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Tales of Faerun


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Weyland wasn't awake until it was almost time to pack up camp and leave, as was his usual pattern. Once again, he didn't say much, simply raising an eyebrow at Azuris's (lack of a) beard and commenting to Conall that the werewol hadn't scared him, because Weyland knew that he could take a hit like that. He waved off Amendale when the moon elf came to check on him, insisting he was fine, but his eyes told a different story. He gently shook Dri awake, amused that she had slept through most of the morning, while Sybille was forced to drag Arland out into the hot sun to wake him up. Once he was up, he quickly found himself glued to Marie's side, helping her around and aiding her in getting on a horse with Annette.




"I think we're being watched, too." Marie agreed with Zorica. She smiled weakly. "Not that I can actually tell, but I get that feeling...and I think it's not just the city watch that has an eye on us."


"They'd better not mean us any harm or I'll have to gut them." Arland grumbled.

"Doesn't look like it." Dri said. "Just some...fascinated townsfolk." She tapped Weyland on the arm and gestured towards two gossiping townswomen with her head. "You're getting some eyes."


The lack of a change in his expression didn't do anything to disguise the blush that coloured Weyland's cheeks. "I'm afraid they'll be disappointed then, since I've got you already."


"Looks like you're the object of that young lady's fancy, Azuris." Dri teased, indicating the other woman that seemed to be staring at him. "It looks like that beard took away your appeal. Good thing it's gone now, isn't it?" She grinned at him.


"Oh dear." Sybille groaned. "Now we have to deal with the men being stared and giggled at while we're here. At least Arland's safe."


"You can eat a nice, steaming pile of camel dropping." He retorted drily. "I'll get you a drink to go with it."

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With a full belly of well-prepared food, Rameses began the tedious chore of readying Jarl for travel. By the time the white camel was ready to ride on, Rameses was sitting proudly atop his saddle as the last few others of their group were just beginning to wake. Whistling fondly, the fire genasi began to hum to himself, "The roads go ever on..."



The ride to Rauthil was quite a peaceful and leisurely-taken one, regardless if the settlement was in such lose proximity to their original camp. As they neared the city itself, however, Rameses and the others immediately felt the uneasy sensation of being watched. At first, Rameses figured it was simply the city guards, as they were rightfully wary of such a dauntingly large party of warriors like theirs. Although, his assumptions were proven false as even the townsfolk—and the women specifically—began to watch them intently as they passed through the gates and into Rauthil. Listening to his fellow companions jousting each other jokingly about whoever had gained the most womanly stares, Rameses smirked at the prospect.


"We only have one camel, and I'm charging an electrum per." Rameses jested in response to Arland.


So, the grand party continued their way into the city, and the fire genasi slowly came to recognize one reality; of the many men of their troupe, the genasi of fiery hair, eyes, and szuldar received only suspicious or clandestine glances. That caused Rameses to shift in his saddle uncomfortably, which caused Jarl to groan irritably in turn. Because of his many weeks spent in solitude on the road, Rameses was unaccustomed to such cautious and borderline fearful expressions his lineage earned him among these native Mulhorandi, who were either unfriendly or unforgiving towards genasi of the fireblooded variety. It had been even longer since Rameses even considered the "fond" looks of the ladies that the others were receiving. Upon realizing all of this, Rameses was barely able to keep his blushed features hidden under a nigh-expressionless facade, but his smoldering-red szuldar clearly expressed his discomfort as they flared and flickered like a newborn flame feeding on tinder. Leaning forward, Rameses quietly stroked Jarl's woolly neck, reluctant to meet any more of the questionable gazes.

Edited by FreemasonGamer
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The following moving Llhunarra actually woke up without a slight hangover. Strangely enough such a state allowed her to rise with the rest of the group, the redhead partaking in breakfast and even offering to help clean up. Sleep did the body good, the rogues emotions having balanced back out after a night of rest. Making small talk as they all prepared to set out, she was sure to check on those that had been injured the night before. Unlike others in the group she did so quietly, glances as she passed and watching from afar telling her all she needed to know. As bad as the attack at been...it could have been worse.


