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Tales of Faerun


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Markas chuckled, he drained the last of his ale in a large gulp and patted Codswell on the back as he climbed off the chair. "Have a good night lad." He said before whistling loudly, Fang jumped up with a loud resounding bark and followed Markas upstairs to the room he had rented earlier that day. He noticed a stranger entering his room when he followed him part way and walked into the Halfling sized room with a halfling sized bed, Fang jumped up onto the bed, practically covering the bed with his bulk.


"What do you think you're doin'?" He asked the warhound, Fang barked at him in response. Markas stripped off his tunic, removed the dagger from his boot and nudged the large hound over and crawled into bed, placing the knife under his pillow. Fang laid his head on Markas' shoulder and they both closed their eyes.


"You ain't a puppy anymore pal..." He said before falling asleep.

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Codswell patiently waits for the leader of the group, the one called Rhaine, down in the bar. He spun his dagger on his finger with great dexterity. "Well Codswell this is your chance. Tymora favors the bold. And I will not be turned down again. I can and will prove myself a valuable teammate."

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Shalena laughed when a halfling named Codswell paid for another round of meals. "Listen to that!" She exclaimed. "Free food, twice this evening!" She said as she grabbed another plate. The sorcerer sitting beside her paid little attention to the meals being passed around as he watched everyone in the tavern, seemingly lost in his thoughts.


Nawen politely declined the second meal and quietly left the tavern with her wolf, Rhegar. Sometime later, after finding nothing too interesting in the town, the drow came back and made her way to one of the rooms to rest.

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Having trotted into town with the rest of them, Llhunarra couldn’t have chosen a better place to hold up for the night than the tavern. Once inside the redhead immediately made her way to the counter, only asking for a glass so that she may fill it with the lovely brew from her own flask. The bartender gave her an odd look at first, most likely not pleased she had brought her own drink in with her. Still it seemed he couldn’t resist the smile she gave him, or maybe it was just the amount of other customers that came in with her. Rounds being covered for all that had entered; it seemed his pockets would be lined with coin before the end of the night.


Staying to herself for the better part of the night, the rogue enjoyed her seat near the wall. Back against it she crossed one leg over the other as she watched the others attempt to relax after all they had been through. Surprisingly Zorica, who often seemed quite controlled, seemed to be indulging in a little more alcohol than she should. Of course Llhunarra was never one to cut someone off; she knew how frustrating such treatment could be, so she just watched with a small smile. There was probably a reason behind it, but the half-elf could only guess at what it might be. Downing more than a couple drinks herself, she often let her eyes wander over to Rhaine. What interested her was not the man she was talking to or even the fact she left her meal untouched, but a decision the woman had recently made.


When the Chosen took her leave of the room Llhunarra was tempted to follow…but wasn’t quite courageous enough yet. More alcohol flowed, the redhead gradually building up the confidence to hop from her stool and head in the same direction Rhaine had. Direction from a member of the staff pointed her towards the right room, the tipsy female moving up to the door. Taking a deep breath she lifts her left hand to knock, right hand lifting to bring her flask to her lips. She could do this.


Rhaine had not yet bothered to change out of her armor and had spread her map over the small table underneath the window on the far wall. She was deep in thought, studying what possible routes they could take, when she heard the knock on her door. Frowning, she glanced up at the doorway and replied loudly, "Come in."


The loud invitation had her flinching slightly, but still she took the handle to the door and shoved it open. Seeing the woman still in her armor made her all the more intimidating, the rogue doing her best to straighten as she enters. “Sorry to bother you, but…do you have a moment?” Llhunarra slowly sauntering over towards the table, she glances at the map mostly so that she didn’t have to make eye contact with the Chosen.


Rhaine was a bit suprised to see Llhunarra at her door, but she gave the rogue a small smile in greeting, "Of course...what do you need?"

“Well…” The red head pausing so that she could take another sip from the near empty flask in her hand. Although she was drunk, she had learned to function a little better than most in the state…practice did make perfect. “…I wanted to talk to you…about that woman that we had captured the other…errr…that Amendale and Argyros had captured.”


