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Tales of Faerun


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"Yes, please. Let's go-" Rameses began to utter in response to Conall before Kaji cast his magic. In the blink of an eye, the square was filled with a nigh-impenetrable fog, and Rameses looked down at himself to discover that he... had turned into a woman?


"All the Hells!" The fire genasi reacted violently to the mischievous illusion his friend had cast upon him, making him appear as a rather salaciously dressed half-orc female. It took him several moments to realize that it was merely an illusion of Kaji's work before Rameses grumbled, "Alright, alright. Let's get moving, now."


Hastily following his similarly-disguised companions, Rameses was still quite unnerved by the laughter he'd heard, which still echoed through his thoughts like thunder. Once the group ducked into a narrow alleyway where they might have a moment of undisturbed peace, he took a moment to catch his breath before glancing to the samurai who was actually his paladin comrade. "Alright, alright, alright... How do I explain this?"


Rameses combed his thoughts and memories in a desperate, haphazard rush to come up with an explanation before simply divulging all he could, "So there is a damned madman who's chased me halfway across Faerun who calls himsef Harlock Dorne, but I thought I had lost him in the Shaar sometime before I met you all with Rhaine in Mulhorand. He's absolutely out of his mind, and he was the one who had sent Eirene to track me down at that roadside inn after we landed in Aglarond..."


At the mention of the Mulhorandi, the fire genasi scowled fiercely and insisted, "I heard that man's voice in that square, I heard him laughing. If that was him, and it had to have been, then he must know where I am... And his sudden appearance the moment our dear ranger disappears is hardly a coincidence in my opinion, either." Considering his breakneck haste and borderline paranoid disposition, Rameses was quite clearly unsettled—unsettled enough that Kaji's humorous illusions might have been the least of the genasi's concerns.

Edited by FreemasonGamer
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Kaji huffed his relief at their getaway. "Okay... should be good now... Hi-chan," The elemental-now-halfling straightened attentively. "Watch the alleyway for us, would you? Keep an eye out for anything strange." She nodded quietly and turned to keep watch. He looked at Rameses as the fire genasi spoke, knuckles tightening as he listened and slowly became more angry at the worry wearing his friend down.


"Ramesesama," The wu jen began, his grim-monk visage looking even more serious somehow. "If we can find a place that is more quiet and where I can concentrate in peace, I can attempt to contact the spirits of this land. One of them should be able to help us to learn of Eirene and perhaps this dishonorable man as well." He smiled. "Fortunately, I happened to prepare that ritual this morning, just in case."


This last statement elicited a derisive snort from Hi-chan. "'Just in case'... You were planning on speaking with the spirits to learn who to place your bets on in one of those distasteful brawls, weren't you?" She retorted with a scathing accusation. "Of course not!" Kaji denied fervently, and would have gone to argue with the unruly familiar if not for the sound of what could be compared to the complaining mewl of a kitten...


*Chee...* We'tak, though keeping quiet in concern for his clutchmates, and was, without a doubt, incredibly concerned by the trouble at hand, couldn't quite take the weight of his awkward disguise much longer. "Would we be able to turn back soon?" The thri-kreen asked timidly, clearly discomforted by the illusion.


"Oh, um, sorry, We'tak." Kaji said, unsure of how to handle the situation. "But, if anyone is following us, they would know immediately of who we are if I release the spell. It would be safer to remain like this, I think, for the time being. My apologies for the hasty illusion, though..." He said, bowing to his companions. "It was the best I could think of in the moment."


"Think of?!" Hi-chan cried out, incredulous. "You didn't even think! These are just some of the last people you happened to meet in person!" Pointing, in turn, to each of the guises, the fire elemental ruthlessly called out her master's lie. "That monk and this girl you made me happen to be Sensei's friends, that samurai was that one man chasing you for setting his stable on fire!" The wu jen stuttered, trying to interrupt, but Hi-chan was in full fury. "That geisha you turned poor We'tak into was that ridiculously overpriced female entertainer, who you spent the last of our money on... and as for that half-orc girl..."


