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Conall glanced sideways when Nawen entered and gave her a polite nod as Aodh fluttered over to land on her shoulder again. The werewolf paladin then returned his attention to the priest, interested in hearing his answer to Shalena's astute inquiry.


Sirensis smiled at the piratess, "Because I had to see you perform, first. I needed to see how much heart you would put into it...how much you cared." He gestured to Imhiros with one hand, "Tell them."


The Osirian inclined his head, "I discussed what I learned about you and your mission with Menarses the first night you were here. We knew that Sirensis would need to be convinced of how much you would be willing to do to achieve your goals without showing disrespect. The festival happened to be soon enough to put you all to the test...to see who would be willing to help in ways that might be uncomfortable, and to see how much restraint and civility you would display under pressure."


"And I wished to see this for myself," Sirensis continued, "Before I divulged any information regarding the site I have in mind to you. Thankfully," he glanced back to Shalena, "you proved yourselves more than worthy...your performance has all the gods smiling, I am sure. You have demonstrated patience, courage, and perseverance here, virtues that common mercenaries and thieves hardly ever possess. I am convinced that you are anything but common, and I am of a mind to help you in your quest."

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Nawen smiled when Aodh landed on her shoulder again. It seemed he took a liking to her, and she was more than pleased with his company. She glanced at the table and noticed some cheese on the platter. She took a small piece of it and split it to smaller pieces for the pseudodragon to enjoy. Aodh noticed the cheese in her palm and squeaked in excitement. Nawen smiled a little at the sound, picked one piece and gave it to Aodh which the tiny dragon happily ate. While it seemed that her attention was fully focused on the small creature on her shoulder, she still listened to what the priest was saying.


Shalena listened to what the priest said. This new meaning to their dancing yesterday made it a little less fun. She always knew that they danced to honor the Gods, and while she believed in Gods the dancing to her was just that - dancing. Well, dancing and reveling in the attention. "Usually, doing whatever is necessary is okay with most people," she said, "you people have some high standards. We'd rather be overrun with undead than accept help from people who may or may not be common thugs."


"I think you're exaggerating a bit there, Shalena." Nawen said as she fed another piece of cheese to Aodh.


"I'm sure he understands what I meant." The piratess replied before turning her attention back to Sirensis.

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It had been nearly a year since that fateful day when "The Broken Back" was set ablaze and Caden barely escaped with his life, that was the last time he saw the woman whom he carried a torch for. But here we was, on the opposite end of the world, and there she was, up on a stage.


He couldn't believe his luck, and didn't want to at first, but there was no denying it, that was Shalena up there. He never thought that she would be her of all places, but still he was glad, for he had unfinished business with his fellow pirate, and he wouldn't rest until it was concluded.



Getting into the compound was easy enough. He looked around nearly everywhere until he heard voices coming from behind closed doors, putting his ear against the door he listened in, and then he heard her. A wolfish grin spread over his face as he stepped away from the door to lean against the wall. To many people around could spoil the reunion. And so he would wait until the voices quieted.



Azuris was worn out, he sat at the table in the common room, holding up his head with his hands. He had spent nearly the entire festival keeping Hexol from causing too much panic, the Kender meanwhile was perfectly content, eating his breakfast while chattering away to no one in particular.



Lucas meanwhile sat quietly, contrary to what some would think, he hadn't really enjoyed the festival, though his reasons he kept to himself. He was paying close attention to the current conversation, though as usual let the other speak.

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Doshkin watched the dancers in rapt attention, the sight filling him with awe. It was a surprise to see Llhunarra's friend Sybille on stage, and even more surprising to see that she could dance well. Well, then... my wits fail me yet again... He loved the way the first three dancers performed, the exotic dance mesmerizing. However, he noticed that the winged half-elf would be the last to dance, and this was the dancer he wanted to see most. Heh, saving the best for last, perhaps? he mused, then watched...


Amazing... she is very goo- BY THE GODS! Doshkin gaped once more, both in awe and realization, when suddenly the woman was wrapped in magical green flames. Oohhhh... damnation... he groaned inwardly in disappointment; though he really liked the winged beauty, that magical energy spoke of a power that even he realized would be terrible to anger. Great...