Rhaine frowned, wiping a lock of scarlet hair out of her face from where she had bent over the table. She knew that this would come up sooner or later, and that knowledge made her answer short, "Yes? What about it?"


The tone had her hesitating again, index finger of her left hand running along a river on the map spread across the table. For a moment she contemplating just apologizing and leaving, but her conscious just wouldn’t let her commit to fleeing. Time to attempt being blunt. “That geas you put on her…do you really think that was…the just thing to do?” Forcing herself, Llhunarra looks up, her soft eyes meeting Rhaine’s.

Rhaine held Lhunarra's stare for several moments, her expression unchanging, before finally answering, "Yes. I do. Why? Have you come to question my judgment?"


Swallowing some Llhunarra holds the eye contact. “Not question…discuss. I am not trying to be disrespectful…and I know I am not a trusted member of the group, but…who are we to force such a thing on someone?”


Rhaine's brow furrowed, "You did not make the decision. I did. And thus, the responsibility for it lies with me alone. She could not be trusted to come with us, nor to be let go. Nor could we justify slaying her on the spot. And so, I took the opportunity to try and reverse some of the damage she and her former master had wrought...as I knew she was fully capable of doing so. I also knew..." she added after a moment, "that as a druid, she should have no moral issues with the tasks that I gave her. And so what she is doing is not outside of her nature." She paused for a breath or two, and then continued, "And if you must know, Elaril was not only responsible for many deaths at Menarses's dwelling, as she told us, but also for single-handedly attempting to drown the entirety of Westgate with a hurricane she conjured...so believe me when I say that she has some penance to serve."


It was true Llhunarra didn’t know much about the woman, beyond what she had shared of course, but forcing someone along a path was…still unnatural to the rogue. “I am sure she deserved some sort of punishment for what she had done…but your spell forced her to carry out the assigned task did it not? To take away someone’s freewill…is that…a decision made so quickly?” Just because the decision had been made quickly did not mean it had been made without care, but for the freedom loving rogue the lack of discussion on the matter implied inadequate thought.


The Doomguide took in a breath, lips pressed tightly together, "When it means the safety of my companions and the Realms, then yes, it is."

That was hard for her to argue against, she didn’t want anyone in the group getting hurt or worse. Lifting up her flask she takes what was the last sip of her flask, nothing left. “I can understand that…” Her sentence trailing off as she starts to falter, chewing on her lower lip. “…but…was there no better alternative?”


Rhaine smirked, "If you were in my shoes, what would you have done?"


“Ummm…I am not sure…perhaps try and convince her to redeem herself of her own free will?” Chewing at her lip again Llhunarra leans against the table, her statement showing how naive she truly was or perhaps it was just innocence.


Cocking her head sideways in amusement, the Doomguide replied, "Really? You would be willing to take a gamble that she would be so easy to convince? Or that she would be telling the truth if she supposedly agreed to do so?"


“Couldn’t we have tried? I mean…are you certain there was no chance left within her?” Not experienced with magic or having full knowledge of the woman’s full past she couldn’t believe there was no chance at saving her soul.


Rhaine sighed heavily, "Llhunarra...have you thought of the fact that Elaril had just been under the control of a truly evil madman and could quite possible come under his control again? The geas, in a strange sort of way, even though it takes away her free will, protects her from him. He cannot counter it with his own will, and if he tries to impede her by capture or by some other means..." she paused, "She will die. And by her death, she will remain out of his control. Call it a twisted means of protection, if you will. But this way, everyone is safer, including her."


She hadn’t thought of it like that…not at all actually. Perhaps it was the lesser of two evils? The redhead valued her own freedom so much she would never want to be under such a thing nor wish it on another, but she supposed it was better than full mind control. “No…I hadn’t thought of that…I am not that experienced with magic and the like.” Feeling as if her whole purpose for talking to the Chosen was a mute point she was a little embarrassed for coming to her room to bother her about it…even if it felt batter to have it off her chest. “…I am sorry, I only saw the action…not the full intention behind it.”


