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Tales of Faerun


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As the group began to rise with the sun, Leif remained in his bedroll, trying to unsuccessfully block the sun from his eyes. After growing far too irritated with the light, he angrily cast the Darkness spell, and enveloped himself in a cloud of pitch blackness and was able to quickly fall back to sleep.



With a rather embarrassing dream involving Aera and an invasive Kraken tentacle waking Lucas up with a start, he was met with an equally odd scene as what was just playing in his mind, Abby curled up on top of Hexol, both fast asleep.

Not wanting to be faced with what would be a horrifically awkward situation, He slowly and quietly got out of bed and crept out of the room, seeking the nearest free bathroom in the hopes of washing up for the day's travel.

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Rhaine was deep in thought before she was broken out of them by a woman's voice; as she saddled and prepared her steed for their continued journey, she had noticed that Nawen had already departed. She had remembered to cast a few prayers for the drow the night before, and she did so again that morning before donning her armor and readying to leave. She was still thinking about what the ranger had told her when she was approached by the exotic-looking woman with strange eyes and a brown horse. The Doomguide looked up from her work and thought about the woman's request, raising her eyebrow. The leather-clad stranger had a voice quite like the Mulhorandi they had recently left behind, and Rhaine briefly wondered if this woman was the one whom Nawen was speaking about the previous night...


Ultimately, Rhaine's eyes narrowed a bit, as she felt uncertain of the motives of this peculiar woman, "And why do you search for these people, exactly?"


Unsurprised by the half-elf's leeriness, Eirene thought it best to answer honestly and explained to the best of her ability, "It isn't so much the group I'm looking for, but this person said to be traveling among them in particular. My associate told me this tattooed man hails of a western land of Tethyr, and this Tethyrian by the name of Galeran, I believe, he accused of being a possible suspect of arson. I believed I could assist him in locating this person."


"Arson?" Rhaine paused, thinking for a moment and mulling over the woman's words. Rameses's surname was Galeran, she was sure. And the woman's description of him certainly matched him, as well...


"And when did this supposed arson occur?" the Doomguide asked, "I am curious. I have reason to suspect you have been hunting him for quite some time, now." Considering that Rameses had been traveling with them for nigh on a month, it would have to have been a crime older than that, if true.

Considering her answer for a moment, Eirene soon replied, "According to this man's pursuer—a bounty hunter who calls himself Harlock—this Galeran has been one prone to playing with fire for some time. However, Galeran apparently hasn't conducted himself in such a manner throughout the past few weeks I've assisted Harlock in looking for him."

Rhaine suddenly heard Conall on the stairs behind her, and the paladin said nothing, merely watching the woman intently with his piercing blue eyes. After a few moments, the Doomguide replied, "Well...'Galeran' has indeed been traveling with my companions and me for nearly a month, and I can assure you that no arson has been committed while he has been with us. If he committed such a crime before joining my company, then perhaps you have a case. However, if this bounty hunter has accused him of arson that has occurred within two tendays' time, then I am afraid you have been misled."

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We'tak spent the night wandering around the surrounding area of the inn, studying the various new vegetation he saw and taking to memory the sounds of the local fauna. He eventually ended up on the roof of the inn of all places, finding the view to be perfect to gaze upon while also being within running distance of his clutch, meanwhile reflecting on the new things he was glad to experience in softskin lands, all the way until Mighty Sun began to rise...




We'tak was tip-tapping on his medallion whilst petting Pekwe gently, looking up at the sky while he waited for his clutch-mates to awaken and pondered their unusual rest periods. Hmm... do they rest so long to recover their mental strength? He wondered absent-minded. That would make sense, since they use their cunning for so many crafty inventions...


This he thought on heavily in particular, to the point where he nearly missed detecting a softskin stranger entering the barn, having failed to hear their horse. Who is that? Curiosity (and mild alarm, since there was a stranger around his clutch) bringing to action, the young thri-kreen hopped down from the inn's roof and strode over to the barn.