"HI-CHAN!" Kaji yelled suddenly, his voice breaking from his poorly-hidden shame, before clearing his throat. *Ahem* "Well, I suggest we try to find our way back to the others and regroup... you know, give us a moment to think, and I could see about that ritual..."

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Sparrow munched on an apple as he watched the mornings goings on in the market outside of The Cheerful Sage, a sufficient enough crowd had formed. The festival had proved to be a stroke of luck, in the last week he had accumulated a fair horde of gold from the visiting nobles and wealthy citizens of Aglarond. He couldn't help but smile as he realized the snobbish nobles spent hundreds of coin on clothing they would only wear once when he would skim their purses and use the funds to aid the citizens of Furthingharrow.


The Half-Elf swallowed his bite of the apple and rested it on the top of a small post that signaled where a stand would normally be. He had painted a large circle a few inches below where the apple rested then a smaller circle and another circle in the center of the larger one to create a three-ringed target. He raised his hands in the air and spoke loudly. "Good citizens of Furthinghome!" He cried out with a warm smile as he drew back his hood and pulled a fat sack of gold from his satchel. "I bring to you all a challenge, a rather simple challenge!" He continued, pausing for effect as the crowd peered at him. "One target, three knives each-" Sparrow flicked his left hand and a blade sprung into it, in the onlooking crowd he saw more then a few shocked and surprised faces.


"It is a competition of skill, the rules are simple." He said with a chuckle, "Ten gold pieces, and you can compete against me, the one with the blade closest to the center wins the entire purse!" He spoke with a smile, "Now! Any applicants?" He said to the crowd, a rather smallish human stepped forward, Sparrow soon noticed the bespectacled man, he was of lithe build and had more bookish features, Sparrow assumed he was a notary or some other such person of intellect. "I will compete with you dear sir!" Spoke the man, Sparrow clapped and offered him his three knives, identical to the trio he also used as the man dropped his fee into the Half-Elf's hand.


"You will throw and then I shall follow suit, now please my friend." He gestured to the target, "Avail yourself." Said the elf. The small man nodded and took aim, he held the blade by the tip and focused on the target several feet away from them. They both toed a line drawn in the mud. He drew his hand back and let loose, the knife turned end over end and struck the earth at the foot of the post. The crowd erupted in laughter, Sparrow struggled to stifle a laughter as well, he patted the man on the back. "Have no worry friend." Sparrow said encouragingly. The elf flipped the dagger around and grasped it by the tip then took aim, after a moment he flung it underhand towards the pole where it stuck with a loud *SLAP* into the wood, just on the outer ring of the three-ringed target. Many in the crowd cheered but some booed. The bookish human looked shocked, "How did?" He asked and gestured to the elf. Sparrow shrugged, "It is all in the wrist." He replied nonchalantly. The man shifted his spectacles and nodded then took his aiming stance. He threw again and this time struck the same ring as Sparrow had done but more towards the bottom of the target. Sparrow clapped as much of the crowd had done, many cheered. A voice rang out from within the crowd.


"Show that pointy ear what a human can do!"


Sparrow looked over, as had a few others but the speaker did not raise his voice again. Sparrow forced his anger down and focused on his target, he took a throwing stance and flung the second dagger into the target, this time it stuck exactly on the second ring. Many in the crowd cheered, but another few booed him, a few words were spoken but they were drowned out by the whistling and cheering he paid them no attention. The human smiled and nodded, "I commend you sir, a fine throw." Sparrow nodded in thanks at the compliment and took a step back to allow his rival more room.


"Please sir, it is your throw." He replied, the human bowed slightly and took aim again. This time he focused intently, Sparrow could see he strongly desired the purse, the elf could not blame him, that purse contained half a years wages for many trade-skilled men, and many years wages to a laborer. The human took his last throw, the knife stuck just inside the first ring, very very close to the center dot. The crowd erupted in cheer, the human jumped in celebration at his achievement, even Sparrow was surprised.


