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Tales of Faerun


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Hearing Abby demand hair of a dog, Hexol was rather confused as to why anyone would want dog hair having never heard that expression, but with a shrug, began to search around the room, picking up loose strands of Fang's hair until he had a small handful. "Here ya go!" He said cheerfully as he offered them to Abby.


"Oh not again." Azuris groaned at the mention of sailing. "I agree with the family circus over there, I'd rather ride than get on a boat again."


"Not the sea fairing type I take it?" Leif asked with a smirk.


"Nope." Azuris answered.


"Eeeh I'm sure it'll be fine, granted.... I miiiight be cursed so that any ship I set foot on is followed by grave misfortune... But I'm sure it'll be fine." Leif said with a dismissive wave of the hand. "We'll just...pray really really hard." He snickered.

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Abby, who had propped herself on her elbows as she leaned back against the bar, took a long sip of a half-glass of wine and gave Hexol a look of pure disgust, "No, you idiot, not literally." She rolled her eyes, pointing to the wine glass, "I got a bad hangover - gods, do I have one - so more alcohol takes the edge off, ya know?" Sighing heavily, she shook her head, "Ahhh, what do I care..."


Meanwhile, Conall had leaned over the map as well, "I do not think it will take a month to reach Aglarond, if we stop there," he used his finger to track a path from Sultim to the nearest port of the half-elven nation, "Two weeks, more like. Less, if the weather is fair."


"I see no reason why we cannot stop there," Rhaine replied to Zorica, "Aglarond is the natural next destination if we do not wish to cross into Thayan territory. Which, no matter how much we hate sea travel, we do not want to do that. Which also means," she glanced around at the others, "We will be traveling by sea. At least for a short while. I have a feeling we will eventually be led back towards the Anauroch, considering our encounter with the Shadovar," she added, "Although, since we have run into them this far away, I have no doubt they have a base somewhere in a neighboring country. Perhaps the Simbul will know something." The Doomguide slowly nodded, a fire lighting in her eyes, "Yes...Aglarond will be a good place to start a search in earnest."


Zorica smiled weakly, "Thank you...very much. I think...I think it's time I put some old demons to rest."


"So," Rhaine pointed at the map again, "It looks like we'll be going from Sultim to Laothkund or Escalant...whichever is easiest for Shalena to make port in." She nodded to the pirate captain, "And yes, I had half a mind to do that myself," she then glanced to Arland and pressed her lips together in a thin line, "Something tells me he hasn't had that done to him often enough."


"As long as I don't have to carry anyone again," Argyros crossed his arms as he leaned against the far wall, "I care not how we get there."


"Very well," Rhaine rolled up her map, "We will pursue our quarry in Aglarond. Let us get our steeds ready for travel again...we've a long ride before we reach Sultim." She then turned to Codswell, "Do you still wish to join?"

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Markas laughed loudly at the spectacle that went on in the tavern. Especially when one of them began collecting the stray hairs of his companion.


"You are quite the funny lot." He said cheerfully before slipping off the human-sized chair and standing in the open floor. "I think I might accompany you all, I could do with abit of sea travel... Fang and I both are up for a good adventure." Said the Halfling with a wide smile as he fixed a stray hair by tucking it behind his ear, he stood with his hands on his hips, Fang sat beside him, his tail beating the wooden floor like a drum.


"That is.. if you will have us?" He added, looking at Rhaine as he gestured to Fang and himself.

Edited by Macman253
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Codswell nodded vigorously, a fire in his eyes as he readied his equipment and bought extra food being a big eater. He mostly bought dried food and tack. He bought himself as best a horse as he could and got ready waiting on the others thinking to himself, "Thank you Tymora for answering my prayers, I have and always will do good in your name. Grant us safe passage across the sea, and see us to the other side." He starts tying knots in a rope as he waits going through all the knots he was taught by the sailors. "Across the sea, oh happy is me, to ride the tides again. To glory, gold, and grow so bold. With me brand new friends." Codswell sang in a sea shanty tone.

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Rameses was relieved to hear that their seafaring journey across the Alamber Sea would take only about two weeks instead of an entire month. However, another concern soon weighed heavily on his shoulders. "Once we reach Sultim and board the Sea Compass, what of our steeds? Will they accompany during the short voyage? " He asked hopefully before adding finally, "If so, I would be inclined to accompany you all. It's about time I started venturing back westwardly."