He walked in quietly, quickly spotting the stranger, a dark softskin female, who was talking with Rhaine, and Conall calmly watching her. Having missed a decent amount of the conversation, picking up only on the fact that this female was looking for someone who sounded much like Rameses, for something called 'arson'...


"Are you looking for Fireskin?" We'tak asked suddenly from behind, very close now to the stranger, who didn't seem to be a threat, with that curious tilt of his head present once more, before exploding into the inevitable storm of questions. "Is he your clutchmate? He is a very nice fireskin, very brave and intelligent, and very good in my clutch, so I could see why your clutch would be looking for such a good member, but what is 'arson?' Is that something only Rameses cou-"


The thri-kreen trailed off, making a slight sniffing sound and his antennae twitching slightly towards the female, one even brushing slightly against her, confusion plain on even his face. "Sstrange...you smell like Pekwe after she had bathed in deep waters... " he said, mulling over this and ignoring Pekwe's irritated hissing at the mention of that event. "But you are not wet... or scaled like a lizard... Why is that?"

Edited by GrueMaster
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"Misled?" Eirene's immediate reaction countered to the woman's response, which conveyed the Mulhorandi's slight disbelief as a thoughtful expression quickly possessed her countenance. The bounty hunter she had agreed to assist and accompany seemed so earnest when he retold his tales of Galeran being someone akin to a pyromaniac who disregarded others' safety in favor of his own amusement. Also, the middle-aged man who quickly appeared in the stairwell of the barn unnerved Eirene somewhat with his frigid azure gaze. Shaking her head, the young ranger returned her attention to the winged Doomguide before insisting with a tone that betrayed her uncertainty, "Possibly, but perhaps I could speak wit-"


However, Eirene suddenly interrupted herself with a timid yelp of fearful surprise when an insect-like creature nearly the size of a person abruptly came into view of her peripheral vision. Uncomfortably close to the inquisitive being, she was honestly shocked when he began to speak rapidly, ushering a barrage of questions peppered with strange words and phrases. Before the Mulhorandi was able to internalize the thri-kreen's questions and contemplate any meaningful answers, she flinched terribly when the youngling skimmed his antennae over her arms in an awkward fashion. "Er, p-please, if you could step back just a bit..." The ranger managed to request from the thri-kreen with growing meekness, taking a step back herself whilst also intentionally avoiding his inquiries regarding her scent.


Taking a deep breath, Eirene soon focused herself before finally replying to the seemingly innocent thri-kreen, "Yes, I am looking for 'Rameses' Galeran... Also, arson is the act of setting fire to someone's property with nefarious intentions." Once the creature's curiosity was sated to a degree the Mulhorandi was comfortable offering, she spared an uncertain glance to the Doomguide and even the man standing atop the steps to the loft. "As I was saying, I would genuinely appreciate a chance to absolve this mystery by speaking to this 'fireskin' himself, if that is possible..."



Finally convincing himself to cease his procrastination, Rameses sat upright with a weak groan as he brushed the hay off himself and rubbed his reddened eyes; for the first time in quite a while, his szuldar smoldered darkly, weakly even as they only gave off the shallow light of a mere candle due to his stricken demeanor. His mind left groggy and addled from the residual effects of the previous night's intoxication, the fire genasi did little else for several long moments except savor the relatively peaceful morning. Someone aught to have a spell for curing this, Rameses thought to himself silently, and he eventually overheard a muffled, distant conversation unfolding downstairs. Even though the modest accommodations of the barn were far from soundproof, the genasi's hungover distress dispelled most of his meager efforts to listen to those below.


Only confused by the sparse snippets of discussion he was able to perceive, Rameses reluctantly rose to his feet, staggering slightly as if he was still aboard the dreadful Sea Compass while at sea. Sighing raggedly after nearly falling over as he adorned his boots, the fire genasi meandered to the staircase leading down from the loft. Along the descent, Rameses almost collided into Conall, which offered an opportunity he quickly seized whilst rubbing his eyes tiredly. "So, what's going on down here...?" He asked the paladin, ignorant of his gleaming new medallion as he glanced over the small gathering centered upon the dark-skinned woman.

