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Before Hexol could unleash yet another barrage of questions Azuris quickly moved a hand over the Kender's mouth. "That's enough Hex, you can pester her later." Said Azuris. "Forgive him, once he starts it's impossible to get him to stop you see."


Watching the man on the distance walk closer and closer to them, Tannin turned to look over at Llhunarra. "Pleased to meet you. Just a small question....That man coming over here isn't after you is he?"


Lucas meanwhile stood back, letting the other introduce themselves first. He didn't think he was important enough to warrant her attention any ways.

Edited by josh900
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It was at that moment that the Mulan man came within earshot. He raised his hand high in greeting and gave them a friendly, if tentative, grin. His teeth were bright against the dark, shiny copper of his skin, the muscles of his face pulled tight over a strong bone structure. His squinted eyes deepened the wrinkles at the corners - not created from age, but from that repeated action; the dark brown irises, nearly black, darted from one member of the group to the other as he came to a stop roughly ten feet away, leaning on his spear for support.


"Hail travelers," he finally spoke with a booming voice, one that rivaled Argyros's in timbre. His speech was heavily accented, but otherwise perfectly understandable Common. "You approach the borders of Mulhorand. Tell me...what brings such a..." he trailed as he examined them all more closely, "varied...group to our lands?"


He then abruptly removed his helm, revealing a shiny, shaved head, "Oh...apologies. I am Imhiros Sehtar...servant of Osiris."


Rhaine dipped her head, "I am Rhaine Alcinea. Chosen of Kelemvor. These people around me are my comrades. I come to the lands of Mulhorand seeking a great evil, and my sources indicate that a fraction of his power is buried in this dusty country. You would not happen to know of a dracolich named Valthanarax, would you?"


Imhiros's brow furrowed, "Kelemvor?" He paused for several minutes, as if mulling over the name, before recognition finally dawned across his gaunt face, "Ah! Osiris's ally of the outside lands. Few of our people have even heard of him. Lucky for you that I have," he grinned widely again,"and that I know him to be a friend of the Lord of Nature. You say you are looking for a dracolich?" He paused again and shook his head, "I have not heard of such a thing in many summers. But perhaps some of my brothers have."


He let his eyes fall over the party members again before giving Rhaine a wry smirk, "I can help you look for such information...but these others with you will make it difficult. You see, our people have had troubles with the elves in the past. And we are also in the midst of a war with Unther...which we are winning, by the way." He grinned once more, "As such, you would likely not get very far before being apprehended by a heavily armed force."


He shifted his weight from one leg to the other, "I, however, can take you to a friend of mine, where you can stay in peace until we can find out more about this dracolich you mention. He owes the temple of Osiris, and me in particular. He cannot refuse."


Rhaine raised a brow at Imhiros, "And why is it that you are willing to help us when other Mulhorandi might not be so disposed?"


He shrugged, "Because I have good instincts?"


Conall leaned forward and muttered, "As good a reason as any."


After a few moments of contemplating Imhiros's offer, Rhaine glanced to the others, "What do the rest of you say?"


Zorica nodded, "I'm game. Especially if it means we can get in with less trouble."


"Agreed," Argyros rumbled.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Llhunarra smiles at Shalena for her kind response. Of course the half-elf makes no mention of the fact she had no real destination in mind, her idea of travel tending to be more aimless wandering than anything. That was why she ended up lost so often, but she had managed each time thus far so there was no reason to change her ways. Luck was almost always on her side, how else would she have run across such a large group in the middle of nowhere?


As the wolf came sauntering up she was surprised indeed to hear it was Nawen’s companion, the drow seeming more unlike her fabled brethren ever minute. Slowly extending her hand she allows the beast to sniff it if he so desires, such creatures usually a better judge of character than any humanoid.


Hand remaining held aloft her attention is drawn to the excitable fellow that had approached her first, another outburst starting, but abruptly cut off by the hand of another.


“Oh, no harm done.” She remarks before her head turns slightly to the darker skinned half-elf. “The pleasure is mine. Although I did not catch your names.” Her eyebrow arches some at the mention of a man after her, a voice soon calling out to the assembled adventurers a short distance away. This was like an endless train of new people. There was no way she was going to remember all of these names.


Listening to the exchange the red head found herself actually thankful for this one’s arrival. Firstly because the man had drawn the attention away from her, Llhunarra not exactly comfortable under the assessing eyes of so many. Secondly he made mention of a place they might be able to stay, something she had no intentions of turning down as long as she was allowed to join them. After all, they had agreed to assist her in finding her way so if she wanted to find her way to shelter…

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Rhegar sniffed Llhunarra's hand for a bit before looking at Nawen as if saying that the half-elf was indeed telling the truth about being friendly. The drow smiled a little before turning her attention to Imhiros. Once he and Rhaine were done talking, the drow spoke. "I can't say I like the idea of staying in a stranger's home."


