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Tales of Faerun


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By nightfall, Zorica was succumbing to exhaustion, but she wondered who would be willing to room with her. As Aurora was sitting nearby, she turned her head to the bardess and asked, "So...guess we're all stuck with pairing up tonight. Care if I room with you?" The half-drow chuckled slightly, "I promise I don't snore."




Rhaine pulled her hands from behind her head and rested them on her stomach, "Well, you're right, of course. It's not very comfortable at all. Necessity has made me wear it to bed on numerous occasions, though, as I do it when I think something might happen overnight. I suppose I've gotten used to it over the years...If I'm tired enough, I'll go right to sleep."


She paused a few moments and added, "And I usually wake up in the mornings stiff as a board. But, better than not waking up at all, yes?"


The Doomguide then smiled slightly as she turned her head to the right and blew out the candle on the nightstand, "Goodnight, squire. Rest well."


Unfortunately, it would only be the beginning of a very long night for Rhaine, as no matter how hard she tried, she could not fall asleep. Between her armor, her frazzled nerves, and her subconscious worrying about Conall and Xallistine, she found herself staring up at the dark ceiling as the hours crawled by like eons.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Aurora tilted her head and returned the chuckle, regarding Zorica with smiling eyes "Of course! I'd like nothing better, infact, I don't think I could get a wink of sleep alone anyway; I must admit I'm somewhat shaken." Aurora smiled slightly and rose to stand, pulling down her skirt and re-arranging her hat "I don't know if I can promise the same." Aurora offered a laugh and gathered away her fiddle, collecting her bags and hauling them over her shoulder, tiptoeing up the stairs to find a room.




Ravenna tapped her golden talons upon the arm of her granite throne and cocked her head in contemplation, her eyes reflecting the dim orange light of the single brazier that still illuminated her golden flesh. She looked at Quarylene, as though sizing the drow up; judging her for a fit of clothes, suitability for a role. The Devil Queen pondered for a few moments before briskly rising to her feet, turning from the drow to recover the ruby-studded over-robe that hung upon the head of the throne, forcing her arms through the sleeves with a flourish "You may take a battalion of your choosing from the Orcish camp; Once I am concluded with a little something I have to attend... come along if you wish." She passed Quarylene as she descended the steps, circling around the seer's-pool before marching down the length of the main hall....


.... The Nightmare-drawn carriage came to an uncomfortable stop, perched upon the edge of one of few remaining footpaths nestled so high within the Wyrmbone mountains, so close to the abyssal drop below. The hellish steeds whinnied nervously despite themselves, but the driver settled them with a few soothing words. With a gentle push, the gilded black-wood door swung open, and a celestial golden figure stepped forth.


Sighing as her heels sunk into the earth beneath her, Ravenna balanced her weight upon the balls of her feet and sauntered undaunting across the unsure terrain, golden eyes focused upon the looming Shrine to Illmater, that stood despite the years and the elements rallied against it; a symbol of the Gods eternal perseverance perhaps? An ode to their immortal glory? Ravenna scoffed at such an idea; she had come so close to destroying one of the 'true immortals'. And so had the twisted soul buried beneath her feet...


Placing a palm upon the marble memorial shrine, Ravenna circled the obelisk and read it's plaque aloud "These sinners were mere hours away from attempting to assassinate the One Who Endues during the Time of Troubles. May they remain here for eternity for their crimes, and may the heroes behind the halting of this travesty be forever blessed by Him." Returning after a full circle around the circular stone, the Archdevil laughed mirthfully to herself, looking to the heavens with a wicked grin "Request denied, dear Illmater... they will not be remaining in the ground, oh sickly one..." Placing both palms upon the shrine, talons raking through stone, Ravenna smiled as she felt stone melting beneath her hands, defiling this sacred sight with the flames of The Hells. Once she was satisfied the shrine and it's surrounding ceremonial accoutrements were destroyed, Ravenna stood within the ashen rubble and readied an incantation, arcane energies rattling the golden chainmail of her gown, flickering to life upon her fingertips and radiating from her eyes, arms outstretched as she drew upon her power...


With a muffled cry that released the spell, Ravenna bellowed as eldritch energies crackled and spluttered from her person, radiating out from her gold-encased body in scintillating waves of pulsing purple energy, soaking into the earth like acid eating away at a mouldering corpse... "Freedom!"

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"Yes, everything is fine... I think." She said as she looked away from the window. Nawen wasn't all that worried about the assassin attacking again, at least not tonight.

"I wanted to talk about what happened in the forest, and about what you told me." Nawen spent three days trying to think of the best way how to approach this, she practiced what she wanted to say in her head, but now she couldn't remember a single word of it. "Gods, how should I start this?" She thought to herself as she walked back and forth in front of the bed.

"I've been thinking a lot about this," she started as she stopped walking and sat on the bed, "I still don't understand why-" she paused as she looked at her hands, she knew that she would never understand why one person isn't enough for some, why she isn't enough for him? Did he think that she is not good enough?

"What I wanted to say, is that I am willing to try." Nawen said as she looked back at Tannin. She didn't like the idea, and she knew that she never will, but if he ended up unhappy because of it, she could never forgive herself. She was willing to place his wishes and happiness in front of hers, because to her his happiness mattered more than her own.

"I just ask for one thing," she said, "be discreet about it. I don't want to see you with..." she sighed heavily before continuing, "with other women."

