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Tales of Faerun


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Abby had done much the same as Llhunarra, and the half-dragon halfling was now sitting beside the rogue half-elf at the bar, legs swinging back and forth freely as she nursed a large stein of light beer. The coppery monk sighed rather contentedly as she remarked, "Now this is a little more like it." Argyros lingered nearby, waiting on his double helping of the local fare...whatever that happened to be.


Meanwhile, Conall found some plushy embroidered cushions in one corner and had settled down with Aodh on his shoulder; the pseudodragon was faring a bit better now, but his communications were still rather short and guarded since his encounter with Silithus. The werewolf paladin ordered food enough for both of them as he sat cross-legged on one of the cushions. Occupying himself with Aodh's care helped get his mind off of his own plight.


Rhaine had just ordered her own food and had seated herself at the same table as Rameses when the genasi remarked about her missing quill. She curled up the tip of her left wing and studied it for a moment before letting it back down, "It will. Trust me, it's fared worse before, though you can't tell it now." She removed her pack and set it on the floor beside her chair as she made herself comfortable across from the him. It was not long after that a serving girl brought Rameses's order - tea and buttered rolls. The Doomguide squinted, skeptical that such meager fare would sate his hunger, and as the serving girl pattered away on bare feet, Rhaine asked the genasi, "Will that be enough for you?

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Rameses, whose brows were raised slightly in surprise, nodded to Rhaine as she took a seat across from him; his amused smirk remained as the Doomguide inspected her wing and its lack of a particular feather. When his order of tea and buttered rolls came, Rameses grinned slightly at Rhaine's quizzical expression and inquiry. He then replied with a smile, "I have enough supplies with Jarl to last a tenday or two, at most. So, I like to enjoy some of the more modest of things that I can't find on the road." Taking a sip of his tea, the fire genasi offered a roll to his companion.
Rhaine paused a moment before taking the proffered roll and pulling it apart with her fingers, having set her gauntlets beside her on the table moments prior, "I see. I would encourage you to eat as much as you desire here, while you have the chance. There is no telling how long it will be before we are able to do so again. Fear not the cost too much, if that troubles you," she added, "I still have some gold left, perhaps a gem or two. My wealth belongs to all of us."
The genasi tilted his head as he soon took a bite out of one of the doughy rolls, arching a brow. "A gem or two? Sounds as if you all deal in things worth much more than just gold." He said curiously.
She smirked, "Not exactly. We just have had some luck getting our hands on buried treasure. Dragon hoards, specifically. There have been some dry spells, but the few hoards we have come across have been more than enough to get us by in between."
Rameses' brows continued to climb when Rhaine mentioned the source of their revenue. "Dragon hoards, hmm? Seems as good a way of earning riches as any, I suppose. Reckon that's where one often finds items of the enchanted variety?" He mused, recalling the arcane flames of Rhaine's sword and Arland's blades, to name a few.
Her smirk turned into a grin, "Most assuredly." She took a bite of the buttery roll, thought as she chewed, swallowed, then continued, "It all, of course, depends on the dragon. But I must stress that it isn't wise to press your luck repeatedly against such creatures." She glanced in Argyros's direction, "The only reason we ended up with such riches ourselves is because these dragons openly opposed us and threatened our lives. We do not purposefully make our living this way."
The genasi followed her gaze to the hidden silver. "Indeed... His sort don't take too kindly towards the unsavory lot of dragons you describe, do they?" He asked before finishing a roll with a drink from his tea. Having known very little of dragonkind aside from hearsay and childhood tales, Rameses found this group's seemingly plentiful experience with them to be particularly interesting.
She nodded, "Indeed. Metallics often see themselves as protectors of goodly folk. Argyros is no exception, though I think it is his curiosity that has driven him to wander more than his desire to achieve some sort of quest. He seems to have become rather attached to us though, and I must admit, I am glad." She chuckled, "There are worse things than having an adult silver dragon on your side." After a moment or two of silence and a few more bites of roll, she added, "If you want to know more, perhaps you should ask him yourself. I doubt he would mind."
Rameses smirked curiously at the prospect. "At some point, I'm sure I will." He said in agreement, consuming another buttered roll before finishing his mug of tea. After glancing into the bottom of his emptied mug, a wary expression crossed the genasi's features. "So, our heading aims for Sultim and the seas beyond?" He inquired, still unsettled by the undertaking of sea travel.
Rhaine inclined her head, "Yes, by way of the Sea Compass. Shalena's ship has served us well in the past, and will no doubt do so again. We will make port in Aglarond wherever she deems fit, and then we can fulfill Zorica's wishes there." She glanced over at the half-drow, who was quietly eating her meal with Amendale, "I think there is something she needs to make peace with, there."
"Reconciliation can be good for the soul, I hear." Rameses replied, his head bobbing ever so slightly. A silence settled on his shoulders for a moment as he ate another roll, steeped in thought.
Then, the serving girl arrived once more with Rhaine's food, a tray of what appeared to be seasoned pork and potatoes. A slab of dry bread was the only utensil, used for pushing the food atop it. As the girl departed, Rhaine remarked, "I did not realize how famished I was until now... I hope this is better than the last tavern food I ate."
Arching a brow at the enticing food, Rameses whistled quietly. "It does look much more promising than what the last lodging boasted..." Upon inquiring the serving girl for such a meal, Rameses' szuldar markings began to flicker in embarrassment when he lacked enough coin to purchase one for himself. "Could I take you up on that initial offer of yours?" He asked Rhaine with an awkward smirk before she started to eat.
She grinned, "No need to ask." The Doomguide indicated to the girl that she would take up the cost of the meal, and then began to tuck in to her own.
Rameses nodded gratefully. "Many thanks, miss Doomguide." Reclining in his seat, the genasi waited patiently for his meal while remaining quiet so Rhaine could enjoy hers in peace.