Still, he did enjoy the dance, and once it was over, Doshkin gave a great applause for the performers, before turning to Llhunarra. "Well, that was quite the spectacle, wasn't it?" He looked around and noticed how... riveting... the festivities were becoming. "But, I do believe I shall take my leave, before I get caught up in this particular excitement." He stood up and started to leave. "Miss Llhunarra, it was most entertaining to share some wine with you. I do hope we get to do so again in the future." With that, the aasimar left, heading to a guestroom appointed to him, and went to bed.




Doshkin arose early the next day, feeling refreshed and eager to see what the day would bring. I wonder if that good lady I met last night will still be around? he thought to himself, then began wandering the halls after getting his things packed, looking for his new friend.

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Sirensis smiled wryly at Shalena, "I am certain there are places that are important to you or your people, and I am sure you would not appreciate just...any old stranger making themselves at home, there. Thus, I am also certain that you will understand our precautions - some locations are too valuable to risk lightly."


With that, he turned back to Rhaine, "Have you a map?"


The Doomguide nodded, "I do."


She pulled it out of her pack and unfolded it on a table. Imhiros, Menarses, and Sirensis all gathered around it, the priest taking a few moments to properly orient himself before he pointed to the mountain range on the eastern side of the country - the Dragonsword Mountains.


"Here," he spoke with a nod, "at the source of the River of Shadows, is a tomb. It is an ancient and sacred burial site for many of our more respected ancestors...including relatives of the Pharaoh. We followers of Osiris patrol sites such as these regularly, much like you Doomguides do. Unfortunately," he met Rhaine's eyes with his own near-black ones, "the last few patrols to this tomb have not returned. We suspect foul play, of course, but anyone who has been sent to investigate has vanished. If your enemies have come to Mulhorand, that is where I suspect they are."


"I can lead you there," Imhiros added, "And I will also join you in your fight against these invaders, if they have indeed holed themselves up here. By desecrating this sacred place, they have declared themselves foes of Mulhorand and Osiris as well."


"I know that many of you rode into my estate on mules," Menarses interjected, "But you will not ride away on them. I have taken the liberty of exchanging these pack beasts with steeds more worthy of your station...and also which will better suit your purpose. You will find seven horses in the stables, all of noble bloodlines, of which all those who need them may have their pick."


Rhaine smiled broadly, "Thank you for your generosity, Menarses."


The merchant-prince was just about to reply to her when Zorica, the Greys, and the Ordain sisters entered the room. The merchant smiled broadly, "Ahhhh, there are our other performers." He then snapped his fingers at two of the nearby servants, who went hurrying off to a side hall. They returned within minutes with wrapped bundles in their arms, which they presented to Rhaine, Sybille, Shalena, and Zorica.


Rhaine took her parcel gingerly, curiosity in her gaze, "And what is this?"


Menarses grinned at her devilishly, "Your costume. You all may keep them, as souvenirs, of sorts. Remember this time...and the glory of Mulhorand...well."


The servants vanished again and re-emerged with more bundles, handing them out to all of the party members. The merchant continued, "And these are clothes more appropriate for our climate than what you wear now. Three changes of them each...to ensure that you will at least not die of the desert heat."


Zorica was genuinely surprised at Menarses's largesse, and she took her gifts with a look of awe on her face, "Thank you...very much."

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Before the dance had even begun Llhunarra had her boots up on the edge of the table, relaxing in the causal position she normally assumed when enjoying a drink. Eyes on the stage she was prepared to be unimpressed, as the group of dancers had spent little time practicing. (When compared to one who took to the stage as their profession.) However, what she witnessed was anything but the disaster she expected.


All four of the women took their turns on stage after the initial synchronized part of the dance. Despite their different builds and as far as Llhunarra could tell, there different backgrounds, they all shared the grace of a practiced performer. Even the larger Sybille moved about the stage with as much fluidity as that of a female half her size. Halfway through the first solo act the rogue was cheering and clapping along with the rest, her calls loudest for Shalena and Sybille since she had barely spoken to the other two. They still received cheers though, their movements almost enough to make Llhunarra jealous that she had not been selected for one of the parts…almost.