The fire genasi's hesitation seemed to fade as his demeanor grew more courageous, like his usual self. If he could journey safely with this band of adventurers and also begin the long trek home, then he would be killing a pair of sparrows with a single stone. Although, the critical deal-breaker for Rameses was Jarl; he would be torn if he had to choose between this efficient homeward bound course of action and leaving his loyal companion behind.

Edited by FreemasonGamer
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Hexol nodded at Abby's statement. "Ooooh I get ya, well why didn't you say that in the first place?" He asked before moving back to his own seat and breakfast.


Leif chuckled at Abby's distress over her current hung-over state. "What's the matter Abs? Had a little too much fun last night?" He asked as he limped over to her. He put a hand on the top of her head and ruffled her hair a bit in a playful manner. A second after his hand gave a soft glow, a healing power coming forth that would help her with her hang-over. "So what are we doing?" He asked her as he sat on the bar-stool next to her. "We staying with or we heading out on our own?"


He bent forward and placed his hand on his left knee, drawing up a healing power to remove the ache in it. He straightened it out a few times to test it before nodding with a satisfied smirk. "Yeah that's better." He muttered to himself as he put his foot to the floor, putting weight on it to test it.

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After hearing Rameses' inquiry, Shalena glanced at the genasi. "We keep the beasts in the cargo hold," the piratess said, "so... no. You won't have to leave your horse behind. It could also work as a good way to punish crew members if they disobey." She chuckled to herself and went to order some breakfast.

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Rhaine sighed as she nodded to the two halflings and the genasi, "Very well. I do not think it is wise for us to turn away willing blades. Welcome aboard. Make sure you are ready for extensive travel and meet us at the stables when you have everything you need." With that, she departed the inn along with Conall, Zorica, and Argyros, the Doomguide and the two paladins intending to tack up their mounts while Argyros headed outside the city walls to transform.


Meanwhile, Abby gave a sidelong glance at Leif, the buzzing fuzziness in her head lessening a bit with his spell, "Well it's not like we got any leads on our own, ya know. 'Sides, sounds like a lot more fun than being with just you and your squawker." She slid off of her stool and put the now-empty wine glass on the counter, "Come on, old man. Time's wastin'."

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"Old man?" Leif laughed before putting on an elderly voice. "Why back in my day we used to respect our elders! We said yes sir and no sir our we got our butts whupped right good! Then we'd have to walk fifteen miles uphill to town to buy ice, then walk fifteen miles back 'afore it all melted, In the summer! Old man, why I'm as spry as I ever was!" He then teetered his stool to the side and fell to the floor with a yell. "AAGH!! MA HIP! I done went and broke it! Would be a shame if some young thing in a skirt were to walk over right about now." He said with a lecherous laugh, still maintaining his old man voice.


"Oh great....he's an idiot." Azuris sighed at Leif's antics.


"My lunbago!!" Leif yelled out.


"What's a lumbego?" Hexol asked as he looked down at Leif with a confused look on his face.


"It's a thingy!"


"What kind of thingy?"


"An old man thingy!"


"Old men have thingies?"


"Wrinkly ones!"


"Yeah I'm done here." Azuris curtly said as he very quickly exited the room to prepare for their journey, and was soon outside with the rest of the group.

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Markas chuckles, he looked at Fang and patted the hound on the head. "Alright pal... let's get going." He said as he stepped forward and gestured for the hound to follow. "My lady calls us once more." He added as he stepped through the doorway and departed for the stables, once there he placed a saddle on Fang's back and began to strap it on, Fang seemed not to notice the saddle on his back and appeared to pay more attention to the floor where some beetles were fighting over a ball of horse dung.


The Halfling kicked it aside as he walked over to his saddle bags and quiver, inside the quiver was a short spear, a short horse-bow with quite a few arrows, tied to the saddle was a small buckler that acted as a shield for Markas. He strapped the saddlebags over Fang's rear end, making sure to leave room for his tail to wag freely, mostly because that is what it was doing at the moment and he didn't want to impede what was likely to be Fang's favorite bodily function... with the exception of eating. After he had strapped on the quiver he pulled a dagger from inside the bags, slid it into the sheath on his boot and strapped the shortsword to his belt.

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