Edited by FreemasonGamer
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When Hexol woke from his sleep, he rolled out from underneath Abby, unaware that she was even there. It wasn't until he began to change out of his dirty clothes for some clean ones did he notice her, and so with little regard for the fact that he was currently clothed only in his socks, he cocked his head to the side and spoke. "Abby? When did you get in here? The bed there's empty so why are you on the floor? Did you fall off like I did? I roll around in my sleep a lot so that's pretty usual... hey.. wait.... Abby, why did you get in bed with me? You weren't here last night when I came in, at least.. I don't think you were." He said, trying his best to think back on the previous night's events.

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"Aaaah!" Abby jumped three feet into the air when Hexol opened his mouth, and her still-gloved fists and booted ankles were wreathed in flame before she realized where she was.


And what she was looking at.


"Oh dear gods! Demons' hairy toes!" The monk exclaimed, hiding her eyes, "I was in bed with you?!" She then stumbled back a few steps, holding her head, "Oh dear...oh, my head..."




Meanwhile, back in the barn, Zorica was just waking up, stretching widely before realizing that Sir Meowsalot had made her face his nighttime bed. The half-drow relocated the furry beastie to the boarded floor beside her and then yawned - only to inhale tufts of brindle fur into her mouth. She spat and spluttered, trying to get the cat hair off of her lips, but to no avail.


Below, Conall gave We'tak a sharp look, "We'tak...best be quiet for now, my friend." The thri-kreen's remark about the woman's scent did not go unnoticed, however, and Conall was certain that he could detect the smell of...crocodile? He shifted uncomfortably, his newly-donned silver armor clanking a bit as he moved. It was the first time he had worn his full suit since his injury...


At that moment, Rameses nearly stumbled right into him, and he glanced over his shoulder at the genasi before jerking his head at the woman, "You've got someone looking for you."


Kaliste bobbed her head impatiently as Rhaine finished buckling all the straps about the caramel-colored mare, and the Doomguide nodded curtly to the stranger. "Well...there he is. If you wish to speak with him, I would advise that you do so now, as we are getting ready to move out."


Conall then descended the rest of the way down the stairs and moved to saddle and prepare Gaius, though he kept the odd-scented woman in his sights all the while. Something about her was strangely familiar, and he couldn't put his finger on it...

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Despite his slowed thoughts and aching headache, Rameses raised his brows in awkward astonishment after being informed that the exotic young woman was asking for him especially. Marginally flattered, the fire genasi spared a modest shrug before following Conall down the rest of the stairwell's steps; giving the Mulhorandi woman a fixated glance, he then beckoned her out of the others' way as he clumsily wandered into Jarl's stall to begin the process of equipping his steed. "What is your name," Rameses noted curiously to the young lady whilst gingerly rubbing his temples, "And why are you looking for me?"


Eirene arched a narrow brow at Rameses's straightforward inquiry and quickly answered in a simple, eloquent fashion even as the strange young man began to prepare his ashen white camel for travel, "I am Eirene Atemu, and I have been searching for you in hopes of finding the truth behind the frightful rumors of what you have done." Although she detested the idea of having possibly been led astray by a liar's false accusations targeting the genasi, the young ranger was willing to face the possibility of such being the case.


Almost immediately responding with a dry chuckle, Rameses briefly returned Eirene's skeptical look, musing with obvious speculation in his tone, "Frightful rumors, hmm...? That's humorous when thinking of what 'rumors' regularly spice the lives of those like me." Please, anything but a naysayer, he thought to himself solemnly, unintentionally releasing an irritable groan. Throughout his life, Rameses had always been troubled by the irrational, unprovoked fear or dislike focused upon him simply due to the fact that he was so different, and the absolute last thing he felt like coping with alongside his hangover was another such individual who would question or belittle him for his unknown heritage and szuldar, which began to flare weakly as his thoughts steeped negatively.