Rhaine sighed again, "I know...it is likely not much reassurance, but I will say that I have never cast such a spell before, and I do not intend to do so again for any frivolous reason. I would be a liar to say that placing that geas did not bother me. But I cannot let it plague my thoughts. I can only assure myself that it was the best course of action at the time, pray that it was the right thing to do, and leave the rest to fate."


Rhaine admitting that the geas bothered her as well did more to quiet the half-elf’s unease than the other redhead might have realized. “That is…reassuring. I did not come looking to offend; I was just uncomfortable with the decision…” Feeling even more awkward now she fumbles with a clasp on her belt, thinking she had made a fool of herself in front of one as gifted as the Chosen before her.


The Doomguide smiled gently, "I think anyone who was not uncomfortable with such a decision would have no conscience." She waited a few moments in silence before adding, "Now. Is there something else?"


“No…I don’t think so…sorry.” The rogue trying to offer a small smile to smooth things over with the woman, knowing she had plenty on her plate as the leader of the ever expanding group. Being bothered after such a long day of travel was probably the last thing she wanted.


Rhaine nodded, "Very well. I bid you goodnight. I trust you can make it to your room safely?" She gestured to the empty flask the rogue held.


Smirking some at the question Llhunarra was quick to nod. “I can do so just fine and forgive me for not offering to share…wasn’t much left by the time I came knocking.” Realizing she had overstayed her welcome she gives a slight, awkward bow before heading towards the door. With the table no longer supporting her she did wobble a little, but had enough sense to keep her balance…for the most part.

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When Amendale first woke up, the first thing he noticed was that something had nudged him out of his spot, worming its way into the bed. The second thing he noticed was that it was soft, furry, and purred a lot.

"Stlarning cats..." He thought dazedly to himself, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.


He'd never left Zorica's room the day before. He stayed with her, sitting beside her on the bed, until she'd almost fallen asleep. When he'd gone to get up and leave her to her slumber, she'd groggily mumbled a request he stay with her and squeezed his hand. He couldn't have said no with a blade to his throat.


Of course all they'd done was sleep, but Amendale groaned internally when it occurred to him how the situation looked to outside eyes. A fight, a make-up, and then suddenly he spent the whole night in her room? Innocent or not, he would never hear the end of it.


It was worth it, though, if it kept Zorica happy.


He noted with amusement as he slipped out of bed that she was a snorer. Thankfully for both him and Sir Meowsalot, it wasn't the earth-shaking thunderous roar that seemingly everyone in the Grey family possessed genetically, but rather was quiet enough to be entirely unoffensive even to sensitive elven hearing. Still clad in the shirt and thin pants that constituted his sleepwear, he leaned down and kissed her on the forehead before slipping out the door and quite literally walking right into Weyland, who was grinning slyly.


"So how was it?" The warrior asked, a teasing glint in his eye. Evidently, from the bedraggled tangle that was his hair, he'd just woken up as well.

"How was what?" Amendale inquired innocently.

"You were awfully quiet once the yelling stopped. I fell asleep after though so I don't know if-" Weyland snickered. "-it got loud again or not."


"It's not what you think." The elf responded, rolling his eyes and smiling.


"Hells, Amendale, you could've had your shirt on the whole time and I can still say that you two slept together without lying."


Amendale groaned as they walked down to breakfast together, suffering from Weyland's ribbing him the whole time. They were amongst the first awake, so they took their time to order a nice large breakfast. Weyland ordered a solid pound of the closest equivalent to bacon he could get, and another, "-For my favourite bacon-loving redhead. Who's still asleep, by the way. In her own room."


"I'll bet you were in there with her." Amendale shot back. "It's conveniently quiet for you, just take the amulet off and the only one making noise is you."


"Nah, I had my own room, too."


"-Just try not to leave the thing on." Amendale continued unabated. "Not all of us want the private details broadcasted into our minds if you get a little....agitated."


"You're both terrible at this. I just thought you should know that." Sybille interjected from another table, inciting a giggle from Annette that almost left her choking on her own breakfast and a snicker from Marie.

