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Tales of Faerun


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Nawen didn't know what to say when she saw how angry Rhaine became after she finished explaining what happened. She was still angry with Tannin and didn't really feel like seeing him anytime soon, and it was also very likely she will continue to feel upset for quite some time but she didn't hate him.


"Thank you, Rhaine," she said as she stood up and approached the Doomguide, "but that won't be necessary. I wouldn't want you to lose an useful ally just for my sake. I will be able to handle him being around without causing any more tensions and as long as he won't try to bring this up, it'll be fine, really," she said as reassuringly as she could.

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Rhaine swallowed hard, lips pursed tightly together, and then nodded, "I doubt I would lose much. But, very well. I shall make it clear to him that the only reason he remains with us is because of my respect for your wishes...and your mercy." She turned to leave, but then stopped, glancing back over her shoulder, "You might want to make an appearance downstairs, if you can. I am sure others among us would feel better knowing you are all right." With that, she quietly departed the room, shutting the door again behind her.

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"I will," Nawen said when Rhaine was about to leave but then stopped, "and thank you for coming to see me." When Rhaine left Nawen remained in her room thinking when to come downstairs, now or later, deciding to do so now, she sighed heavily and departed the room as well. She spent enough time as it is in that room. Maybe seeing her other friends will do some good too.


It took her a bit to find her way to the common room but with the help of a servant she eventually found it. Hoping no one minded her lack of presence she wished all of them good morning and sat at the table. The piratess noticed that Nawen joined them, while surprised she said nothing.

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Unbeknownst to the others, Tannin had found a small bar are in Menarses's compound and had helped himself to a large amount of the native drink of choice. He had lost count of the bottles he had gone through as he poured through more books and scrolls, and soon found to his horror, his vision blurred, his thoughts muddled, and his balance fading away. It wasn't long until he was sitting on the floor, his back to the wall and bottle still in hand, figuring that as he was already a little drunk, he might as well go all the way with what his studies had brought up these past few weeks.

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Snorting some Llhunarra had to disagree. Living as a slave was no way to exist. Should she ever find herself in such scenario and find it inescapable then she would opt to take her own life. Chomping down on her apple again she gives a little shrug to his response. Part of her wanted to try and push her point more, but the male seemed to have his own opinion already set. He had saved them after all even if not with the greatest of intentions. Leaving it that she gives a small nod to Nawen as she enters, just realizing now she hadn’t seen the elf around in the past few days.

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By inquiring around and obtaining directions from several of Menarses's servants, Rhaine managed to find out exactly where Tannin had hidden himself for the past few days. The Doomguide burst into the tavern-esque lounge to find the rogue immersed in a heap of books and bottles and swigging away at what must have been a hundredth near-empty vessel. Her lip curled in disgust as she strode across the room, kicking bottles spinning, some of them shattering against the wall. "Gods, as if you could not get any lower, you imbecile!" she hissed.


The shattering bottles pulled Tannin out of his haze, Rhaine’s disgust visibly evident; Tannin slowly raised his head to look up at her, meeting her blazing eyes with his own, the violet barely visible under the white fog like coloring that had taken over them.


“Well good evening to you too.” His words slowly came out, his Waterdhavian accent lost and replaced with a low Neverwintan, often found in the dark corners of the city.


“Sooo I imagine this isn’t exactly a friendly visit, am I right?”


"It's daytime," Rhaine corrected, her tone clipped, "And no, perceptive one, this isn't friendly at all..."


What commenced was a heated discussion concerning Tannin's treatment of Nawen, his secret plotting, and what sounded like an insane plan to save the goddess Eilistraiee by attacking Lolth on his own. Ultimately, the argument went nowhere fast, and it only reassured Rhaine that he, in fact, needed to part ways with the company.


At last, after all was said and done, she sighed, "I think it is best if you leave. I want you gone from this estate by this time tomorrow. Say your goodbyes and pack your belongings. Take your gods-damned sword with you…I hope it chokes.”


With that, she stormed from the tavern room and let the door slam shut behind her as she made her way back to the commons.

