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Dragon Killmoves


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Alright so, i've been toying around alittle with the killmoves on Dragons and noticed that unlike killmoves for normal people, it was uneffected by kill move mods. Unsuprised at this, i also noticed that they hardly ever happen if i stand still and beat it to death, so i started experimenting. I noticed that if i perform a jump and attack simultaneously while the dragon is at low health i do the kill move where your character Jump-Smacks it twice in the skull with his weapon. I am useing a two-handed like you probably guessed. This is realiable often enough for me to take it as a prerequisite for that particular kill move.


What about you guys? Have you figured out how to perform some awesome kill moves? Based on the above, i am sure they nearly all have something to do with your particular action at the given moment of attack. Again, i didn't search all the forums for somebody else who had posted a thread like this, but i searched google. Nothing to find. Perhaps you guys know.

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Since the last update from Bethseda, I have found that I pretty much get a kill move/killcam on everything by moving forward as I swing the weapon in a power attack (a dash strike) once their health has dropped a bit (amount seems to be dependent on their level). I tap the forward key twice/three times as I swing and I almost always get a kill move/killcam. I generally use one-handed weapons and have not tried dual or two handed weapons.


For arrows and magic spells, I don't get as many killcams as it seems that the weapon used has to over power the health or health remaining in the thing being attacked.

I don't like the arrow cut scenes much as more often than not the killcam cuts in and the arrow I just shot doesn't hit the target.

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