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Tales of Faerun


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"I would say that Icewind Dale isn't that bad," Nawen said and smiled a little remembering the days when she was a little girl building snowmen and castles in the snow while they stayed at her guardian's friends' home, "but I guess it is that bad to those who lived in the south." The drow paused and for a brief moment simply watched the fire. "I spent quite some time in Icewind Dale," she said, "my guardian had a few friends there so we used to stay with them from time to time."


"You never speak much about that guardian of yours," Shalena said.


"There's not a lot to say about him," Nawen replied as she shot a glance at a newcomer, "he raised me and taught me about survival in the wilds until I was old enough to live on my own. He then left without telling me where he was going, and few years later I found out he died."


"That's it?" The piratess asked.


There was a short moment of silence before Nawen replied. "That's it."

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"If you consider my tracking all of you for the past three days following you, then, yes, I guess I have been following you," Doshkin replied with a bit of false severity to the brash voice questioning him. "Although I would say 'late in tagging along,' myself. The way you describe it makes me out to be a stalker of sorts, which is quite absurd. Such unseemly behavior is unbecoming of one." He had to keep himself from laughing at the irony of that statement, considering the fact that he's been the one stalked before... And not always by friendly girls with crushes...


The aasimar dropped that thought before it could continue and grinned as he saw a familiar face greeting him. "Ah, Llhunarra! It is a pleasure to see you once again!" He stooped slightly and gave the half-elf a warm hug before releasing her and responding. "As a matter of fact, yes, I did indeed follow you. You see, I decided that it was time for another adventure, and although it surely tested my abilities as a tracker and rider, I was determined yours was the group to whom I would be best able to contribute, and so here I am. Besides," he gave a playful smile, "isn't it more fun to travel with a friend?"


The warlock looked over by the fire and saw the same winged woman at the festival. "Ah, the angelic dancer herself. Pleased to meet you, good lady." Quite the opposite, really; he could still feel the cold chills running up his spine from that magical display of hers...


He approached slightly closer into the light of the camp fire and gave a slight bow. "As you just heard, I felt like traveling with a friend, and that my skills and talents would be of value to you as well, if you all will have me. It would beat traveling alone for me, at the very least, heheh."

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The redhead had not intended to leave Zorica alone with the drink, but Llhunarra was easily excitable. Distracted while the female tested the mixture, she wasn’t even aware that the flask had been placed back on the ground. Scampering over to the small group gathering as Doshkin announced himself; she was a little surprised he so readily admitted he was following them. Best to be honest she supposed, especially considering the large and presumable powerful group he had been stalking. His reason for following them was a bit surprising as well for the male had even less invested in the group than she, as far as she knew anyway.


Accepting the hug, for she was a friendly girl, the elf then pulls back. “Tag along? I am sure they will not mind, they let me come after all.” With a slap to the arm she turns and heads back towards the fire. Sliding back down to the spot she had been before, Llhunarra spots the flask in almost the exact place it had been originally. Moving to sit on her butt, eyes glancing to Doshkin as he made his way towards the area as well, she is quick to resume her conversation with Zorica.


“So, what did yah think? Pretty good right?” Crossing her legs underneath herself, the rogue snatches the flask from its resting place. With a deft and quite practiced movement she pulls the stopper free before lifting it to her lips. Enjoying several swallows of the strong, but sweet liquid she finishes with a grin towards the half-drow, one arm lifting to wipe the extra alcohol from her lips. Hopefully tonight would prove more entertaining that the last two nights…or perhaps they only seemed boring because of the amenities she had enjoyed while at Manarse’s estate.

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Zorica glanced to Nawen, casually commenting, "I'd like to visit Icewind Dale sometime. The Frozen North has always fascinated me...I want to see the thick snows and the icy caves." Then, the half-drow turned back to Llhunarra and smirked, "It's a bit sweet for my tastes. But I do believe it will do the trick, should you need it to." She chucked heartily and grinned, "Like I said before, I much prefer ales and the like."


Rhaine squinted as the stranger called Doshkin addressed her; there was something about the way he said those words regarding his pleasure to meet her that did not seem sincere. Furthermore, his eagerness to join them without any knowledge of their quest was borderline foolish, if not downright suspicious...


