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Tales of Faerun


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Nawen was relieved to hear that Rhaine agreed with her plan. It was much more difficult to leave the group than she imagined, the very idea was upsetting but it is something she had to do. For her friends' sake as well as her own. "Yes, I'm planning to leave early," she said. Then Rhaine told her about wanting to give her something she smiled a little. "Thank you, I hope I will not have to use any of the items, but it is better to be prepared," the drow said, "I also hope you'll have enough for yourselves left, because if not... I know how to get by."

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*CHEE!!* We'tak chirped in excitement as he joined the others, having never seen nor heard of such a sight before. "It is so beautiful..." the young thri-kreen said, entranced by the falling stars. "Are these sspirits traveling between realmss?" he asked, thinking out loud. Seeing everyone gather around the fire Conall made, We'tak found a log and dragged it over by Conall to sit upon. Feeling a strange sense of calm and happiness, as if Mother Moon herself was standing there beside him, the hatchling chee-ed happily, simply enjoying the night sky.


Hearing Rameses' proposal, We'tak gave a tilt of his head, intrigued by such an activity. Is this what softskins do for fun? "Truth or dare?" he asked Zorica (who seemed enthused by the prospect of playing), wanting to learn more before joining but inadvertently starting the game.

Edited by GrueMaster
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Rameses spared a grin at the others' anticipation, clasping his hands together before musing, "Spectacular! I suppose I'll get us started then."


Casting his gaze over the individuals gathered around the bonfire, a smirk appeared on the genasi's face as he contemplated possible truths, dares, and candidates until he beckoned to the half elf of Baldur's Gate. "Here's a truth for you, Leif. What would you do if you were invisible for an entire day?"


Of all those who sat at the fire around him, Rameses figured Leif would be most appreciative of the varieties of humor involved in the infamous game they played.

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"Well the spell's not too difficult to cast so, to be quite honest I've already had the opportunity to do what I wanted." Leif answered with a rather unsettling smirk.


"Yeah that's not creepy at all." Azuris muttered.


"It's not really." Leif chirped. "Honestly I just played around in front of mirrors, snuck into someone's house and re-arranged the furniture while walking around making spooky noises, aaand kept bumping into people randomly on the streets just to see them freak out." He explained with a smile.

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Hazel found herself seated near We'Tak, keeping a safe distance from the roaring heat of the bonfire, and giggled at the young Thri-kreen's eagerness to learn the wonders of the world. Shortly afterward, Rameses had proposed the group play a game, and Hazel shrunk a bit at the prospects of being chosen by anyone. She wasn't keen on revealing secrets or performing strange dares for the entertainment of the party, despite trusting the majority of them with her life.

Back at the clearing, Aera took in Lucas' grateful words with a glance in his direction, breaking her long gaze at the sky with a smile. "You're welcome. Besides, you're not half as bad as you think you are. Now, I think we should get back, before everyone gets worried."

She stood up, then offered her hand to Lucas to help him up with a warm smile.

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Rhaine gave Nawen a reassuring smile, "Do not worry, my friend. All will be well." With that, the Doomguide clapped her hand on the drow's shoulder and then strode over towards the bonfire where the others sat. She arrived just in time to hear the comrades begin their game, and she stood by, watching curiously as they started to ask their questions. It wasn't long after that the barmaid came out of The Silver Hart with a tray of drinks in hand. She bore a wide grin as she set the tray by one of the logs that served as a makeshift bench, "Seems someone paid a little too much...these are on the house." Brushing off her hands, she dipped her head to them all, glanced up at the sky, and then made her way back indoors.


Meanwhile, Zorica nervously laughed at We'tak's question and replied, "I...think I'll play it safe first and go with a truth."


"Bah, I'm with fireboy over there," Abby chuckled, "To the Hells with asking...hey Leif! I dare ya to down one of those free ales in one go. And send one my way while you're at it!"


Rhaine eased down onto the ground beside Conall and muttered, "This ought to be interesting."


"Mmmhmm," was his slow reply as he absentmindedly stroked the top of Aodh's head.

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"Alright then." Leif answered Abby's challenge with a grin before taking a cup and expertly downing it all in one go, pilling but a few drops down his chin.

Slamming it down in victory, he wipe his mouth and laughed. "Was challenged to drinking contest all the time before I hit my last growth spurt, scared everyone how well I could keep it all down!" He boasted. "Your turn then Abs, first crush, spill it all." He said as he passed her one of the drinks.


Azuris meanwhile took one of his own, knowing that he'll need all the alcohol he could get before the night was over.



Taking her hand for help, Lucas got back up to his feet. "Yeah, though I'd be surprised if anyone even noticed we were gone." He said with a small chuckle.

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Aera and Lucas neared the inn within fifteen minutes, glancing up at the sky more than a few times as shooting stars continued to tear across the night sky overhead. The two nearly went inside before they noticed the party seemed to be spending the night in the barn, sitting around a bright bonfire, as it seemed that they, too, had noticed the meteor shower.

The two crossed the distance from the inn to its barn, Lucas dodging a high patch of thick grass that would have reached his chin while Aera wove her way through it without any problems.

Noticing the couple approaching, Hazel's head rose in greeting, "Oh. I forgot you two had even left. We're playing a game. 'Truth or Dare'. Essentially, you have to answer an embarrassing question truthfully, or perform an equally embarrassing dare."

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Rameses laughed at Leif's answer and clapped when the man downed an entire ale without fail in response to Abby's dare. Waiting intently for the half-dragon to answer Leif's inquiry on her first fancy, the genasi glanced over towards the Doomguide when she took a seat next to Conall; Rameses pondered and plotted on what to possibly ask one of the two as he turned his attention back towards Abigail.

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Abby grinned as she took her drink, "First crush?" She thought for a moment, her brow furrowing as she tried to sift through memories both buried and erased. After only a few breaths, though, she shook her head slowly, wincing as an oppressive ache started to creep forth from the deepest recesses of her brain, "Sorry...can't remember. And that's the honest truth of it." Shrugging, she then turned up her own ale, not stopping until she hit the bottom. Then, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, she grinned more widely, pointed teeth glittering in the firelight. The drink eased the throb in the back of her head, and she glanced to the others expectantly.


Zorica saw Az drinking and called, "What about you, baby-face?" She teased, winking at him to show that she was poking fun at him, "Your first crush?"

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