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Can not interact with Eyebot NPC

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I have been looking into 'everything' including related data but my bot can not be interacted with.

I see people have had this issue in other threads, but no solution.


The problem is when in game the actor is not possible to interact with (eg. no green text when pointing at it etc.)


What I am doing


1. Duplicated the EncEyebot Actor

2. Given the duplicate a new name

3. Used the new eyebot as an alias in a simple quest setup


It works with other custom npc's etc., but not the eyebot.


Does anyone knows what I have to tick/remove/add?



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You either have an empty name or don't have "IsActor" keyword on him (not sure of the exact name right now, away from my cum-put-or).


Or... You have 'no activation/hellos' ticked in actor data.


Or... You have one of the tons of other things, I know nothing about.

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There is no "isActor" keyword, but eg. actorType<Race> "actorTypeEyebot" does not do anything.

Because of the loose-ish nature of string keywords I don't have the energy to guess and test everyone of them :wink: I'll solve it with a Mr. Handy for now.

According to the Fallout wiki (not the technical) I understand it as Eyebots in Fallout 4 can not be interacted with, but I guess / hope it is just a configuration thing, not hard coded.


I've been through the EyebotRace config too, but again if it is a keyword thing I am lost and can get by using a Mr. Handy


My 'no activation' (in Actor/common form section) is ticked off


Please let me / the community know if you solve it




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This is due to the Eyebot race settings. Many races have "Allow PC Dialogue" flag unchecked because you are just not supposed to talk to them. There are a few ways to fix this :

1) Edit the existing race

2) Duplicate the race and assign the copy to your actor. Find General Data Tab in the race record, set armor race to vanilla EyebotRace and tick "AllowPCDialogue" checkbox.

3) Dinamically through a script and AllowPCDialogue function

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For anyone who choose to duplicate the Eyebot race, make sure to set the race's Dialogue Quest configuration to something else than EyebotDialogueQuest which makes the race's default greetings among things. For the Eyebot is is always idle. If not, you'll need to set your quests with a higher priority than EyebotDialogueQuest's priority

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