"I care only about the rumors of a particular Rameses Galeran who heralds from a foreign land and might be a man who relishes in the danger and destruction of arson, if you would rather prefer the specifics." The Mulhorandi retorted coldly in disapproval of Rameses's seemingly worsening attitude. "My only hope is to merely uncover if whether or not you are indeed a danger to potential victims undeserving of such heartless malice." If the Doomguide's words were true, Eirene did not have time to loiter with formalities or light conversation; hence, she sought to confront Rameses directly to hopefully retrieve an answer as soon as possible.


However, the Mulhorandi's imprudence convinced an unforeseen reaction from the genasi, who paused for a tense moment as the fiery aura of his mystic szuldar quickly grew with strength fueled by frustration. Casting his harsh crimson glare towards the youthful ranger, Rameses said with the nature of his words heavily accented with hostility, "I've done no such thing as harmfully setting fire to others' things. If you wish to do any good with your time, go devote yourself to something better than running around, spreading any worthless gossip that reaches your ears."


Her eyes narrowing in aggravation, Eirene quickly answered the innate urge to defend herself in her intensifying argument with Rameses by ushering a swift jab, "Is it truly worthless gossip if the exact individual who warned me of your past acts also enlightened me of your reckless, uncaring behavior first in Tethyr and then almost every land of Faerûn you have visited since?" In spite of the smug sense of victory her bitter response offered, the Mulhorandi immediately began to regret it as Rameses became as silent as the grave, abruptly abandoning the task at hand of preparing his placid steed. His torrid szuldar flaring violently like fire gorged with parched vegetation, the genasi clenched his fists tightly while his knuckles lost most of their coloration in favor of deathly paleness.


Suddenly turning on his heel, Rameses came within inches of Eirene, a furiously hellish illumination set ablaze within his deep red eyes as he snapped belligerently through gritted teeth, "Who in the Hells do you think you are, and who has so easily convinced a fool like you to believe such lies about me?" In spite of his own question, the fire genasi plagued with panic, anguish, and uncertainty already had a dreadful guess of whom had such a convincing vendetta against him. Regardless, Rameses needed to hear it from the ranger herself before he jumped to any more severe conclusions.


Meanwhile, Eirene's rash bravery melted away like candle wax tossed into a kiln once the genasi let his outrage be known to her. Having little other choice but to lift her head up to meet his frightening gaze, she struggled to salvage enough fortitude to answer him without a fearful tone littering her voice, "He labels himself as a bounty hunter from the west, and his n-name is Harlock... Harlock Dorne." Following her reply, Eirene did little else as an intense silence settled between her and the fire genasi, her hands itching for the pommels of their blades.


With the Mulhorandi's foreboding confirmation, Rameses felt something akin to the sensation that had struck him upon witnessing the kraken attack aboard the Sea Compass to a lesser extent. Harlock Dorne, the one nemesis that the genasi had fled over halfway across the known realm to evade, evidently never ceased his pursuit of him; now, Harlock seemed closer than ever before. Backing away from Eirene while still fuming, Rameses rubbed his eyes and ran his hands through his hair, at a loss for words regarding the newly unveiled gravity of his situation. Tempus, help me... The fire genasi thought to himself fearfully, even though such futile efforts were less than insignificant.

Edited by FreemasonGamer
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"Ummm.. no.. the floor actually." said Hexol as he scratched his stomach. "Maybe you just thought the bed was empty, but tripped over me and fell asleep anyways. I dunno.. you have all of your clothes on so there's nothing to worry about." He said as he turned his back to her as he dug through his pack, trying to find some clean clothes to wear.

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We'tak was about to launch another barrage of questions at the dark softskin female, but Conall managed to stem the rising tide of inquiries. Though dissatisified, he did respect the softskin, and so the thri-kreen stepped away to join his fellow believer. He wished Rameses a quiet good morning and allowed the fireskin to meet with the stranger without interruption, hoping that such accusations that were being made were untrue.


As he watched and listened to the conversation, We'tak twitched at Conall suddenly when the hatchling smelled him by chance, a sneaking revelation popping up. "Conall, you smell faintly like wolf..." he said quietly only to the werewolf. "Since Eirene smells like lizard, does that mean she can change into one like you?"