The Doomguide stood from her seated position and crossed her arms, giving Doshkin an appraising gaze, "Perhaps you should know of our mission, first, before you commit yourself to a cause that could very well take your life?"


Before he could answer her, she cast a Detect Evil spell; when it gave no results, she then relaxed her vision until her eyesight shifted to see his soul...his bright aura revealing that his faith was put into the goddess of sensual pleasures - Sharess.


No wonder he's being so familiar with Llhunarra, she thought.

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Amendale looked at Zorica and raised an eyebrow. "Maybe you and I could head up there someday?" Then he grinned. "I'll be sure to remember my Endure Elements spells for you."


"What Amendale means," Weyland interrupted. "Is that he wants to keep you warm." Arland snickered.


"I can always light your pants on fire if you want to talk about warmth." Amendale shot back, making a point of conjuring flames that licked the tip of his fingers.....well, the fingers that weren't busy scratching Sir Meowsalot's ears, at least.


"No thanks, that's quite unnecessary." Weyland swallowed uneasily.


"A shame. I'm sure Dri'd like to see you with no pants on." Amendale sniffed dismissively, or tried to. He couldn't stop a cheeky smirk from creeping its way onto his face as he went back to petting the persistent feline lounging on his lap.


"Wait...you mean you followed us through the desert for days to talk to Llhunara?" Sybille asked Doshkin, before she looked at the half-elf in question. "You sure left an impression on him, 'guv!"


"....That's some desperate skirt-chasing is what that is." Arland snorted. "If you're draggin' along, talk to Wings and maybe hope she doesn't rip you a new one. She likes doing that."


"He's speaking from experience." Marie added helpfully. "He's talking to you with one of the "new ones" in question."


"If you are coming along," Annette began. "You should be sure of what you're getting into. The places we go and the things we do can be really dangerous. We've lost a few friends to this quest, I'm sorry to say. I wouldn't want you to perish too." Then she looked at everyone else with big amber eyes. "I'm sorry for bringing up such painful memories."

Edited by Flipout6
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The aasimar laughed as he saw Sybille and her friends banter among themselves. "Yes, she certainly did, Sybille, " he smiled, already taking a liking to the atmosphere of the group.


Doshkin kept that smile on his face as he recognized Detect Evil being cast on him, hiding his minor irritation at being subjected once again to the all-too-familiar spell but quite used to the suspicion of others. Better to let her put her concerns to rest, after all. He had difficulty controlling that smile, though, when the woman's gaze changed and he didn't recognize what was going on. What in the Hells...?


Keeping his composure, the warlock let the first spell continue for what should be long enough for anyone before finally showing his displeasure. "Ahem. I believe that should be enough to assuage your fears, good lady, so if you don't mind..." He raised a hand and gave a snap of his fingers and dispelled Detect Evil with Caster's Lament while disguising his spell as Greater Dispel Magic; he may be foolish, but even he was wise enough not to reveal what he was completely. "I do apologize if I seemed rude," he said, bowing his head in sincerity. "But whatever you were doing there felt rather...intrusive. I do not mind it too much, for I am quite used to it, but as a suggestion, I would ask permission first before invading the privacy of others. It would be more polite, as it were."


"As for the details of your quest, " the aasimar continued. "I must say those do not concern me much. I have fought in a war in a foreign land for a country that dislikes the arcane at best, if that means anything. I am a very competent battle mage, excelling in magical combat and particularly skilled in dispelling, as you just witnessed yourself, and have survived several battles, so I can take care of myself. I simply feel like going on another adventure, and if it is with a friend, all the better. If we save the world while we're at it, fantastic, and if I die, well..." he smiled as he glanced around at everyone (and Llhunarra), " I can probably say I had a lot of fun. So," he focused his attention on 'Wings,' as the brash young man called her. "Is there a particular order to how you set up camp, or may I do so where I please? Within reason, of course."