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Codswell talked to the children using tone of voice and gestures to help them understand, "So there I was....... sneaking through the tunnels when a goblin ambushed me. I fought tooth and nail against the horrible thing, but I prevailed....... if only at a great cost. I can only thank my lady of luck in the heavens for keeping me alive as I was ran through three times that day. And these are the scars to prove it." Codswell pulled his shirt and leather armor aside to show the children the scars before continuing, "Now children listen carefully to what I say. When you grow up you can choose what year want to do with yer life when its time. But don't go off galavanting the world thinking nothing bad will happen. Bad things are always happening and sometimes you can't stop them. I adventure knowing that at any moment........ I might die. I have me own reasons for adventurin'. Dont make my reasons yours too children. Now let me tell you of the time I met my friends." Codswell went on to tell how he met the party and tweaked the story a bit to make it more comical so the children would laugh as he smiled like a fool and stumbled and tripped on occasion laughing himself.
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"I couldn't have said it better myself." Llhunarra comments to the halfling with a smile. Offering her glass up for a gentle tap against the girls stein, she could toast to this sort of life all night...or for at least as long as she possessed the motor skills to do so. Sipping away at the warming wine, the rogue did not have to wait long before a knock on the countertop came from behind her. With a spin she turns to face the plate set before her, it's toppings similar to what Rhaine and eventually Rameses would receive.


Seeing no utensils the rogue would only hesitate long enough to shrug, caring little for the cleanliness of her hands when a hot meal was at stake. If they really were going to be setting off to sea, she was going to stuff herself for as long as her feet remained on solid ground. Once they were upon the rocking waves it didn't matter how good of a cook Shalena might have on the vessel, for everything the thief might eat....was going to end up over the side. Hopefully there would be a place along the rail she could take up residence, she would hate to make more work for the crew on the lower decks...mopping was never fun.


Content to remain at her spot along the bar, Llhunarra would set to eating, fingers soon dripping with the gravy like sauce atop the pork. Eating without much regard for manners, the redhead would have fit right in had she been born among one of the mountain tribes that dotted Faerun.

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As Rhaine and the others ate, two Mulhorandi women, fairly young, walked into the tavern, dressed in colorful garments and wearing heavy makeup; Zorica could have sworn it was two of the same ones who had been staring at the men not that much earlier. The half-drow kept her head down but addressed Amendale quietly, "Well...look who's here. I smell trouble."