Before this line of thinking could continue, however, Rameses flared up in anger at the obviously untrue rumors. Even unused to softskins as he was, We'tak could still detect the hints of fear emanating from Eirene. "Rameses, pleasse!" The thri-kreen exclaimed, pushing himself between the two. "You are scaring Dark Softskin Female!" He glanced at the woman over his shoulder. "She has not threaten our clutch, nor disturbed the balance of nature as far as we know, so she has committed no crime! She is simply foolish prey that has been goaded by a cunning predator, it seems."


Curious as to who this "Harlock" was, and feeling inept at bringing peace between the two softskins as well, he looked at his other clutchmates in desperation. "Could Winged Pointy-ear or Conall help?"

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Conall frowned as he listened to We'tak's initial observation about the woman's scent. Perhaps he's right...


Before he could say anything else, however, the conversation between Rameses and the stranger had escalated to a near-argument and We'tak was moving to intervene. Having barely gotten Gaius's saddle secured on the horse's back, the werewolf stepped out of his mount's stall and stood with his arms crossed atop his shining breastplate. His face stern, the paladin addressed the woman, "Look, I think it is apparent that you have the wrong man. Rameses is not the type to do the things you're accusing him of." He glanced over to the genasi, giving him a reassuring nod. Conall liked to think himself at least a decent judge of character, and Rameses committing arson did not seem like a plausible situation at all, even though the party had known him for less than a month.


Rhaine stood listening, Kaliste's reins in hand as the mare was half-in, half-out of her stall. The Doomguide did not want to leave whilst Rameses was in the midst of a verbal battle with this stranger. Glancing between the two, Rhaine finally settled her gaze on the genasi when he reacted to the woman's final words, "Rameses...do you know this 'Harlock'?"


"Sounds like a word used to describe troll spittle," Zorica remarked as she descended the stairs to ready her own mount. Sir Meowsalot weaved in and out between her feet, seeming bound and determined to trip her as the half-drow made her way to Araha's stall.




Back at the inn, Abby was summarily treated to a clear view of Hexol's bare rear; hungover and irritated in the extreme, the monk spun on her heels, "That's IT! I'm outta here...need some fresh air and a view that isn't HAIRY!" Before she could hear any reply, the half-dragon was down from the upstairs bedroom and out of the door. Once outside, she took in a huge lungful of morning air and let it all out slowly.


I need something to permanently rid my eyes of what I just witnessed, she thought, her brain sluggishly trudging through a splitting headache. And to make me forget that little incident along with everything else...






Earth. She could smell it fresh and pungent. Soil soft between her fingers. Warmth on her back, almost stinging in its intensity.


The sun?


Birds chirping, insects humming, the breeze whispering...she heard all of these in a swirling cacophony that was nearly overwhelming.


The air...she could almost taste it. Her tongue dry, sticking to the roof of her mouth.


Her heart...beating.


Maydiira's silver eyes opened wide, and she saw the living world again.


Her breath quickened, coming out in near-gasps as she sat up and reveled in the taking in of oxygen. Her heart pounded, fluttering in her rib cage and throbbing in her cheeks. She quickly took in the scene around her - forest, or the edge of one. Bright sun, nearly blinding, streaming through the canopy of the trees that towered over her. Soft moss and grasses surrounded her on plush, fertile ground. A lone doe saw her move and bounded away from her, tail held high in warning.


Glancing down, Maydiira saw her hands. Her hands. Her skin, a purple-hued obsidian. She felt her own body, her own weight, resting against the earth. A brushing softness on her arm made her gasp in surprise, and she realized that it was a silver-tipped white feather. Yes, they were there, too. Two fluffy wings that now sheltered her from the elements.


Find them.


The quiet, yet firm voice resonated in her mind. Yes...she was brought back for a reason. She remembered now. The drow could scarcely remember anything else, but she knew one thing - she had to find Rhaine Alcinea. To tell her...warn her...that just as Maydiira now breathed again, so did Ginafae Orlyndar. And that was not good news for anyone.




As Maydiira wrapped her arms around her silver-tattooed form, she realized that first things were first. She needed to find out where she could obtain some sufficient means of protection...


...and where in the Realms she was.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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