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Tales of Faerun


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Dagny, Arland, and Marie soon returned from their sweep with nothing to report; the inn was, as of now, safe and sound. This they reported to the others, and Dagny took her place near Rhaine and Conall. She glanced sideways and up at the Doomguide, "Should probably get them upstairs and in beds. One or more of us can act as bodyguards."


Rhaine nodded in agreement, "Indeed. Let's get them up there. Weyland? Come help Dagny with Conall. Azuris? Lucas? I need you to lift Xallistine. Take them both upstairs and put them in the same room together so we can keep watch over them easily."


She then sighed and rubbed her temples with her forefingers before focusing on the others, "Aurora? Your specialty is music. See if you can't play something that will calm everyone down a bit. Tannin? Tell Zorica and Argyros they can come back inside, if you please. Nawen, I would like to speak with you in private as soon as possible. Everyone else, stay alert, but try not to bother the patrons unless they bother you. There's not much else we can do until Conall and Xallistine recover enough for travel."

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Azuris and Lucas immediately went to work, carrying the unconscious members of their group up the stairs and into the room set aside for them. "Whoever's after us must be very skilled." Said Lucas after the deed was done. "Black Lotus isn't supposed to be an easy poison to make."


"Nope." Azuris said as he wiped his brow.


"Do you think... that we're safe here?" Lucas asked in a worried tone.






"We'd be safer camping out of the city. Would be easier to defend ourselves." Azuris said as he left the room.


"Well... maybe whoever's behind this won't attack again? Maybe they'll give up?" Lucas said hopefully as he followed Azuri out of the room and back down to the common room.


"Doubt it, we're probably in this for the long haul unfortunately." Azuris said with a shrug.


Lucas stopped half way down the stairs and sighed. "Well crap..."




"Try not to get attacked again while I'm gone." Tannin smirked before he left the building.

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Shalena feeling quite relieved that Rhaine hadn't ordered her around, continued drinking her ale, but a small part of her wanted to do something, so she ordered food for everyone, and paid it from the coin purse she stole from someone at the market, which was unknown to the rest of the group as Shalena always hid items she had nicked from someone.


"Of course," Nawen said as she approached Rhaine, "what did you want to talk about?"

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Rhaine put her hand on Nawen's shoulder and led the drow to the side, away from the others, sighing heavily and wondering how to voice her concern without sounding as if she were trying to give a lecture. After a few moments, the Doomguide shook her head and decided simply to be forward with her thoughts; Nawen had known her the longest out of all the members of the party, and she felt she could discuss her worries with full candor.


"It seems you've grown closer to Tannin in the last few days," she began, "I'll admit that you've probably been the friendliest with him as long as he has been with us. He's a difficult one to get along with...at least for me." Chuckling, she added, "I suppose I should applaud you, then, for making a friend where I have yet to."


She paused and then continued, "But I see that your friendship appears to be growing beyond just that. I cannot dictate what you should do with your...personal life...and I assure you that I will never do so. I just..." she hesitated, not wanting Nawen to get the idea that she was openly disapproving of the drow's decisions, "I want you to be careful, my friend. I've seen men like him and what they can do to poor women's hearts. Sometimes, the result isn't...pretty. Let's just say that I've blessed more than one girl's grave before."


Rhaine winced, "Not that I think you would do something like that. But I think you get my point, yes?"

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Nawen listened intently to what Rhaine said. She wasn't sure herself how everything will go for them, even if she spent the last three days thinking about it. When Rhaine finished what she wanted to say, the drow smiled at her.


"Thank you, Rhaine," she said, "I appreciate your concern, but you don't have to worry about me. I know that some relationships ends badly, and how much it can hurt, but I'm willing... I want to try." She paused for a moment before continuing. "I trust him, I guess some would say that I shouldn't but I do, and I believe that he won't hurt me, not intentionally at least. If he will, I'll deal with it without doing anything drastic like jumping off cliffs."


She shot a quick glance at her companions and the patrons inside before looking back at Rhaine, "and I mean it, thank you for your concern."