Thankfully their time spent traveling was without incident, Llhunarra glad for the down time. She had been told they were heading towards a town and more often than not such places proved...eventful. It was almost as if a gathering of sentient beings always led to the development of problems, one way or another. Strange really...a grouping of rabbits didn't fight and steal from each other, yet you start grouping humanoids and both were likely to crop up. Of course Llhunarra often fell into the second act, but that was besides the point, this wasn't about her, it was about...everyone else.


When they made their way into town, eyes immediately fell on them. It was understandable as a party this large was quite uncommon in most places, save traveling caravans and the like. Some of those staring seemed to be doing so out of desire, the half-elf following the gazes of two women to Wayland and Azuris...she didn't get it. Perhaps her love for alcohol clouded her perception. Other eyes fell on the Genasi, his appearance one of the most striking in the group if not only for its uniqueness. She couldn't blame them for looking, she had not been the most polite when he had joined up either, but some showed more than curiosity. It was unfair to be so weary of him when they knew nothing about him. Llhunarra was comfortable around him and she knew as little as they did about the male. Trotting up alongside him she flashes a smile.


"You seem to have drawn attention to yourself, perhaps it's the camel?"

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"Not intentionally, I can guarantee you that," Rameses said in a slightly hollowed tone in response to Llhunarra as she rode up to his side, "And one could hardly blame Jarl for attracting such attention." He added jokingly worth a moment's smirk, which vanished in an instant.


Straightening his posture, Rameses quickly bolstered his weakened facade with a slight scowl as he coldly returned the unfriendly Mulhorandi looks. Those strangers could have cast their gazes as friends or as foes, and Rameses did not consider their alienating expressions to be friendly in the least. "Either these folks have never seen a camel before, or they don't know much about genasi to ward off any suspicions spawned from ignorance." He commented, taking a moment before casting his lightened gaze back towards Llhunarra.


"Luckily, I much prefer the open-mindedness of travelers such as ourselves to this town's sort of lot, who gawk at whatever they aren't accustomed to or understand." After a moment of consideration, Rameses asked her, "Have we introduced ourselves yet, formally at least? Apologies for not recalling your name if we have, miss."

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Azuris was in poor spirits for the duration of the journey to the town, and upon reaching it his mood turned even more sour at the amount of attention he was apparently receiving. "Well this is just great." He muttered.


"Not one to be the center of attention are ya?" Leif asked with a grin as he rode atop a prancing Zaph, who was apparently trying to receive some attention of his own.


"I like my peace and quiet." Azuris mumbled, sinking a bit into Bob's saddle.


"Think you picked the wrong line of work then." Leif laughed as Zaph moved on ahead.


"No... The line of work picked the wrong guy."


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Codswell chuckled, "I can try and find someplace for you that's as quiet as it can get here. Maybe the temple, but if not I'll see if I can't find someplace else." Codswell kept an eye out watching everywhere and noticed a shadowy figure dart into an alleyway and he keeps a hand close to his dagger and gold pouch. Codswell whispered to the group, "I don't feel like we are safe in this city. There is a slight look of it that looks too good."
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Rhaine had opened her mouth to say something regarding all the stares they were getting when a giggle caught her ear...


Just to her left, a small Mulhorandi boy and girl, presumably brother and sister from the way they favored one another, darted out dangerously near her horse's hooves. The Doomguide abruptly pulled Kaliste to a halt, afraid that the children would be trodden upon. Regardless of the horse's size, the two siblings fearlessly stopped right next to the caramel mare's legs and proceeded to laugh and share bright-eyed glances as they began to pet her. Rhaine felt Kaliste shift under her as the mare lowered her head, both innocently curious and eager for affection.


"Well, isn't that-" Zorica began, but then was cut off as she caught sight of a whole horde of little children charging towards them, kicking up clouds of dust in the street and squealing with delight. They yelled at each other in Mulhorandi, calling more of their fellows from their homes. Parents watched from doorways with dismay as their children rushed towards the newcomers.


"What is this?" Argyros mused aloud as several youngsters crowded about him in awe, pointing at his armor and weapons, "Have we done something to earn their affections, so?"


Conall chuckled, "Other than exist? No. Think about it...how often does a group looking like us walk through the town gates? We probably look like something out of a storybook."


"Tell me about it," Abby muttered. When Zorica gave her a sharp glare and a pointedly raised eyebrow at the halfling girl's stubby copper horns, Abby merely shrugged, "What?"


