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Tales of Faerun


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Argyros stood stock still for several moments, even after Elaril was long gone, his silver eyes alight. Finally, though, the pale elf glanced around to all the companions and sighed heavily, shaking his head, "My apologies if I ruined your plans, but that one was not to be trusted. I could not stand by and say nothing when I knew her to be so destructive."


Dagny, who had moved to stand beside Weyland after helping to get Conall upstairs, remarked, "I wouldn't say ye ruined anything, lad."


"Neither would I," Rhaine inclined her head in agreement, "Thank you for letting us know about this." She paused for a moment and then added with a thoughtful expression, "This Elaril must be quite the powerful follower of Talos if she can create hurricanes in his name. And she mentioned something about a second attack...you fought her before?"


Argyros met her eyes and slowly nodded, "Indeed. It was what caused my grave injuries which you all were so kind to tend to. But enough of that," he said, and began heading towards the rooms, "I take my place beside our wounded, and I will endeavor to ensure their safety. If anyone needs me, I will be outside their room."


Dagny followed him with a grim smile and a small salute to the rest of the party, "Aye, and so will I. Nothing will happen to us again on my watch, by Moradin's beard I swear."


Meanwhile, Zorica took a seat and waved for the waitress to get her a mug of ale, all the while taking Sir Meowsalot from her pouch and petting him absentmindedly. The half-drow finally spoke after a few long moments of silence, "Despite all that has happened, we must not let it slow us down. I have a feeling we are much safer moving than we are staying in one place."


Rhaine nodded and sighed, crossing her arms atop her chest, "Agreed, sister. We will be taking our leave tomorrow morning. I'm sure the guard will be eager to see the back of us."


At that moment, Heidi and Arva returned with their arms full of bags bursting with edible goods and supplies. The gnome dropped two bags near Annette - presumably the antidote ingredients the alchemist had requested - and then presented the rest to Rhaine, "All righty 'o, there ya go! Got bunches of food and waterskins to last several tendays...in desert conditions, mind you. Plus I added in some extra beneficial potions and healing kits here and there, along with some herbs and stuff you might like. Ohhh, and some crafting stuff too, never know when you might need that. So, with all that in mind, and after I take my cut for providing you such convenience," the wizardess withdrew a single gold coin and pressed it into Rhaine's hand, "That is your change. Your welcome!" With a giggle, Heidi sat down beside her cart and grinned broadly, obviously quite proud of herself.


The Doomguide's eyebrows rose for a moment, and then she pocketed the coin with another sigh, "Thank you. I suppose you're hired."


"Yippee!" the gnome squealed, "This is sooooo exciting! It's been so long since I've gone on an adventure like this, especially with people as interesting as you lot! We're going to be awesome friends, I just know it!"


Without comment, Rhaine turned towards the stairwell, "I'll be in the room next to Conall and Xallistine if anyone needs me."


It was there that she spotted Lucas, about halfway up, his head in his hands. His expression was one of utter despondence, and he seemed to have the weight of the world on his shoulders. Rhaine realized that he must have felt helpless, as that was exactly what he looked like. As she made her way up, the Doomguide stopped and gently took the squire by the arms, pulling him up and wrapping him in a comforting embrace. Even her wings curled protectively around him, as if to shield him.


"Don't feel badly about this, squire," she said softly, "Everything will be all right. Don't blame yourself for what happened, and don't dwell on what could have been. Conall and Xallistine will be fine, now."


After a few breaths, she released him and continued on to the room, there to stay for the remainder of the afternoon and evening.

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Caught completely off guard, Lucas stood there, bright red after receiving the hug. He stuttered for a moment before giving her a bashful thanks as she went up to her room.


Some time later he went up to the room that he had put his belongings, only to find that Rhaine had decided to stay in that particular room as well. "Uh.. oh... pp p Pardon me." He stuttered. "Didn't know you wanted this one. I'll umm.. I'll just get my stuff out of here and leave you to it then." He said in an embarrassed tone.

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Rhaine didn't even look up from the book she was reading, pointing to the empty cot beside hers, "Double occupancy was all I could get for all of us, squire. It's either room with me or someone else. Your things are already here, so if you wish to stay, you may."