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Aurora nodded softly to Rhaine and retrieved her baggage, rummaging through her things until she pulled out her fiddle. The Bardess smiled as she held her instrument, marching back to the tavern proper with as much warmth and joviality as she could muster, hoping to warm her companions spirits a little before she began; as opposed to her usual rambunctious choice of song, Aurora picked a soft ballad that doubled as both a relaxing and soulful ballad, and a children's lullaby, depending of course on how it was performed- Aurora began with her fiddle softly, before beginning her operatic rendition of 'Sleepsong' "Lay down your head, and I'll sing you a lullaby, back to the years of loo-li lai-lay, and I'll sing you to sleep, and I'll sing you tomorrow, bless you with love, for the road that you walk..." She swayed softly from side to side as she began, gazing soulfully upon the faces of each of her companions as she gracefully lulled too and fro, like a pendulum in a hypnotist's hands, intended upon soothing those that remained in the tavern to hear her gentle song.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Dri was enjoying her time in the market, having spotted a rather nice calligraphy set, and was in the middle of trying to haggle with the merchant when the screaming began. She rushed alongside Weyland and was shocked to see both Conall and Xallistine writhing in agony on the ground. Unable to really help much, she followed the others back to the inn, keeping an eye on their surroundings for any hidden assailants. "I hope they will be okay," she sent to Weyland, helping him keep watch.


Tak'we had not heard the panic going on outside at first, having been in his room he was sharing with Xallistine, but did hurry back to the main room when he heard the raised, concerned voices of his clutchmates. At seeing two of his clutchmates barely alive on the floor, his temper immediately flared. "Rhaine, who hurt Tak'we'ss clutchmatess?!" *NRAK'TCK'TCK!* He kept calm enough to hear the entire story, however, and settled down once seeing that his friends would survive.


Determined not to let any more harm come to his friends, Tak'we began to stand watch by the door, a low hiss punctuating the air every few moments, not fully calming down until Aurora began playing a soothing song.


Tenebris heard the panicked screams and immediately got up to see what the commotion was. Unfortunately, with the panicked masses, he couldn't quite see all that was going on save a flash of his companions rushing back to the inn, Xallistine and Conall being supported between their friends. Should have paid more attention to that feeling earlier, godbedamned! the Jergali cursed himself silently as he hurried to join the group.


He stepped in to see just how bad his two companions were, both struggling to fight off whatever afflicted them, Xallistine more so than Conall. The half-vampire gave a grim look at the mention of poison. At Nawen's words of the dead assassin being taken by the guards, and not much to trace besides which direction the merchant had been before his demise, an old method of retrieving information came to mind...


Without a word, he immediately left and went searching for the guards urgently. He didn't quite know why, but he felt somewhat guilty for the attempt, the knowledge of the ominous feelings he had had earlier making him feel responsible somehow. Oh, godsbedamned! That isn't important any more! he insisted silently, shaking his head in frustration. After a few minutes Tenebris had finally found them nearing the entrance of a temple of Kelemvor, two guards driving a small cart, a covered, blood-soaked bundle in the back. "Excuse me, guards?" he called them to a stop.


"Go back indoors, sir. We've had an failed assassination in the middle of town," one of the men ordered sharply, pulling the cart to a stop. "Sorry, but I'd to examine the body," Tenebris said, pulling out a symbol of his faith. "I am a priest of Jergal, and may be able to gain information as to who is responsible for the assassination attempt if I am allowed to see the body."


"I don't feel comfortable abo-" "Look, it will not take more than a few dozen breathes," Tenebris interrupted. "Fine, go ahead. Sooner you are done, the sooner we can drop the body off."


The Jergali nodded, and pulled the cover from the cart partway to gain access to the body... only to breath sharply at seeing the state of it. "Who beheaded this man?" he asked, trying not to show the aggravation now building within him. "I don't know," the other guard spoke, "I think it was some young lad with two swords, walked off with the victims' friends. The man was already dead, though, so I don't know why he did it" Arland...


Gritting his teeth, Tenebris nodded and cast the spell he had prepared anyway, hoping there may be the slightest chance he'd be able to get a clear answer from the corpse. "What made you to try to kill two people today?"


"I- jijtth--" the corpse spoke hoarsely and unintelligibly. "Gods preserve us," one guard murmured at the unholy sound. The half-vampire sighed, and tried again, ignoring the interruption, only to get an equally grisly-sounding and indecipherable response; the voice had been too badly damaged. "Sorry, good sirs. The body is not...preserved... enough for me to learn anything. Thank you for your time." With that, he bowed and turned, marching back to the inn.