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Markas awoke to the sound of two men chatting in the hall. The Halfling snapped up straight, his hair was wild except for a part where Fang had licked him in the night and it was flat to the side of his head and sticking straight up like someone had poured glue in his hair. He got up, dunked his head in the wash basin to wake up and went about putting his clothes on. When he had finished that he heard a steady thumping sound coming from the bed, Fang had woken and was ready to go.


Markas glanced to the saddle in the corner of the room, strapped to his was his riding bags, quiver and shield. He felt the road call to him, but he wanted to wait. This party of adventurers staying here might just be worth the wait.


"Come on pal... let's get some breakfast." He said as he opened the door and stepped aside, the large hound barked loudly and clambered out of the room in a ruckus as he ran down the stairs into the main room ahead of the sleepy Halfling as he slipped his hair back and followed the hound. The room was full of the usual customers, two women sat together, and the two men in the hall that had awoken him were chatting. Markas moved to the bar and knocked on the wood counter.


"Bacon and eggs... with some toast." He looked at the hound beside him, his tail beating the floor loudly in excitement. "Make that double the normal bacon." He said as he returned his gaze to the bartender and smiled. Knowing that he would end up sharing his meal with Fang he prepared. "And a pitcher of ale." He said as he walked away to the table in the corner of the room. He nodded to the ladies at the nearby table, "Ladies." he said with a slight bow and then fell into a chair, putting his feet up on the table and leaning his head back to close his eyes while he waited for his meal.

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Codswell had been sitting quietly as he watched them file down into the tavern one by one. It seemed like he had been waiting for hours before he finally got onto his feet and went upstairs after asking which room Rhaine was staying in. When he got to the door he knocked politely and waited a few moments. "Rhaine. I did not wish to bother you, but I wanted to discuss something with you."

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Rhaine had just opened the door when the halfling knocked on it, and she almost ran right into him. She was armored again, pack over her shoulder, with a determined look on her face. Glancing down at the last moment, she abruptly backed up to keep from knocking the halfling over. Her brow furrowed, and she answered, "Do I know you?"


Meanwhile, Zorica stretched and groaned after Amendale left their room, feeling the warm, fuzzy softness of the snoozing Sir Meowsalot at her side. Her head was a little fuzzy, too, but it was better than what she was expecting it to be. Thankfully, trying to remember the night before resulted in only flashes of memory, and so she was content. Maybe she hadn't looked too foolish in front of everyone...

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"S-sorry for intruding, but you were the one I was supposed to talk to and well.......... I just got so excited I couldn't wait to ask but......... Would you accept this humble halfling into your entourage? It would be an honor to be a part of a group dedicated to the betterment of the lives of others." Codswell immediately bowed in apology after being surprised and continued, "I do sincerely apologize for the impatience. I just felt that this time I could be a part of something great after having traveled so far to do just that. well not all that far after a couple of towns a kindly mage transported me here." Codswell put on his best and most sincere smile as he held out a hand introducing himself, "I am Codswell, a pleasure to meet you miss Rhaine. Again I must apologize for being so abrupt, but I felt that I could be of great help to you and your friends."

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Aera sat with Hazel at a table in the corner of the inn, Aera downing something that at least looked much more appetizing than what had been served the night before. It seemed to be an omelette of sorts, with exotic spices to make up for the lack of side dishes. Of course, that didn't mean that the texture of the eggs was any better than the slop from the night before. Aera felt like she was chewing something like raw animal fat, but swallowed every bite regardless. Hazel sipped at a cup of water, opting not to try the breakfast.

Aera, contrary to her nature, had consumed copious amounts of alcohol the night before, and did not remember much of it at all, though it included passing out and being carried upstairs by Hazel, which must have been a sight for the rest of the party.

"This group really is a travelling circus, I swear it." Aera snapped as she looked around the room, grumpy due to her hangover. "I can't even remember past my third drink."

Hazel simply shook her head, "You're among the most exotic-looking in the group, and you say that? You're one of the reasons this group is so... diverse."

Aera shrugged, pushing her half-eaten plate of food to the side, "And?"

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