"Why not?" Shalena asked. "We seem to accept help from strangers all the time," she said, "and this nice man we just met in the middle of nowhere seems to like our noblest leader's god, that means he's trustworthy." The piratess said, the tone of her voice making it difficult to understand whether she was being serious or sarcastic. Then shot a glance at Imhiros. "If your friend doesn't expect us to pay for staying in his home, then I'm game."

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"My apologies, I'm Tannin, Tannin Virson." Tannin said with a bow. "The bearded fellow there is Azuris, and the young man hiding in the back is Lucas." He said, pointing to each one in turn.


Turning his attention to the servant of Osiris, Tannin looked him up and down before shrugging. "Seems friendly enough, and I doubt any trap he would set would work on us." He said with a smirk.

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"Might as well have him along, if he can help us out." Weyland stated with a shrug. "Whatever gets us closer to killing Valthanarax for good."

"And if all else fails, it's twenty against one." Arland interjected. "And if all else succeeds, we take out another phylactery....and stlarn if I'm not getting damned sick of these phylacteries. And this dracolich."


"As long as he knows I'll have my eye on him." Marie warned. "Same goes for you, Llhunara."


"I guess that settled it, then." Sybille declared. "Unless you have any objections, Rhaine?"

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"I do not," Rhaine replied, returning her attention to the follower of Osiris before them, "Well, then. It seems we're in accord. Lead the way."


Imhiros grinned widely again and bowed, "Of course. You shall not regret this decision. Of that, I am positive. And while we're traveling, why don't you tell me more about this dracolich and why you hunt him with such...dedication..."


As he turned on his heels, Conall leaned down to Llhunarra, offering her a hand to pull her onto his mule, "You look pretty tired, friend. Why don't you climb up behind me? Wherever this Imhiros is headed will surely suffice as your destination for now, and then we can help you find your way when we are back in civilization."




Oddly enough, Imhiros did not slow them down that much, despite the fact he had to walk. He kept a good pace, still using his spear as a walking stick, all the while conversing with Rhaine about the hunt for Valthanarax's phylacteries. The more information Rhaine imparted to him, the more serious Imhiros's face became, until he was almost frowning. It was obvious that what he learned did not settle well with him, and he said as much to her.


"Mulhorand is strong, but hidden cults make it weak," his voice was quiet, "We must root them out. I have no doubt that I can persuade my brothers to help you in your task, once I tell them what you have told me."


Rhaine was quiet for a few moments before inquiring, "So, who is this friend of yours? The one with whom you say we shall be staying?"


Imhiros's stern expression broke into a grin once again as he chuckled, "Menarses Althas. He is a powerful man in Mulhorand...owns many merchant halls and dens of the finest entertainment. He also has a secret that only I and my brothers know about...which is why I also know he will not refuse to help us."


The Doomguide's brow furrowed, "You're going to blackmail him?"


Imhiros winked, "It is for the good of everyone." After chuckling again, he added, "But in all seriousness, I am protecting him. You see, Menarses practices illusion as a hobby. In fact, he's become quite adept at it. There's a small problem with that, however - our people do not have a sound relationship with practitioners of the Art; there are very few of them in our nation's borders, and all of them are strictly monitored by select guildhalls. Such regulations come from our people being in such close proximity to Thayans and their vile ways.


"If they were to find out about Menarses's little secret, his empire of wealth would crumble around his ears," he continued, "And it is much better for all of us if it stays intact. He funds a great many charities in our realm, in addition to providing valuable information to top authority figures. Menarses has eyes and ears everywhere."


Just as the sun was setting, they saw a massive structure come into view on the southern side of the River of Swords. Imhiros pointed, "There. Menarses's estate. I do hope you like palaces, strangers."


As they drew nearer, the sheer size of the estate was apparent. It could have been considered a small town all its own. It sported high, crenellated walls, which encircled at least five gigantic, six-story buildings. Every structure was encased in blindingly white plaster, the roofs sporting golden shingles. The entrances of each building were graced with monolithic marble and granite columns, some taller than Argyros. Along the walls ran an aqueduct, which allowed sparkling waterfalls to spill over the sides at regular intervals. Ahead of them, at the end of a white stone road, was a tall wrought-iron gate, and behind it could be seen a magnificent courtyard filled with exotic fruit trees and decorative fountains. The whole scene was awash with the ruddy and pink hues of the fading daylight.


Conall whistled in awe. Zorica's mouth hung wide open. Even Rhaine seemed thoroughly surprised.


Imhiros approached the closed gate, which seemed to be unguarded, and spoke aloud, "Menarses! Open up! It is I, Imhiros Sehtar, and I have guests for you!"