The Jergali made it back in good time, and upon spotting Arland, immediately stormed up to the young man and threw a right cross at him, catching Arland in the jaw and decking him, both Tenebris' frustration and his vampire ancestry fueling the blow. "You beheaded him, you stupid bastard?!" he shouted incredulously, his normally cool facade breaking for once and flashing his feelings. "I could have found out who was responsible if you hadn't destroyed the poor man's throat needlessly!" He remained unaware of the soft music Aurora had begun playing, instead waiting on some kind of response from Arland.





Zuir was cursing as he wiggled his way out of his bonds; he had managed to switch back to his own body at the last instant, but it had been close. However, the fact that he had failed in killing Rhaine Alcinea, did little to comfort his good fortune. Knowing that now the Doomguide would be wary of any further attempts upon her life, he decided to cut his losses and leave. There will be other chances... he swore to himself, and slipped out of the slums and soon the city undetected...

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Rhaine merely inclined her head to Nawen with a slight smile. She certainly hoped that the drow would keep her wits about her...


At that moment, Argyros and Zorica entered the inn following Tannin. The former's eyes widened as they fastened on Elaril, and then they narrowed, the pale elf's lips curling into a snarl. His whole form went stiff, and Zorica did a double-take beside him.


"You," he began. He could smell almost that same scent he sensed back in Westgate. Granted, it wasn't very strong, but the base layer...it was the same as that blue he had fought off in the skies above the harbor...


Rhaine's brow furrowed, "This is Elaril. She'll be-"


"No she won't," he said firmly, in a strangely strong tone, "She's the one who caused the hurricane outside of Westgate. She's the reason I came back a bloody mess and barely alive."

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Weyland sat heavily down on a chair as he began to realize just how close they'd been to losing two of their own and stared blankly at the floor in front of him. Dri speaking to him snapped him out of his slump enough to respond, though.


"They will be. Disturbs me how close we came to the alternative, though." He told her, fiddling absentmindedly with his blade as he looked around, keeping an eye out.


It was a minute or two until Tenebris stormed into the tavern in a rage, striking Arland and admonishing him for beheading their attacker. Arland stood up and hit him right back just as hard. "What's your issue? He attacked us, so I killed him, and that's the quickest way to do it. Unless you're Rhaine, apparently." Then he snarled, "Maybe you should have told us beforehand that you could do that, so maybe I would have known! Don't go blaming me for your own mistake."


"What's done is done." Amendale interjected. "Leave it."


"Couldn't he just repair the throat somehow? Or get one of our healers to do so?" Arland asked. "Because I don't know how healing dead people works. Or living ones."


"No, healing spells only work on the living. Wouldn't be able to repair an injury like that without resorting to necromancy. I don't even know any spells that could do something like that and you wouldn't convince Rhaine to do that."


"I....guess that makes sense." Arland conceded uncertainly.


The conversation was halted upon Argyros's sudden revelation. Weyland stood up and held his blade tightly, pulling his shield into a ready position. Amendale suddenly snapped to attention and stood up, mentally preparing various protective spells.


Elaril, meanwhile, stared Argyros in the eye. "I do hope you aren't thinking of trying for a second attack." She threatened, and her eyes transformed instantaneously until reptilian, draconic ones, and she snarled to display razor-sharp teeth, before her features suddenly reverted to normal again.


Arland drew both of his swords, and fire raced up the blades as the enchantment activated. "Let's hope that wooden armor isn't as flammable as it looks, lady. Because I don't appreciate it when my home city's almost taken out by an overconfident tree-wearing dog and part-time thunder-lizard."


"Perhaps in seeking allies I overstepped myself again." Elaril stated out loud. "I will have to fight against Valthanarax on my own. We still share a common enemy, and I shall work against him as best I can...but don't expect any direct aid from me. And don't try to hinder me, or else." With that, the Wood Elf cast a spell and suddenly disappeared. In reality she'd transformed herself into a gaseous vapor and flown out the window.


"Guess we're not having her along, then?" Arland asked.


"....I think that's a safe assumption." Sybille agreed.

Edited by Flipout6
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As Tannin entered the Inn and saw the confrontation between Arland and some elf woman. "Sooo what did I just walk into?"


"That woman caused the storm back at Westgate." Azuris answered as he sat down in a chair.


"Oh... what was she doing here?"


"Wanting to join the group."


"Oh... Did we let her?"


"Don't know yet." Azuris shrugged.


"I see.... So what are we doing now?" Tannin asked in a casual way, like the events of the past few minutes hadn't phased him at all.

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