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Tales of Faerun


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Zorica's teasing poke at Azuris for fun convinced a light snicker from Rameses, and he soon stood to retrieve a mug of ale for himself. Considering the merriment of the situation, Rameses reckoned there was little harm in just one more ale before he took his first drink of the weak brew. With the mug in his hands, the genasi quickly made it back to his seat at the fire's edge, pondering with a grin and soon beckoning to Rhaine across the bonfire.


"What say you for a truth after Azuris answers his, Doomsayer?" Rameses asked her curiously after taking another drink of his ale. "What is a nightmare of yours, and what would you do if it was real?"

Edited by FreemasonGamer
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Azuris let out an audible groan in response to Zorica's question. He looked into the fire for a few moments as he finished off his drink before answering in a somber tone. "Her name was Clara, Bright blonde hair, chocolate brown eyes, and freckles everywhere. Her mother ran a flower shop out of their home so she always smelled nice, always had a smile on and would talk to anyone about anything, even us less than reputable types. She invited me over for dinner once when she caught me sneaking away with a sack of potatoes, didn't have the heart to tell her I wasn't taking them to eat." He spoke with a nearly unnoticeable smile.


Already sensing that this story wasn't a happy one, Lucas cautiously spoke up. "So.... What happened to her?" He asked, hoping that the end of the story didn't upset Azuris.


A few moments passed before Azuris spoke again. "Was watching a storehouse one night, heard the chains coming from down the street, a regular occurrence back then, slavers were everywhere and were allowed to operate due to some greased palms. Saw her in the line, twenty armed guards marching around her, I was a dumb kid back then, but even I knew jumping in to save her would have just ended with me dead, so I just watched as they marched her off down the street, never saw her again." He finished with a sigh before standing up. "Way too sober for this s***." He grumbled before heading off to the inn. "I'll bring back more booze."

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A few moments of silence followed Azuris's departure, before Rhaine finally spoke up, answering Rameses's question. "Well, firstly, I think you mean 'Doomguide,' goodsir. Secondly..." she paused and thought for a moment, her next words coming out in a musing tone, "I suppose a nightmare of mine is finding myself wearing less-than-modest garb due to some sort of miraculous fabric shortage that has swept the Realms and thus becoming a subject of others' wild fantasies and, gods forbid it, erotic romance novels...since apparently I am already being written about..." she trailed and rubbed the back of her neck before continuing, "As for what I would do if it came true? Likely hide myself indoors, never to be seen in public again, burning any such book that came within reach." She shrugged and then laughed lightly, adding, "I do hope Azuris brings back some mulled wine, if they have any stocked. T'would be nice, I think."


Conall chuckled, appreciating the light humor after Azuris's dark tale, "And what about you, then, Rameses? Your nightmare?"

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Rameses shuddered slightly following the conclusion of Azuris's tale, silently yet steadily sipping his ale until the pewter mug in the genasi's hands ran dry. Although, his mood swiftly recovered when Rhaine first corrected him on her proper title before she explained her nightmarish concern of being subjected to lewd clothing and erotic fantasies; Rameses was soon chuckling freely—on the verge of laughter, really—with a carefree grin drawn across his countenance, his szuldar markings gleaming with energy that rivaled the flames they so acutely resembled.


"That aught to be a fretful cataclysm in any sensible lady's eyes, I'd reckon, miss Doomguide." The genasi replied once Rhaine finished speaking, and Conall's inquiry compelled Rameses's grin to waver as he contemplated intently on a noteworthy answer. "Hmm, a nightmare of mine..."


A handful of ponderous moments passed until Rameses began to explain, "Until quite recently, I all but ran from the ocean and the things that lurked within it; old tales of sea monsters dragging people into the depths always antagonized me when I was younger. Nothing made a night more restless than dreams of slipping below the water's surface and never emerging..." Sparing a smirk, Rameses fixated on his empty mug as he continued somewhat cheerfully, "Here's to laying that nightmare to rest after our little voyage, right?"

Edited by FreemasonGamer
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Leif couldn't stop himself from laughing at Rhaine's worst fear. "Well I got some bad news for ya wings, you're famous, you're already someone's erotic fantasy. Countless men out there dream of having a strong women like you, or even just a chance to say that they've conquered one, comes with the territory I'm afraid, happens to men too, but women get the worst of it all." He said, memories of all the pieces of writing that he had come across about his female friends coming to surface.


Having said that a dare for Rhaine suddenly came to mind. "Anyways, first dare of the night goes to Rhaine! I dare you.. to actually relax for the night, go take the armor off and come back wearing something more casual. Seriously, anything that would attack us would be obliterated in an instant, I think you'll be okay without the shell for a while."