After a few moments, an excited voice - accented much like Imhiros's, only higher-pitched - replied, "Guests! Oho, since when do you bring guests, Imhiros? There are plenty of ladies, I hope?"


Imhiros glanced over his shoulder at the group and rolled his eyes before turning back and sighing, "Yes, Menarses, but be prepared to bring a heavy shield with you because they're all armed."


Not two minutes later, the gate swung open, and through it walked a short, extremely heavyset Mulhorandi man, his face completely round and bronze in hue. He wore a square, black beard, but no hair was visible under his gold trimmed, violet silk cap. His head was shaved, just like Imhiros's. His matching purple silk robes swished as he walked, revealing many under-layers of turquoise, emerald green, and gold. His square hands were nearly covered by his long sleeves, and each finger was adorned with several golden rings, some with jewels and some without. At his heels (which were invisible under the hem of his robes) followed two large black leopards, both outfitted with gem-studded golden collars. As Menarses came to a halt, the pair of leopards sat on either side of him, their sharp yellow eyes watching the party members closely.


"Imhiros, my friend!" the rotund man opened his arms and strode forward to embrace the Osirian. No sooner than he had done so, however, he pushed Imhiros to the side and placed his hands on his hips as he took in the group with sparkling black eyes, "And I see you have brought me many women...and men too! My, my..." he looked the nearest females up and down with full appreciation in his gaze, "The men I have no interest in, but the ladies..."


Imhiros coughed loudly, "They're not for hire, Menarses. They're here for your help."


That seemed to have no effect on the merchant prince, who simply grinned, "I'm sure they are. Did I mention my services come with a price?"

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While Nawen wasn't pleased with the decision to stay at some stranger's home she said nothing and simply went back on her horse, pulling her cloak from her pack as she did so. She stayed mostly at the back of the group while they traveled, staring at the horizon and wondering where exactly this friend of Imhiros's lived. The estate she saw exceeded all her expectations. She started at the building wide eyed, amazed by the beauty of it, and only when Shalena nugged her, Nawen stopped staring at the estate.


When Menarses greeted them, Nawen stood quite far away from the door but she still noticed the man ogling the female members of their group who stood closer to him. "Wonderful." She thought as frowned a little. "We're not only going to rely on a stranger for housing, but he's also a lecher too."


Shalena meanwhile rather enjoyed Menarses's far from humble speech and glances. "Whatever doubts I've had about this, I take it all back," the piratess chuckled, "I like him."

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She let her hand linger in the air until Rhegar was done sniffing it; Llhunarra’s eyes shifting from Tannin to the strange man after the last of the introductions are done. While she heard the warning from Marie she made no indication that she registered the girl’s words. Having no ill intentions at the moment it mattered little if the other female was to be watching her. Besides, if Llhunarra was as talented as she thought someone keeping an eye on her wasn’t an issue…if she got up to any mischief that is. Again something not planned, but one never knew what opportunities might present themselves, especially with such a large group. The more trees there were the easier it was to pluck a delicious fruit from one.


The offered hand was unexpected. From what Llhunarra had seen in her travels chivalry was mostly dead in this world, men more often having other desires in mind than lending their help to a lady. That was not to say she wouldn’t accept such actions when offered to her. With a smile she takes his hand before easily climbing her way up onto the back of his mules. A light girl and quite agile, she was quickly to hop on, arms sliding gently around his waist as she does. “Thank you.”


With their destination decided upon the lot of them set off, Llhunarra riding in mostly silence as she strained to listed to the conversations around her. The one that most interested her was between their current guide and Rhaine. Not able to hear every detail she heard enough to get a better understanding of why such a large group was traveling together. From what she could hear of the task they were attempting to undergo it was a wonder they didn’t have an army marching behind them. Grateful for being allowed to travel with them to shelter the rogue was confident sticking with them any longer was a bad idea. While seeing a dragon up close had been a sight, she had no real desire to see a dracolich.


When the structure they were to stay in came into view the red head couldn’t help her mouth from dropping open some. In her past she had stayed in several classy establishments when enough coin had found its way to her purse, but this was…incredibly. Looking to Imhiros then Rhaine she made a mental note. Meet more like these two, of course without the tie to a powerful dracolich as an enemy.


Scanning over the massive compound she really couldn’t find the words to describe it, the rays of the setting sun reflecting beautifully off the white walls and golden rooftops. Judging from the outside alone Llhunarra was already fantasizing about lavish beds and washrooms. Had the climate not been so unforgiving her mouth might have been watering at the thought. Lost in her own thoughts she wasn’t even aware two minutes had passed when the gate swings open, a large man in extravagant attire making his way out. Considering how large the man was she had no doubt the food they might receive was going to be absolutely delicious.


Hearing his enjoyment concerning the number of females in the party she smirks at Shalena’s response. “My sentiments exactly.” A grin spreading across the half-elf’s face. Hours ago she had been lost and now she was about to spend what appeared to be a lavish night in a palace. Quite a positive end to a horrible day.