Soon, they couldn't hear themselves talk for the chatter of the girls and boys. No one was left out of this attention; the steeds, including Zaph and Bob, were all subject to affectionate and awestruck pats and strokes; those riders whose legs were within reach experienced the children curiously poking and prodding their arms and armor. Rhaine herself suddenly felt a sharp yank and turned abruptly to see where one of the children had actually jumped up and managed to take one of her loose feathers on the bottommost edge of her left wing - the culprit responded to her bewildered expression with one of guilty mischief.

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Rameses' conversation with Llhunarra was suddenly interrupted as the scores of Mulhorandi children soon swarmed their party in the matter of seconds. Whereas many steeds would have panicked and even bolted, Jarl stood steadfastly as the children raced all around him and stroked his ivory-white fur. Whenever he cast his gaze downward and lowered his head to examine the swarming children, they would squeal in their native tongue and dart away until he lifted his head upward again. The sight brought a wide grin to Rameses' face as he laughed happily, even more so after watching one particular child pluck a sleek black feather from Rhaine's plumage.


"Children." The fire genasi chided amusingly, grinning widely at the spectacle that was their adorably immature audience. The sight of his fiery gaze and szuldar also dazzled the many children around him in awe, many of them whispering curiously about the sight. Thankfully, the height of a camel kept Rameses well out of reach of the dozens of pinching, poking, and generally curious little hands. "So what shall our course of action be now, what with all of these pint-sized assailants surrounding us?" He asked humorously, his grin unwavering.

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"I don't think we have officially met, my name is..." The end of the statement cut off as children came flooding into the street. With the miniature humans filling in around the group, Llhunarra was thankful that for once the horde coming at them was not out for blood. Instead the children were looking for whatever they could reach, groping and petting the various mounts the group possessed and one even going as far to pluck one of Rhaine's feathers.


Next to her there was a bit of fascination with the exotic mount that Rameses rode. She had spent more than a couple moments looking it over when he had arrived, it's strange appearance almost as intriguing as the Genasi's. Around her the children ran their hands gentle along the sides of her horse, the animal surprising relaxed at the sudden onslaught. A couple had their hands on her legs, feeling along the leather armor that adorned them. She didn't mind, they seemed happy and weren't causing any harm to mount or rider. Their attention on the mounts left the redhead free to carry on her conversation.


"Perhaps they can be our tiny escorts to wherever the stables may be? Oh and as I was saying, my name is...ahhh!" The half-elfs head snapping back for a moment as she lets out a startled cry. Apparently, with her head turned to look at him, one of her thick braids had drawn the attention of a slightly taller child. Perhaps the thick collection of hair had looked like a rope, the boy having managed to grab a hold of it and give it a tug. Of course as soon as the female let out the small cry, he had released his grip so no serious damage was done. What was the obsession with boys and pulling a girl's hair? Turning she shoes him away, a hand reaching to rub at the back of her head.

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Markas rode alongside the group, he laid on the back of Fang in a very dept balance as he played a tin flute in a lively Halfling tune. Fang kept pace with the horses. He sang a tune about lovely halfling lasses and their lovely backsides. When they got to town he had drifted off into a sleep in the saddle. He was awaken by the groups murmurings about the stares from the villagers.


"Huh-what?" He snorted as he came to, he looked up and around. "Seems like the locals don't see many of our kind." He added with a smile. Fang's tail began to beat the air when the kids stormed out to meet them. He dismounted and walked alongside him, they gazed in awe at the War Hound, petting his sides and scratching his belly as he rolled over, saddle and all, into the street for a much deserved belly scratch. One little girl in particular scratched him and his large leg began to beat the ground with a heavy and fast thudding sound, similar to a cavalry charge of heavy horse. His large pink tongue hung out of his mouth and a large grin of pure ecstasy on his face.


Markas began to laugh, he had never seen his companion in such bliss. He looked up as Llhunarra and Ramses, "I suggest we ask them where the stables are... once they are done with Fang here. " He said with his usual large smile. He gestured to the hound, who still lay on his back enjoying the petting from the children. "It seems they robbed me of my best friend and mount." He added with a deep chuckle.

Edited by Macman253
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