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"All this talk of slaves and yet, I was unable to find a single soul available to dress me." The great doors of the common room slid open with a sand-flecked grind, bathing the interior walls for a few ephemeral moments in the effervescent luminosity of the raging sun, ribbons of scarlet, tyrian and amber glory framing a svelte figure of obscured majesty that had entered upon the rays of Horus-re himself. Scintillating eyes surveyed the chamber with a detached curiosity, as Nephis took a moment of recompense, the rueful rescission of the glorious sun replaced by the glittering intensity of polished gold and eburnean silk, wrapped taut in snaking vines of opulent artifice and fashionable allure, a nigh celestial aura of unearthly presence settling in her wake. She stood unwavering as her gaze caressed the assortment of foreigners that graced those gargantuan halls.


The Red Wizard stepped forth upon gilded heels to reveal her form to the welcoming light, dripping in accents of gold and pearl. Her movements were a gentle swaying of slender limbs carried along upon placid winds that shook her earthly adornments into a pendulous twinkle of metallic collision; the first drops of rain upon a bitter and dehydrated oasis. Nephis's gown was a blend of raw silks and transparent linen, cut between her breasts and slashed to the hip, each ivory thread bore a twin of gold. Her nails- long and rounded- matched the pearlescent accents of her winged headdress, a construct of solid gold fashioned into the mien of a great scarab, wings open in flight. Bangles and bracelets completed her look, clashing together as her arms wrapped the shoulders of her protoge and patron from behind.


"You have strayed from my side so very long, my dear, pray tell you introduce me to these esteemed guests?"


The Thayan's accent was rich and deep, heightened by a personal haughtiness that eradiated from her figure in waves of unmistakable confidence. Arrogance was amplified by the twitch of her brow, and prying eyes intruded upon all.


Nephis had made her arrival clear.



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Nawen was quietly eating her breakfast when a woman walked in. For all her impressive attire, she sounded quite arrogant, something Nawen didn't like. She said nothing, just watched the woman cautiously before continuing to eat her food.


Shalena meanwhile stared at the woman without even trying to hide it. She wore fine clothing as well as accessories, which made her wonder how did this woman and her valuable possessions managed to stay unseen by her crew as well as herself. "I am rather surprised to see neither of us have met." The piratess said as she watched the woman curiously.


Orion walked through the streets sticking mostly to shadows. He hated this heat. It was too unbearable for someone like him who preferred much cooler environments. The streets were crowded too. The sorcerer had to push through countless of people which made it all the worse. Scoffing in disgust he quickened his pace until he finally reached the inn. He pulled enough coins for the room out of his pockets and threw them on the counter. "I need a room filled with shadows." He said to the innkeeper. The woman watched him with the raised eyebrow before directing him to one of the rooms downstairs.


As Orion entered his room, he seemed somewhat pleased. It was dark, though still too warm for his liking. "It's like this land has sun beneath it." He muttered to himself as he cast a few spells, which covered the walls, floor and the ceiling with white frost. While it was still not how he preferred, it was enough to keep him satisfied. At least for a few hours.

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As Rhaine left the bar room Azuris was leaning up against the hallway wall just outside. With her emotions evident on her face, Azuris arched a brow and asked, "So'd you kill 'em or something?"

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Rhaine nearly stormed right past Azuris, her anger having reduced the field of her vision, until he addressed her. She halted in her tracks, half-turned, and replied shortly, "No...but I did tell him to leave our company."




Meanwhile, Conall was relieved to see Nawen back amongst them. He moved to sit beside her and leaned close so the others would not hear as well, "It's good to see you back among the living, friend. Are you all right?"


Zorica, on the other hand, was watching the bejeweled newcomer. She had just thought the estate was the most lavish thing she had ever seen. As it turned out, she was wrong. This woman topped even that level of ostentatiousness.


Menarses seemed doubly glad to see the woman as she swept into the common room and wrapped her arms about him. He grinned as he took and held her hands firmly, yet gently, "Nephis! So good of you to make an appearance! These are the folk Imhiros led to me...you remember Imhiros, yes?"

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