Meanwhile, Abby clinked her stein against Llhunarra's glass in happy agreement, then eagerly dug in to her food. The little half-dragon munched away contentedly, much to the amusement of the cook, who kept staring at the horned monk through the kitchen doors with a mixture of awe and skepticism. The only response Abby gave was an approving "This...is...amazing" between huge bites of bread and seasoned potatoes.

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Markas roused Fang from the children's affections, he whined when they departed. He patted the hound on the back and led him to the tavern with the stables where he removed the saddle, oiled up the mastiff's back and joined his companions inside the tavern after they had settled in. Fang walking in with him.


The Halfling joined Llhunarra and Abby at the bar, sitting on the red-headed half-elf's left hand side.


"Pint of ale an' a plate of meat bits for my hound." Said the Outrider to the cook. He looked over as Abby devoured the bread and potatoes. "It good that?" He said, gesturing to her plate with a nod of his head. Fang streched out beside him and yawned before sticking his nose over the counter as the ale arrived, the cook patted the hound on the nose before walking around the bar to deliver the meat bits to him. The plate itself was a fair mound of meat scraps, mostly fat cutaways from steak or food folk had left on their plates piled onto a large pan, it didn't bother Fang to eat it though, the hound began to scarf large bites, slowly pushing the pan across the floor as he ate until it collided with a stool leg and stayed still while the dog ate.


Markas picked up his ale, chuckled at Fang and took a deep drink.

Edited by Macman253
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While Azuris, Leif, and Lucas followed the rest of the group to the Inn and were thankful for a warm meal and cold drink, Hexol found himself separated from them as per his usual habit and began to explore the town, his pockets expanding out along the way.

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Codswell notices Hexol and decides to follow him, "Excuse me children but have some things I need to be gettin ta." Codswellwades through the children stealthily following Hexol to see what he was up to.
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Rameses struggled ever so slightly while he devoured his meal without making too much of a mess; using only a chunk of dried bread as his eating utensil proved to be a challenge that even the genasi struggled to beat. Regardless, the fighter enjoyed his wholesome serving of well cooked and seasoned food, and he found their tasteful spices of the potatoes to be particularly invigorating; not too hot, not too weak. Throughout his meal, Rameses regularly wiped his hands clean with a napkin and took thirsty sips of his tea. Once he had finished the pork and potatoes, the genasi soaked up the remaining gravy sauce with his bread utensil before finally eating it. Content from his hefty meal, Rameses reclined in his seat, wiping his hands and mouth clean with his napkin one last time before finishing his refilled mug of tea. He would have tossed formality to the wind and propped his feet up if Rhaine wasn't sitting at the table with him. However, Rameses was careful to behave himself in the presence of the group's leader.


Watching the others of their party, Rameses could not avoid casting his amused grin upon them. The partnership between Markas and his hound Fang was both heartwarming and familiar to Rameses, for the genasi also had a close animal companion in the form of Jarl. Also, Rameses smirked as Hexol scampered out of the tavern before shortly being pursued by Codswell, who had finally finished his storytelling with the children outside; halflings and other such smallfolk always amused the genasi. Finally, Rameses' attention turned towards the two Mulhorandi women who entered The River Crossing. Their majestic, luxurious attire and cosmetics caused Rameses to tilt his head curiously; he figured they were nobility of some fashion, hence their outward appearance.

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Rhaine had just finished her meal when she noticed the young women hovering in the background of the inn. They were dressed rather colorfully compared to the other women of the town they had seen earlier, and the Doomguide wondered if these girls had done so for a purpose. From the way they were eying the males of the group, it seemed that perhaps they had...


The younger one, the one with long, glossy black hair that reached to her waist, sidled slowly up to Azuris and bent slightly towards him, her smile wide and glittering and her dark eyes curious. "You...like Mulhorandi wine?" Her voice was hesitant and thickly accented, but she was understandable. The older one, with shorter, chocolate brown hair and brighter, almost golden eyes, kept casting her gaze towards Weyland, but seemed reluctant to interact with him. She appeared to be less bold than her companion, and certainly more nervous, and as such, she seemed content to linger in the shadows.


Meanwhile, Abby stopped stuffing her face long enough to answer Markas, but her mouth was still full, "Yep...da besht shtuff I've had all month..."

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