"Lady Tymora favors you my friend." He said while patting the human on the back as he waved to the crowd. Sparrow flipped the dagger around to grasp it by the hilt and flung it in an underhand, the knife sang like an arrow as it cut through the air and struck the wooden post. The crowd fell silent, Sparrow had sunk the blade right next to the humans knife, but a inch closer then his own, making him the victor.


A voice erupted from the crowd, "Cheating half-breed!" Said the burly human that walked out of the crowd, it was the same voice from earlier. Sparrow looked up at the human that many could mistake for an ogre. "Who are you calling a cheat!" Sparrow growled at him, The human drew a pair of hatchets from his belt. "Everyone knows you half-breeds ain't nuthin' but cheats an' thieves! I challenge you to 'yer game, but we use my axes. See if you can pull 'yer fancy throwin' wit' them." He said as he offered the elf one of the axes. Sparrow took it and nodded, his blood boiling.


"Fair enough!" He replied to the hateful human, a voice called out. "Place your bets folks!" Many in the crowd began murmoring and offering coin to the bet taker, Sparrow was surprised but decided to focus on the challenge.


"Time to teach this fool a lesson." He thought as he waved for the human to take his shot. The burly human brushed Sparrow aside, took aim and tossed his axe, the blade buried into the second and third rings just above the target, the handle blocked the center of the target, preventing a perfect strike which is what Sparrow would need to beat him, the blow dislodged the other knives and knocked the apple off of it's perch. The crowd fell silent, Sparrow glanced at their faces. The look of shock was apparent but he also saw the faces of joy, it appears many bet against him.


Sparrow juggled the axe, tossing it around and getting a feel for it, he was surprised at how well it was made. After a few moments the burly human spoke in anger. "Are you going to throw or scamper off to the forest?" Sparrow's eyes immediately shot towards him and his grip on the axes handle tightened, he really wanted to bury the axes head into the humans chest but he thought of a better idea.


With the quick twist around he let the axe fly, this time in a flat spin. The axeblade cut through the handle of it's twin and struck across the dead center circle. Cheers erupted from the crowd like no other had before, Sparrow looked up at his competitor and gave him a sly smirk and a wink, it was then that he felt a sudden jerk and the feeling of weightlessness as he was thrown into the air by the enraged human, he crashed into a market stand, sending cabbages and bread loaves flying as the table they rested on snapped under Sparrow, the dwarf that tended the stand had dived out of the way just before he had struck.

Edited by Macman253
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Hexol stood silent for a few moments before smiling at Maydiira. "That gives me an idea!" He exclaimed before dashing out the inn, leading his cult away to parts unknown.


As the Kender's fevered followers followed, Lucas let out a sigh. "Yeah there's no way this will end well."


As the chaos brought on by the rumble outside caused many of the tavern's patrons to leave their seats to watch on, an elderly man dressed in the finest of clothing seemed to appear out of thin air and approached the table and bowed. "A' good day lady Alcinea. I come here on behalf of my employer with a special invitation. Tomorrow, as the festivities begin, my employer shall meet you, and accompany you throughout the evening. You may refuse this of course, but know that there is much that the two of you have to discuss about your current goals, and ways that you both may benefit from each other's company." The man said, speaking in an implacable accent.

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Conall's brow furrowed as he listened to Rameses (and tried to ignore the illusory effects of Kaji's spell in the process). Ignoring the argument that ensued between Kaji and his astute fire elemental familiar, he spoke quietly, "So, you think Eirene reported to Harlock, or do you think she is in danger? Or both?" The werewolf refrained from offering the information he knew about the reason for her departure. Instead, he wanted to hear Rameses's thoughts. He briefly wondered if Eirene had indeed spoken truthfully about her lycanthropy concerns...or if she had just needed a legitimate excuse to escape the group and find Harlock...


Meanwhile, back at the tavern, Maydiira rose to see what the matter was outside whilst Rhaine was occupied by the old man. The Doomguide frowned as she took in what the man had to say, as well as his attire and demeanor. He looked to be quite well-off and of high social standing, and Rhaine wondered who exactly his "employer" was and how they knew her. After he finished, she was silent for a moment before replying with that exact inquiry, "And who is this person, pray tell? I would rather not be surprised."