When the show finally came to its climax, Rhaine filling the air with what had to be magic; Llhunarra was as giddy with excitement as the rest. Smiling wide as she claps for the four females she had almost forgotten that she had company at the table with her. Doshkin’s voice drew her mind away from the performers as they retreated to the back of the stage and then disappeared.


“It was indeed.” The redhead in agreement with his words. “As do I, please do enjoy the rest of your night Doshkin Doiteain.” Saluting him with her half empty wine glass she looks back to the now empty stage. Licking her lips for a moment she too rises from the table, scooping up the wine bottle as she takes her leave. Heading towards her own quarters, the elf found her mind more distracted than she would have liked. She had no ties to those she had met so far, not Shalena, Sybille or Doshkin, yet she was curious to know more. Companionship was not something she had not been familiar with for the last several years…even in its fledgling stages. Quietly finishing the wine bottle by herself Llhunarra found the warm wine wasn’t enough to silence her thoughts.




The following morning the elf awoke without a hangover, the first time that had happened since the group’s arrival to Manarse’s estate. Dressing quickly she made her way to the common room where most tended to gather after rising from their beds. Remaining along the edge of the room she listened and observed as usually, but when the merchant had handed out his gifts she actually approaches Rhaine. With a polite tap to the shoulder she addresses the apparent Doomguide.


“I could not help but overhear your group is to be departing soon. May I have permission to aid you in your task? Not having met you before our paths crossed in the wild, I would like to repay my debt for being allowed to travel to this place with you. On my own I doubt I would have received such a welcome or enjoyed as many pleasures as I did.” Of course that was only part of the reason she wanted to go with them. The nagging notion to learn more about those she had started mingle with was another part…not to mention the possibility of what might be found on this journey. If a few patrols had gone missing then most likely other groups had as well, such misfortune on the road often left many items without an owner.

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Rhaine glanced sideways to see Llhunarra, the half-elven woman who'd accompanied them to the estate, standing nearby. The Doomguide smiled warmly at her, "You have no debt to us to repay, but if you truly wish to help us, we would welcome any aid you can provide. However, I feel I must also warn you - the road we walk is both treacherous and dangerous, and we have lost more than one noble life on our journey. If you are willing to risk your own for our cause, then may Tymora smile on you as you take your place by our side."


With that, she put the parcels of clothing in her bag along with her refolded map, "Everyone...let us go. We have our destination and much work to do once we get there."


Menarses and Sirensis bid them all farewell and good luck on their journey, Imhiros being the first to leave in order to lead them to the stables to secure their new mounts. Zorica, who had grown quite fond of the large bed into which she had been crashing each night, felt a slight pang of sadness as she realized she would likely never know such luxury again. Argyros, too, felt that he would miss the beautiful estate, despite the oddness and haughtiness of the people there. Conall, however, was eager to get going, feeling much better - and safer - when they were moving.


Once Imhiros opened the stable doors and presented their new horses, Zorica immediately fell in love with the steed closest to her - a beautiful seal bay mare, delicately shaped and relatively small in comparison her fellow horses. She was short enough that the half-drow could easily climb onto her back without stirrups. Her face bore a sweet expression, her nose and muzzle refined, her head slightly dished inwards. Her ears were small and pointed straight upwards, flicking slightly when Zorica gasped aloud at her appearance. The mare's mane and tail were glossy black, combed to perfection, her near-black coat shiny and revealing reddish-gold hues around her muzzle, eyes, underbelly, and haunches. She was outfitted in a golden rope-like tack, including a purple, embroidered, cloth-padded saddle, with golden tassels adorning the noseband, breastband, and crupper. She watched Zorica approach with large, honey-brown eyes, and she seemed completely unfazed as the half-drow laid a tentative hand on her elegantly-arched neck.


"This one," Zorica breathed, her voice light as if she were afraid her very breath would blow the gorgeous mare away, "Can I...take this one?"