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After a few hours, Weyland walked up into one of the empty double-occupancy bedrooms and checked the sheets, pillow, and various other surfaces for anything suspicious before flopping face-first into a pillow and falling asleep in his armor, with his shield still on his back. Thankfully the pillow muffled his snoring.


Amendale walked by the room and was about to toss his stuff down and go to sleep when suddenly a wry grin crossed his face. He left to another room- shooting a silence spell into both Weyland's room and the one holding Arland and Sybille to stop that gods-damned snoring before occupying another- not yet used - room. Then he sent the owl downstairs.


It landed on Dri's shoulder and conferred a message; "Weyland's room's all yours, Dri." Amendale's voice told her in her head, a glaringly obvious cheeky edge to it, before the owl returned to its owner.



The Freedom spell had an instantaneous effect. There was a low rumbling and then suddenly an object burst through the surface of the ground and hovered a few feet above the ground. In it, obviously in a magical stasis, was an extremely pale individual in black robe, still with a staff on his back. Suddenly the stasis vanished and the man landed on his feet, shakily. He looked around, before a huge grin spread across his scarred face. His eye was immediately drawn to the golden-clad lady before him.


"I owe you my most sincere thanks and gratitude." He told her, his voice charmingly deep. "I wasn't envying whittling away thousands of years entombed on a remote mountainside, as pleasant as the scenery may be. And to whom do I owe my gratitude, Miss...?" He didn't seem to care about his sickly appearance or scars from various skin-eating diseases.

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Lucas was too nervous to sleep, just a few feet away lay the woman that he had idolized for the past few years. Hearing her toss and turn for hours he finally spoke up. "Glad I'm not the only one who can't sleep. I keep half expecting to hear a door get kicked in or something."





Tannin smiled at Nawen as he walked over to her and knelt down in front of where she was sitting. He took a hold of her hand as he looked up at her. "I'm not gonna run off with any woman that shows interest you know." He said to her.

"Honestly it's more of a defense against the monotony and the same old same old day to day... boredom that eventually sinks in after a while. Trust me, after a while you'll get sick and tired of me and will actually want me to go find some other woman to bother." He laughed. "And if you don't want me fooling around with some other woman, just tell me. I certainly don't want to upset you over something as stupid as a that. You say stop, and I'll stop. Okay?"

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Zorica followed Aurora to the room the bardess chose and had just plopped into bed when a gods-awful cacophony that she only barely recognized as snoring came from the room across the hall. It was a raucous duet of two bass lines that rattled the rafters for more than three hours straight. When the fourth hour began to roll around, the half-drow was contemplating smothering the two offenders with their own pillows, enough that she actually began reciting prayers in hopes of preventing her limbs from doing what her mind was imagining...


At last, though, by some miracle of the gods, it stopped, and the paladin almost immediately dropped off into a dreamless slumber.




Rhaine was surprised to hear Lucas speak, thinking he might have been a quiet sleeper. Hoping that she hadn't been the one keeping him awake, she replied, "My apologies, squire. Am I preventing your sleep with my restlessness?"

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Lucas let out a soft chuckle. "No, it's uhh.... It's something else keeping me up." He said, thinking for a moment before he spoke again. "So umm.... was I right about the armor making it hard to sleep?" He asked, turning over to look at her with a smile. He knew he shouldn't be making fun of her or anything, but this was too good of an opportunity to pass up, thought that might have simply been his own exhaustion talking.

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Rhaine glanced sideways, barely able to make out the outline of his head and covered form in the dark, "I acknowledged your point earlier, squire, if I recall correctly. I'm afraid I have more than just that keeping me awake this night. My own mind is my enemy, sometimes, I think. I worry for us...for everyone."

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"Oh..." Lucas suddenly felt bad about his remark now. He stared up at the ceiling for a bit before speaking again. "My uhh... well... heh... When I was little I used to worry about things all the time, would make myself sick. Everyone kept saying not to worry, not to worry. That that just made things worse so I would try.... and then I would worry about worrying and that just made things worse." He chuckled.

"So.. one day my mother told me to umm... that anytime I started worrying about the worst that could happen, to just.. think about the best thing that could happen. That if... you focus on the good, and hope and try your best to make it happen, that it will. I.. I uhh.. I know it sounds cheesy... and yeah it does, but.... I, I did it. Kept thinking about the best thing that could happen, and.... well I'm, traveling wi, with you so... Iiii'd say that it worked pretty well." He said turning bright red.


"And you can't say it's luck because.... I'm... the unluckiest person in the world at times." He added with a laugh.

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Rhaine blinked a few times, a bit surprised by his latter statements, and then smiled wryly, "You flatter me, Lucas...but with all sincerity, thank you. Your words do help."


Thus, she tried to focus on the best thoughts that she could, and within half an hour or so, the Doomguide finally fell asleep.




The following morning, Rhaine rose just after dawn, quickly getting up and combing her hair back into a ponytail before making the rounds to wake the rest of the party members and gather them together. She had plans for them to leave before highsun, if at all possible. Dagny and Argyros had taken watch all night outside of Conall and Xallistine's room, and the two helped the injured companions out of bed and downstairs to breakfast, despite their wearied state. Zorica stumbled out of bed not long after, having slept hard after the unusual silence that had fallen over the infernal and mysterious snorers.


Heidi's supplies were distributed evenly amongst the party members, and after everyone had been well-fed and was armed, they began making preparations to leave the city. The horses were retrieved from the stables and were waiting on them as they left the inn.

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