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  • 2 weeks later...

The man gave Rhaine a simple smile before he answered. "A shame then, as surprising you is precisely what my employer hopes for. When you arrive we shall be sure to greet you. Shouldn't be too hard for either of us to find each other seeing as how much we'll stand out from the crowd." He said cryptically. The old man wasn't an interesting or unusual sight by any means, making his comment a rather curious one.


"We shall see you then." He said, tipping his hat to the group. "Enjoy the rest of your day." He he bowed before turning on his heels and leaving the Inn, disappearing into the crowd just the same as he had arrived.


"Aaand that wasn't creepy at all." Lucas chimed after a brief pause before turning to Rhaine. "Do you... think it's safe?"

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Kaji fumed silently, angry about how easily his familiar gave him away. But his friends' expressions and words began to worry him. "It seems haste is needed... perhaps the city's guardian can aid us..." Hi-chan looked at her master strangely before realizing what he was about to do. "But, Master! You can'-"


Ignoring the elemental, The wu jen took a deep breathe to focus himself, and prepared the spell he had in mind. Okay... hopefully, this will go well this time... "Path of the spirits, open, that I may walk with ye..." As he finished speaking the last words, he couldn't help but gasp as the world faded to a grey blur, his surroundings faint and washed out. By the spirits... Kaji could not help but think as he finally identified something that had been bothering him...


This city had no guardian spirit...


He had seen the lack of any sort of torii, the sacred spirit gates of the villages of his homeland, but he thought that maybe the giant gates, and all the western shrines he saw would make up for the lack of respect for the holy spirit watching over it. It hadn't occurred to him that the spirit wouldn't exist at all. Damn it, I need to hurry! He admonished himself for wasting time; he could not remain in this plane for very long.


The atmosphere felt unusually heavy, as though a shadow was cast on everything. Something's wrong... where are they? Searching frantically, he rushed around, trying to find any spirit at this point, but there seemed to be an alarming dearth of these beings. What is wrong with this place? After burning through nearly half the spell's length, he finally found a minor air spirit. It seemed it was trying to... hide? "Blessed One!" Kaji cried out, trying to stop it from fleeing.


Startled, the creature tried to flee, but Kaji cast another spell to block the two in. "Please, I need your help." He begged, kneeling before the spirit. "Please, tell me, why have the spirits forsaken this place?"


"No... time... mussst... go... Daark windss... are blowing..."


"Wait, what do you mean, dark winds?" The wu jen questioned, trying to get an answer before he was shifted back to the Material Plane.


"NO TIME!!" Suddenly, the air spirit became highly aggressive and sent a strong gust of wind outwards, managing to overwhelm the unsuspecting mage and bowling him over before fleeing into the sky away from the city. The force of his fall on the ground winded him, interrupting his concentration just as his spell ended.


Kaji reappeared on the Material Plane, prone and now next to one of the alley walls. "Master!" His familiar dashed forward and helped him up. "Sorry... just need to catch my breath... Still not quite used to doing that..." Looking at Conall, the wujen for once was not as animated as usual. "The spirits seem to have fled or gone into hiding, and I don't know why... We should probably head back now..."


Clearly bothered by this, Kaji fell silent and began walking back to the Cheerful Sage, pondering the spirit's words. 'Dark winds...' what fortune is in the air for us now...?


We'tak, bothered by the sudden disappearance and even more startled at the reappearance of his clutchmate laying prone and hurt moments later, became even more distraught at Kaji's words about the spirits. Mother Moon preserve us, he prayed, before following after Kaji.

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Conall's brow furrowed again after Kaji's mysterious disappearance and reappearance, and he wondered just what exactly the mage was talking about; yet, before he could get anything out of his mouth, the spellcaster was marching back towards the tavern.


Back at the inn itself, Rhaine became more disconcerted after the man left with his parting words. Glancing to Lucas, she replied, "I don't know, squire. Best be on your guard tomorrow...and don't go anywhere alone."