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Rhaine watched Doshkin for several moments, silent, her emerald eyes boring holes into his. The Doomguide knew that what he had cast was not a common arcane spell; she had been around enough warlocks to tell the difference between an arcane incantation and an infernal one. She finally answered him with a wry smile, "You must forgive me, follower of Sharess, for wanting to protect my own...and my interests...from those who would seek to deceive us. You see, my position allows me a little more advantages in seeing the truth about those around me, as it were, and I do not hesitate to use them to keep my company safe."


She glanced around at the others, before she continued, "You may set up camp where you like...if the others approve of your presence here. I can say now that your attempt to cover up what you are is a mark against you already." She turned around to sit back down, then turned back and slightly bowed, "I am Rhaine Alcinea, by the way. Chosen of Kelemvor."


For the next few breaths, Conall and Imhiros continued watching the stranger silently. After Rhaine spoke, Zorica cast Amendale a blushing glance and smiled warmly at the elf, happy that he and Sir Meowsalot were getting along so well. After a minute or so of quiet, Conall finally addressed the newcomer when it seemed Rhaine was leaving the decision up to them, "You are welcome, Doshkin, if you are sincere in your desire to help. That is all I have to say on the matter."


Imhiros nodded, "So long as you understand the danger."


Zorica smirked, "Just don't get all grabby or anything."

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Hexol let out a small gasp. "Take them? You mean someone stole them!? AND THEN PUT THEM IN MY BAG AND TRIED TO BLAME ME FOR IT!?!?!?!?" He yelled out in surprise. "Why would someone do that?" He asked Heidi, the thought of him having taken the items never once entering his mind.

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With a small shrug to Zorica the red head replies, “Well to each their own.” A warm smile forming on her lips to show her understanding. The more of the group she talked to, the more of them she found she liked. Perhaps she had misjudged them from the beginning.


Sybille’s comment and glance where met by a playful wink. Honestly the rogue had no idea why Doshkin seemed to be so interested in her. Of course she didn’t consider herself ugly or misshapen in anyway, but she was far from a gem. Still she would take the comment, if he had really come after them with equal interest in assisting and catching up with her as it was flattering…or creepy. As long as he didn’t get grabby like the half-drow said, Llhunarra saw no problem with him coming along; he had proven to be fun company thus far.


That was her opinion at least. Not very familiar with many types of magic beyond having seen spells cast, she was a little unsure what transpired between Rhaine and Doshkin. Based on the winged female’s words he had already done something she hadn’t approved of. While the female had seemed friendly enough when Llhunarra requested to accompany them the half-elf was still unsure about her. She almost came off as one that was too quick to judge others yet that might be due to her leadership role and the weight it carried with it.


Regardless of her disapproval of whatever it was Doshkin had done, a title was thrown out that the thief could not let pass without question. Near Zorica still she leans slightly towards her, doing her best to talk out of the side of her mouth to keep her voice hushed.


“Chosen of Kelemvor? Is she serious?” Not much for faith herself Llhunarra had never even met a “Chosen” of any deity, never mind travelled alongside one. If the red head spoke the truth assisting the group might be far more complicated than originally expected. Chosen were not known for spending their time on trivial tasks.

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Zorica first squinted at Llhunarra, a bit surprised by the half-elf's question, then chuckled lightly, "Oh yes...she's every ounce of serious. That's not something you joke about. Or at least, I wouldn't think you'd live very long if you did." After a moment, she smiled wryly, "I don't envy her; I wouldn't want the kind of responsibility that comes with her position. Or the stress."


With that, she stretched and yawned widely, then slowly rose from her seat, "Well...I'm not very hungry after all that heat and travel today, so I'm heading to bed early. I assume we have a long day, tomorrow...best get some sleep." Walking over to where Amendale was sitting, the half-drow bent and ruffled Sir Meowsalot's fur before placing a hand on the elf's cheek and kissing him briefly, yet deeply, on the lips.


"Goodnight, my sweet," she whispered as she turned and then made her way back to her tent, disappearing within.


Meanwhile, Heidi gave Hexol a raised brow and a smirk, "Ohhhh, I dunno. Same reason why some folk go poking their noses around where they don't belong, maybe?"

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