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Tales of Faerun


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Daud turned his head to the noise and his eyes came to rest on a new comer. He examined him from a distance, running his eyes over him. He stood slowly, placing down the last scraps of food he had been holding, stretching and turning before walking across the camp, coming to a halt near the others. He repeated his careful examination of the man again. He seemed friendly enough and the others seemed to treat him well, seeing as Rhaine had given him what he assumed to be a friendly hug, but he could see a few not so approving glances coming from Sybille and Marie, so he'd reserve judgement for now. Daud folded his arms before speaking "Seems you've all met before. May I know who this is?" He said as he gave a smile, though it was forced and one could tell that from his eyes, the smile didn't suit his face. In some ways it was almost as though he was forcing himself to appear nice in order to sort of atone, in his own odd perception, for what he had said earlier, and he realised too late it probably made him look more of a fool. He glanced quickly up to the sky. Idiot, he branded himself inside his head, just keep the cruel attitude in future

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"It healed just fine thank you." Tannin said to Nawen. "I certainly am glad that you helped me with it."




As the hours passed and the sky started to darken, Lucas grew more and more thankful for his current set of companions, they were a much happier and friendly bunch than the squad of paladins and holy men that he had been serving under for the past year or so. It was nice to be with a group that joked around and spoke to him in a friendly manner. He noticed Rhaine's discomfort and dug down for the courage to ask to to help her with it.


"Umm... Rhaine uhh... if umm.. If you're sore from sparing with me earlier I could umm.. Help... with it." He offered her, hoping that the heat on his face as just from the fire, and not from him blushing.




Noting Arland's return, Tannin couldn't help but smirk. "So Arland, that didn't take you very long. How many hours did it take you to get bored?"




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Conall handed Daud a plate of boar meat, "That would be Arland Grey. Sybille and Weyland's younger brother. Traveled with us for a while before parting ways with us in Westgate. He and Rhaine didn't always see eye-to-eye, and he's been in more than a little bit of trouble in the past. But apparently all debts are paid, now."


At that moment, Lucas caught Rhaine's attention and seemed to offer to help her in a stammering voice. Her brow furrowed, and then the stiffness returned - an involuntary tightening of the muscles between her shoulder blades, from just below her neck to the middle of her back. She hissed with a sharp intake of breath, and the Doomguide rolled her neck from side to side before replying, "Ah...I'm not sure it's from the spar, squire. A result of cumulative stress, perhaps. But, in any case, if you know how to help ease this, I would appreciate it...it doesn't seem like it is going to go away anytime soon."


As she winced and rubbed the back of her neck, Zorica scooted a bit sideways and gestured for Lucas to go ahead and come forward.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Shalena grinned widely when Arland showed up at the camp. "Ah! The less boring of the Greys!" She said. "It is good to have you back. I thought I was going to die out of boredom."


"Yes, it is good to have you back, Arland." Nawen said as she called for Rhegar, "I think I'll go and take a walk now that we're done with the boar. Anyone wants to come along?" She asked as she picked up her knife and attached it to her belt, just in case.

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Lucas nearly fainted when Rhaine agreed to letting him help her. "Rr right.. Happy to help." He stuttered as he made his way over to her. He took several long, slow breaths in order to calm himself down and to help him remember what he read in a book about back massages. "I haven't really... done this a lot before so, umm... sorry if it's not too good." He apologized before he started to rub her shoulders and upper back, occasionally having to move her wings out of the way with stuttered apology.





As Nawen rose and asked if anyone wanted to join her walk Tannin stood up. "I'll go if you don't mind, need to stretch my legs, think my left one's asleep." He said, shaking it a bit with a frustrated look.

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Conall and Argyros continued handing out supper to everyone. Zorica shook her head at Lucas's constant apologies and glanced sideways at Rhaine with a look of disbelief. The Doomguide caught the half-drow's expression and smiled slightly, reaching backwards and firmly squeezing Lucas's hand, "It's all right, squire; you're not going to drop dead from touching me."


She closed her eyes and winced again as his fingers began working knots out of her back muscles. He was a bit clumsy at first and perhaps too gentle, but after a few moments, he seemed to get the hang of it. Zorica watched with almost glowing amber eyes and grinned slightly as she ate, "You know, squire...the ladies might enlist you more often now that you've demonstrated you have such a skill."


Dagny giggled, "Aye. Might do, indeed."


Theia ate only from her pouch of nuts and berries and curled up on the edge of camp, propped against a tree. Kyli rested on the tip of her staff, whilst Aodh had made his way back to the campfire and was wrapped about a warm rock.


When Lucas finally finished his work, Rhaine's stiffness had completely melted away. However, before the squire could step away, Rhaine caught Zorica's gaze again and felt slightly mischievous. She had gained much control over her wings since she first received them, and they were surprisingly mobile...


Suddenly, the Doomguide popped her wings out sideways and then curled them backwards with a whoosh, completely encasing the squire in silky black feathers.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Shalena watched the whole scene with a grin on her face, but said nothing. It was just all too amusing.


Rhegar ran off happily deeper into the woods while Nawen waited for Tannin. She wasn't worried about the wolf as he spent most of the time out there and sometimes returned with a prey. Small one, usually, like a rabbit but still, it was a prey and he caught it all by himself.


"You seem very eager to go out in the woods with me," she said once they started walking, "I never thought you were the outdoors type," she added as she picked a flower and sniffed it, but the smell was not all pleasing, "but even if you're not, I'm glad you came. It wouldn't be the same without a pleasant company." She looked at him and smiled lightly. Nawen enjoyed his company, and while it was a tiny bit alarming she chased the thoughts away.

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At Rhaine's words, Lucas relaxed a little as he continued the massage. "I know, It's just... Well... I haven't.. exactly ever touched a woman before." He said with a nervous laugh. "I know it's... pathetic, but it's the truth." He said with a shrug.


When he finished he started to ask her how her back felt, but was stopped by the sudden wall of feathers that suddenly encased him.

"So uhh.... I take it I wasn't horrible at it then?" He squeaked nervously.




Tannin went off with Nawen into the woods and answered her question with a smirk. "I'm full of surprises I guess. And I'm glad that you find my company pleasing, I'm sensing that not many in the group share that feeling, not too surprising really. Most people aren't comfortable around someone like me, completely understandable, I'm not either to be honest." He chuckled.


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"Someone like you?" She asked, not sure what he had in mind. "What do you mean by that?" At first she thought he meant being a half-drow, but it couldn't be it, as she was a drow and so far only Theia was feeling uncomfortable because of it. Was there something else he wasn't telling them or just her? Or was it the quite recent incident with the paladins?

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Rhaine laughed aloud, "Not at all, squire. Thank you. I feel much better, now."


She then retracted her wings and folded them neatly to her back again, taking a plate of meat that Argyros proffered her. She finished the meal quickly and, feeling she should take advantage of her relaxed state, bid the group goodnight and made her way back to the cabin she had occupied the previous evening to sleep. Zorica followed the Chosen's lead, eager to get some rest after the strenuous spar she had had earlier in the day. It was not long before Argyros, Dagny, and Conall all retired as well, the last to the same cabin he and Aera had shared before. Theia remained in her spot and dozed off, hands under her head as she stayed propped against the tree.

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