When the morrow came, the festivities only increased tenfold. Gregor and Rosalinde were absent, preparing for the afternoon wedding; the gala itself would not begin until sundown, but the overall celebration was day-long. Furthinghome was abuzz with life even more so than in the previous days. Good cheer and high spirits infected almost everyone in the city - helped along by the fact that almost every tavern had a special on drinks that day.


Rhaine decided to conserve her energy for the gala proper, staying in the Cheerful Sage and well away from the knife-throwers, fire-breathers, jugglers, jesters, and other entertainers. Maydiira, however, found herself unable to stay away from the festivities - donning her cloak, she disappeared into the crowds to observe these human customs more closely and sate her ever-growing curiosity. To ensure that she stayed safe, Conall was always a few paces behind her, whether she knew it or not. After hearing first about Rameses's concerns, then seeing Kaji's odd behavior, and then finding out about the old man from Rhaine, the paladin was more than a little wary. Knowing the Doomguide could more than take care of herself, especially with the others present, the werewolf took it upon himself to act as guardian to the much more curious drow.


Maydiira's energy seemed endless. Indeed, it was fueled by the celebratory atmosphere - much more than it had been in the last tenday. By the time she had her fill and returned to the inn in time to ready herself for the gala proper, Conall's nerves were sufficiently frayed, and yet she seemed as fresh and cheerful as she had been when she woke up that morning.

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Sparrow awoke the next evening in his room of the Cheerful Sage. His jaw ached with the pain of the Nine Hell's themselves. He looked around the quaint long-rent room and then noticed his magic satchel, he stood and crossed the room to inspect his satchel. The large sack of gold was gone, he felt a well of anger inside of him.


"Those humans robbed me." He growled in rage. "Damn them!" Added the Half-Elf as he kicked over a stool. His cheeks went red with anger and humiliation, "I'll get it back." He thought as he collected his things and left his room, darting down stairs into the main room. He noticed that the sun was growing close and the gala itself would soon start. "If I go after my purse, I'll lose my chance at the Gala." He thought as he stood on the stairwell, his mind flashing to those living in Furthingharrow. Sparrow knew that by nights end his gold would have been spent and gone by that ogre-ish human.


"Once I pull this job I'll have to slip out of the city, best if I go with a group to avoid suspicion." He thought as he looked around, the Inn itself was rather crowded for the evening and he knew many of it's patrons would be received at the Gala where there would be a great many purses worth cutting but he had another plan in mind. But first he needed to secure a suitable exit plan. Sparrow exhaled and composed himself before approaching the bartender.


"You know of any groups or caravans that have come through here? Any that might be looking for help." He asked, the older human behind the bar smiled and nodded. "Yes, a rather large group came in at the beginning of the Festival." He replied to the Elf while giving a slight nod towards the auburn haired lady with the wings. Sparrow turned and smiled, "Don't see many lasses with wings." He said to noone in particular, but the bartender chuckled and nodded in agreement before heading into the back room. Sparrow shrugged and walked over calmly.


"Hello miss?" He asked her, "I was told you may be willing to take on some extra help?"

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Despite the chaos of the city and the large number of patrons, the inn itself had maintained a degree of calmness before the nights event. Everyone appeared to have put on their best outfits and were on their best behaviors as to impress anyone of any importance who might be watching.


This serene atmosphere was shattered in an instant as Leif stormed down the stairs, forced his way past anyone in his way as he marched directly over to Rhaine, stopping with his fist on his hips and his chest puffed out before speaking in an overly catty manner. "Oh well THAT'S JUST GREAT! Now one of us is gonna have to change!"


Upon hearing Leif, Lucas looked up at the half-elf only to immediately spew out the tea that he had just taken a drink of, leaning over his chair, coughing and choking from the sight.


Azuris's reaction was much more contained, though no less noticeable as he laid his arms on the table and slammed his head onto them with a swear that would have raised the ire of the more pious individuals nearby.


What had caused this reaction was none other than the resurgence of Leif's impish manner, the prank of the week being that he now stood in front of all wearing the exact same dress that Rhaine now wore. The fact that he was barely containing his own laughter casting away any chance of someone taking him seriously.

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