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"Oh gods, not one of those types," Zorica muttered, rolling her eyes and putting her head in her hand.


Conall could only shake his head in a mixture of distaste and disbelief.


Argyros peered from around a column at the merchant, and Menarses jumped as if he had just seen the silver.


"Oho! And look at you!" the merchant took off his cap and bowed low, "To what do I owe the honor of having a dragon visit my humble abode?"


"This is humble?" Rhaine murmured to herself. She refrained from saying anything else, letting Imhiros control the situation for now.


The Osirian responded before Menarses could make any more remarks, "Like I said...they're here for your help, and I will need a place where I can regularly correspond with them - I can talk with you more about this matter in private. They also are in need a safe place to stay for a few tendays...and there is to be no charge for them lodging here." He raised his eyebrows and pointedly looked the merchant in the eyes, "Do you understand what I say, Menarses? What they do is as important as what you do. I need to know they will be well taken care of, in safe hands, and most of all, not harassed by the locals."


The merchant prince smirked as he straightened and replaced his cap atop his head, "Somehow, I knew you would use that tactic, Imhiros." He sighed, "Well then, I have no choice but to oblige you, of course."


He stepped back and clapped his hands twice. A few seconds later, three servant men appeared, clad in only white linen loincloths. They smiled up at the group, saying nothing, but gesturing for them to hand over the reins of their steeds. As several of the party members dismounted, Argyros took the time to shift back into his elven guise, which seemed to make Menarses much more comfortable. The merchant grinned at the disguised dragon, "Much better...I was beginning to wonder how I would house such a large guest. You are quite adept at Polymorphing, yes? Perhaps we could teach each other a few things."


As the servants began leading their steeds away, Menarses waved them into the courtyard, "Come, come. We haven't got all evening. Oh," he let his hands slide over the heads of his great cats, "Meet my lovely companions, by the way - Anhsu and Nesati." The only way to tell the difference between the two black leopards was that Nesati was slightly smaller, one of her ears pierced with a gold ring. The pair loped quietly beside their master as he walked along, occasionally casting bright yellow glances at the party members closest to them.


"There is the dining hall," Menarses explained as he gestured ahead of them and slightly to the left, "Where we shall all put up our feet for a while and introduce ourselves, yes? I'm sure you are all famished and in need of sustenance." He pointed to the immediate left, "There is the temple of Nephthys and Bast...or Sharess, as you might know her." Gesturing ahead of them and to the right, he added, "The bathhouse is there...with private accommodations for those who desire it. I prefer the public pool myself," he winked and chuckled. Then, pointing to the immediate right, he continued, "There are the guest quarters, where you are free to make yourself at home. My servants will see to you once you select your rooms. Just clap and they will appear for you." Lastly, he indicated the largest building on a small hillock behind the bathhouse and dining hall, "And that is my home. That is the only place that is off limits to you - unless I invite you, of course." Menarses gave the ladies another lecherous grin, but stopped when Imhiros glared at him.


The Osirian then supplied, "Menarses entertains all sorts of guests from high society here...this is not only his estate, but also a retreat of sorts. The wealthy pay Menarses to relax and enjoy themselves in this private haven. They will, however, not be around to bother you all whilst you stay here...isn't that right, Menarses?"


The merchant sighed heavily, "Yes, Imhiros, I will lock the gates and request passwords from every being that approaches." He gave Imhiros a glare of his own, "You're going to owe me for all of this lost business, you know that, right?"


"What lost business?" Imhiros smiled slyly, "There's a festival coming up, no? Put these wondrous folk to good use and you'll more than compensate for any wealth lost here."


A light seemed to ignite in Menarses's eyes as comprehension dawned in them. Before Rhaine could ask either of them about anything, however, the merchant was ushering them all into the dining hall, "Come in, come in! Take your seats, now!"


The heavy scent of incense and exotic spices greeted their noses as the group entered. High arched windows lined the gigantic hall on one side, and elaborate tapestries hung from ceiling to floor along the other. In the middle of the room was one massive, rectangular marble slab that served as a table, a great many silk and velvet cushions placed along the edges for diners to sit upon. At regular intervals down the center of the table were golden candlesticks and bowls full of fresh dates, pomegranates, lemons, limes, and oranges. Servants lingered like ghosts in the shadows, watching the newcomers and awaiting Menarses's word.


Argyros, in his silvery elven form, was the first to obey the merchant's request, promptly seating himself on a massive cushion and staring at a bowl of fruit with great interest. Conall and Zorica followed, sitting together across from the dragon-in-disguise. Rhaine stayed standing for a moment, hoping that she could wedge herself between two of her comrades in order to avoid sitting next to Menarses...

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