Imhiros grinned widely, "You may have your pick, like Menarses said. She is called 'Araha'."


Zorica veritably squeaked and carefully wrapped her arms around the neck of the mare; she had never been able to own a horse before, and she was so filled with excitement and gratitude that her eyes became filled with tears. "I will treasure her," she said as she took hold of Araha's reins with almost fearful gentleness. Then, there was a muffled "MEW" from Zorica's pack, and Conall could have sworn that it was tinted with a hint of jealousy...


The werewolf paladin found himself drawn to a robust horse about halfway down the line - a well-muscled rose-grey stallion with white stockings and a white blaze down his rather convex face. The horse's legs, muzzle, and ears were a dark blue-grey, contrasting with the rest of his much paler body, and his silvery mane and tail had been meticulously braided to keep both out of the way. Amongst the plaits had been woven sky-blue ribbons that matched his black-and-blue themed leather tack. The stallion snorted at Conall, meeting the paladin's gaze with a matching blue one, icy eyes sharp and fiery. The werewolf smiled as he formed a mental link with the horse, rubbing the stallion between the eyes with a firm but kind hand. It would be difficult to form a bond with another steed after the horrid death of his previous mount, but he was certain that he would be able to forge a strong friendship over time.


Imhiros pointed to the stallion, "Ah...Menarses dubbed that one 'Gaius'."


Rhaine herself tried to choose a horse large enough to carry her in full armor and yet still travel swiftly and easily through the desert sands. She found her steed in a mare that was the hue of those self-same sands, her coat a shimmering pearly gold. She was solidly colored, her coat unbroken by markings, her hooves, mane, and tail even that same sandy-brown. Her tack was plain black leather, thick and sturdy. Her head was wedge-shaped, finely chiseled, her limbs strong but not too large, her muscles well-defined. She nudged tentatively but curiously at Rhaine, nosing around the Doomguide's belt pouches...no doubt searching for treats.


"What's her name?" Rhaine asked Imhiros as she patted the mare's honey-colored neck.


"Kaliste," the Osirian replied, "the newest addition to Menarses's collection; he purchased her from a Vaasan traveling trader."


Rhaine nodded and glanced to the rest of the party, wondering which of the remaining four horses her steedless companions would choose.

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Sybille grinned when she was presented with her costume. "Great! I liked this get-up, myself."


"I don't understand how you could. It looks like it tickles." Marie interjected. "And that it makes it really easy to trip over your own ankles."


"Not really." Sybille shrugged.


"If you want to carry it, I guess."


Amendale was both surprised and unexpectedly excited at the prospect of owning a new horse. His last steed, and a trusty beast it had been, lost its life drinking from the river near Earthheart despite his efforts to heal it, so he was also apprehensive of putting a new mount in danger. Once they were shown their way to the stables, Amendale's attention was captured by a light, swift-looking creature, coloured- for the most part- a pale white, but with somewhat-darker grey patches speckling its muzzle and painting the bottom half of its legs. It looked very muscular for its small size; this one was definitely a runner. It beheld the moon elf with big curious blue eyes.


"This one's name is Mahzin." Reported Imhiros. "He's not strong, but he's fast."


"What do you say, Mahzin? Ready to hit the road with us?" Amendale asked, petting the steed.


"The horse's name is 'mazing?" Arland asked, looking on the verge of laughing.


"Mahzin." Imhiros corrected. "Mah-zeen."


"Shame." Arland snortd.


The Greys, meanwhile, saddled themselves upon their own horses and were ready to ride rather quickly. Marie's new horse was a reddish-brown blood bay hunter, and a rather cantankerous one at that. It flicked its head irritably in her general direction as she approached...but wasn't above taking the apple she offered. She grinned. He was right up her alley.


"Rohit is his name." Imhiros informed her. "He's a feisty one."


"I like him." Marie commented. Rohit snorted and let himself by petted.


Annette got a courser, solid-grey with no patterning, a black mane, and milky brown eyes. She nuzzled the alchemist lightly as she approached. She was a pretty stocky horse, thick and hardy, but she was a gentle "giant", so to speak. She loved being scratched behind the ears, as Annette quickly discovered.


