent answer.

Arva shrugged and crossed his arms now that his piece of meat was devoured. He looked over at Theia, all by herself, and shook his head. "I don't understand why she prefers to be alone while she travels with a large group."

Ianthe frowned and got up, muttering, "Maybe it's people like you."

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Rhaine grinned up at Arland and stood. Walking up to him, the Doomguide wrapped her arms around him in a friendly embrace, "It is good to see you again, Arland. You are more than welcome back with us." As she pulled away, Dagny winked at the younger Grey brother, "Aye, she's right. Good to have ye back." Conall and Argyros both offered nods and smiles of agreement as they began to slice into the boar meat and piled it onto large platters.


Rhaine gestured to the group, "You'll also see a few new faces, here. We've grown considerably since last you were with us."


Zorica glanced to Rhaine and slowly stood up, offering a slight bow to the man who was, apparently, Sybille and Weyland's sibling, "Greetings to you. I am Zorica D'Aurelis. Pleasure to meet you."


Theia, half in the shadows, did not move to stand like the others, but she did offer a small incline of her head, "And I am called Theia." The centauress then fell silent as abruptly as she had spoken, watching Arland with wary brown eyes.


Rhaine returned to her seat beside Zorica and both sat down, the former rolling her shoulders and wincing a little as her back muscles had suddenly gone stiff.




Quarylene's mouth broke into a wicked fanged grin, "Yes...of course. I shall not merely fight the Spider Queen...I shall replace her."


The vampiress threw her head back and laughed, the sound bouncing off of the cold walls with an ominous ringing sound. She twirled in a circle, addressing anything that could hear her words.


"The weak will flock to the strong! It is the way of the Underdark. Those with power command those without it...and those who cannot be commanded are destroyed! They will join me, or they will die! All of them!"

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