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We'tak gave that familiar tilt-of-the-head, realizing that the game was starting. *Tic-Tic* "Oh..." At a loss of what to ask, he sat there somewhat befuddled. Spirits, how does this work? The hatchling sat there, before overhearing the others do their truths and dares. Oh... that's how it works...


*Chee...* "Zorica?" Speaking up, We'tak called for her attention, a question forming from Leif's dare. "Does Dark Pointy-ear ever take off all that cloth, or not wear any?" Rapping against his chitin, We'tak emphasized his point. "Thri-kreen don't need to wear any, so I don't understand why you softskins have to have so much." *Tic*

Edited by GrueMaster
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Rhaine sighed heavily, shaking her head as she put it in her hands. After a few moments, her reply a simple, "Gods above," she then rose and strode off to the barn to change, the plates of her tassets clanking slightly as she walked.


Zorica, meanwhile, sat in mild shock as she digested We'tak's question, "I...ah...well...you see..." The half-drow trailed, unsure of how to explain this concept to some - one? Thing? - like We'tak. "Well, I do take it off to sleep...sometimes, when there's no danger..."


Conall felt the need to help her formulate an answer, and so he added, "You're right, We'tak. We don't have an exoskeleton like you do, and that's precisely why we need armor to protect ourselves and lighter clothing to guard ourselves against the elements. Without clothes, we are susceptible to excessive cold, heat, and even injury."


"Not to mention naked people in public is kinda taboo," Abby added with a grin, "Well...not in some places, but those places are weird. I mean some people like them, but not me. Naked people are ugly." She glanced around the campfire, quickly amending her statement with an addendum, "Ah...no offense to anybody who likes to go naked..."


"Speaking of which!" Abby's grin turned into a devilish smile, "I dare Lucas to take off his shirt!"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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"My.. my shirt?" Lucas asked in a confused tone. Why he would be dared something like that was something he couldn't understand, but went ahead with anyways. His body wasn't anything that he was ever embarrassed about, the years of training kept him in good and healthy shape, so with a shrug he took his shirt off and folded it into his pack, thankful that the night air was of moderate temperature.


"Oh that was weak." Leif said to Abby. 'How's about something tougher eh?"


With that said, Lucas spoke up. "Rameses, when Rhaine comes back.... I dare you to go kiss Jarl on the mouth in front of us all."


To this dare, Leif burst out laughing. "Oooh this is gonna get baaaad."

Edited by josh900
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Rameses widened his eyes in response to Lucas's dare, the genasi's grin wavering and almost threatening to disappear entirely. Rising to his feet and brushing himself off, Rameses then addressed his companions simply, "I'd appreciate a healing spell or two at the ready if this goes south."


Following his last sentiment, the genasi strode off from the bonfire towards the barn as the Doomguide had done minutes ago, and he held his head high with seemingly fearless determination. Although, Rameses's outward gusto all but vanished once he was out of sight from those surrounding the fire. This will not end well, he thought to himself, releasing a sigh. Glancing through the shady dark of the barn's interior, Rameses quickly spotted the white camel in question snoring in his stall, and the realization made the genasi wince; Jarl was a very irritable creature when disturbed from his sleep.


"Rise and shine, my friend. You have been beckoned." The genasi said cautiously as he opened the stall's gate, and his camel groaned audibly before he rose to his feet. He firmly took the steed's reins and then struggled in the fight to guide Jarl back towards the bonfire; sparing a quick leer and smirk in Lucas's direction upon their arrival, the genasi said lastly, "Feast your eyes upon this spectacle, because I'm not answering this dare a second time for the sake of my health."


With the slightest hesitation, Rameses closed his eyes and stole a swift kiss from Jarl's whiskered, furry lips. That magificent white camel stood deathly still immediately after their brief moment of contact, narrowing his dark eyes murderously, and for all of about three seconds, the dare seemed harmlessly fulfilled as Rameses relaxed and began to wipe his mouth with his sleeve. Suddenly, a projectile of frothing camel saliva struck Rameses in the eyes with divine precision, sending him to the ground with a terrified yelp. As his rider rolled around in the dirt rubbing at his eyes furiously, Jarl growled menacingly with the likeliness of a bear before lumbering off into the night.


"Vile! Horrid! It burns!" Rameses spat in a panicked daze while he fought to rid his eyes of the disgusting, rancid, viscous liquid, his szuldar markings flaming in outrage.

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After Rhaine left, Nawen stood by the road watching the horizon quietly before turning towards the inn. She noticed that her companions played a game of sorts and stopped nearby to see what they were playing exactly, her wolf companion, Rhegar joined her and watched the rest of the group curiously while sitting by Nawen's feet.

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