"She is Adina. She's quite friendly, as you've noticed." Imhiros told her.


"Nice to meet you, Adina." Annette cooed, petting the courser, which almost knocked her on her rump with its nuzzling.

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Once the party members had all decided on their new steeds or tacked up their old ones and mounted, Rhaine instructed Imhiros to lead the way; the paladin of Osiris took his own horse - a lightly-built black stallion very similar in appearance to Zorica's Araha - and urged it into a trot, heading out of the stables and through Menarses's gates. The servants and Menarses himself all waved goodbye as the group departed, the two great black cats at the merchant prince's side just as they had been when the party arrived. It was a scene oddly filled with warmth, as if the companions were bidding farewell to relatives before they headed out on their epic quest. Little did they know that those extravagant golden halls had reached the pinnacle of their glory, and would only go downhill from there...


They traveled northeastward, cross-country, through dry open plains and patches of sandy desert, punctuated here and there by oases, at which they would water and rest their horses. No stop lasted very long, however, and as soon as they had sufficiently fed or refreshed themselves, they were on their way again. The party traveled for three days in this manner, the Dragonsword Mountains looming ever closer with each day that passed. That third evening, they made camp on the northern banks of the River of Spears, anticipating only one more day of travel before they reached the tomb of which Sirensis spoke.


Zorica assisted in pitching the tents, while Conall made sure all the steeds were brushed down, fed, and watered. As soon as Rhaine was finished with her own tent, she quickly ducked inside and stripped out of her armor, donning one of the light, white linen dresses that had been inside the parcel of clothing Menarses's servants had provided. The sun of Mulhorand was fierce, despite the lack of humidity, and it sapped the energy right out of anyone traveling under its intense rays. The Doomguide found herself much more comfortable in the native garb, and as she emerged from her tent again, she pulled her sweat-dampened hair into a bun at the back of her head.


As Zorica finished with the tents, she saw Rhaine in her lighter clothing and nodded, "Not a bad idea." The half-drow, too, entered her tent to change, coming out in a few minutes wearing a linen dress of her own. With a sigh of contentment, Zorica then sat before the crackling fire, listening as the night insects began their singing and watching the distant pink horizon slowly turn violet.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Not having owned a horse in some time the half-elf was a little taken back by the offer to have one as her own. Never one to turn down a gift though the rogue graciously accepts. With no real preference in her mount she waits patiently for the others to claim theirs, letting the true members of the party take their pick. In the end she was left with a brown steed, his coat having a slight coppery sheen to it. Holding her hair against its flank she found that in certain spots it almost seemed to match. Learning the beasts name was Castor she quietly coos in his ear as her hands gently run through its thick mane.


With little effort the light elf she was upon Castor’s back, taking a spot towards the rear of the departing caravan. Llhunarra had promised to help and although it was not for selfless reasons her words had been true. As they rode she chatted with those close, not really having much to offer, but information about herself if asked and her random musings on things they passed. More than once she could be seen sipping from the flask clipped to the back of her belt. she made sure to consume enough water as well…but that didn’t mean she couldn’t also enjoy something with a bit more flavor.


When they stopped to set up camp on the third evening out from Manarse’s estate she took to her usually tasks, caring for her own steed and offering small amounts of help where she could. Not overly fond of work she never volunteered for anything to strenuous or time consuming, best to leave that to those with the desire to do it. Soon things began to settle down and so did she. Having no tent and not wanting one the redhead makes her way towards the crackling fire. Unsure of exactly how much farther they had to go she planned to relax when the change presented itself.


Settling down onto her side a short distance from the fire, head propped up by one elbow, Llhuanrra lets out a content sigh. Flask already resting on the ground beside her she had yet to tap into this night, but that time wasn’t far off. Unlike like the others she chose not to change. Their generously given outfits were undeniably cooler yet she chose to stay in her leather garb, the outfit something she had grown accustom to. Besides white never mixed with one who enjoyed sprawling out on the dirt.


“A pleasant evening…” Llhunarra mumbles to herself more than anyone in particular.

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