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Lucas stared at her for a moment, just enjoying the sight of seeing her with a book in her hands. He suddenly shook himself back to his senses and tried to speak. "Oh, right yes... I would.. like to st- I mean..." He swallowed rather hard and took a slow breath. "Everyone else has probably already picked their rooms so... I'll.. stay.. here, yeah.." He said awkwardly moving across the room to sit at the foot of the empty cot. "Soooo good book?" He asked, hoping to be rid of some of the awkwardness.

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She smirked, lifting the book so he could see the spine, "It's my spellbook, Lucas. So unless you would call my marginal notes 'good,' then I doubt it." The Doomguide then chuckled and tucked one leg under her on her cot, "I have little time for leisure reading anymore, unfortunately."

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"Oh." Lucas said awkwardly, looking down at the floor and feeling like an utter fool. "Iiii seeee.... That's umm.. that's a shame. I uhh.. I read.. a lot. Got made fun of for it but.. it's fine." He shrugged. "I know, I'm supposed to be training to be a warrior, no spending my hours with my nose in a book. You uhh.. you know?" He laughed uncomfortably. The entire situation was making him want to run out of the room, but that would be even more embarrassing he figured.

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Rhaine peered over the top of her book at him, "There is nothing wrong with being well-read, Lucas, warrior or otherwise. Exercises of the mind are just as important as those of the body."


She glanced to the tiny window at the top of the wall to her left and noticed the moon was already rising high into the sky, "And speaking of the body, I think I need to rest now. I would advise that you do the same, squire, for both your own health and for the benefit of the group."


The Doomguide then placed the book in her pack and scooted down on the cot, laying back with her hands behind her head and her wings drooping down on either side of the mattress. She had every intention of sleeping with her armor still on, considering the events of the last day or so.

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Daud reclined in a chair, running his fingers along the edge of the blade. Now they'd have to watch the shadows, terrific. This opened up many problems, anyone could be coming at them with a blade and any of them could be innocent and completely out of control of their actions. He wondered how the less... dark of the party would take that, if they wound up killing any innocents. They'd be hearing from this assassin again no doubt and the sooner the better. If they were able to find him and put a blade through his throat, then they would be on a much smoother path, at least for the moment.

He doubted the assassin would try again today though, and probably wasn't still lurking among the people. Even if he was, another attempt while the group was together would be folly. It had been prevented the first time by there being a number of them together, and it would be wiser to pick them off individually. That didn't mean he could relax, however. Just because one assassin had given up for the time being didn't mean others might not lurk in the shadows or alleys, awaiting their chance to slip a blade into their spines.

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Shalena watched the embrace between Rhaine and every blushing Lucas, and laughed. "Someone get that lad to the brothel," she said, "will get rid of the shyness in no time." As the others began walking upstairs to their rooms, the piratess went to her as well. As she walked towards hers, she noticed that the Doomguide shares the room with the squire. She shook her head and laughed again before entering her room.

"I think I will retire for the night as well," Nawen said as she began walking upstairs but then stopped and glanced at Tannin, "and I'd like to speak with you, Tannin, when you have a chance." She said as she made her way upstairs with Rhegar following her closely. As she reached their room and opened the door, the wolf trotted inside and settled in by the window. She left the door unlocked and began searching for anything out of the ordinary. With an assassin about, one cannot be too careful.

She checked under the bed, in a closet, even the bed sheets for any sign of poison. Deciding that the room was secure she approached the window and looked at the emptied streets of Innarlith, and waited for Tannin.

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Lucas smiled at Rhaine's words. He had always been told that reading was a waste of time. "Wish others shared that mindset." He chuckled.

When she lay down to rest in her armor Lucas had to question that. "Umm... isn't that uncomfortable? Staying in the armor I mean. Can't imagine you'd get a good night's sleep in it." He said as he stripped down to his small clothes. The presence of Rhaine suddenly made him more embarrassed than he should have been so he quickly ducked under the blanket.




Tannin followed Nawen to the room and shut the door behind him. "Everything alright?" He asked her in a concerned tone. "I don't think our friend from earlier will attack again. It would be smart too, buuuut his method and execution was terribly sloppy, soooo I don't think we're dealing with someone worth the price of their weapons." He said with a smirk.

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