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OOO making large yellow polygons appear over campfires?


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When I stand at the waterline of Dzonot's cave S of the main city and look towards the little campfire, it is covered in a jumble huge slightly transparent yellow polygons.


When I circle around to look at the fire from a different angle, they disappear.


The only mods I have activated right now are the official DLC releases from Bethesda, and the Obsucro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm and the Obscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp.


I'm using the 2.0416 patch (Do not have SI) and am using the 1.33 OOO patch on top of 1.32 OOO final.


The polygons disappear every time when I go into Wrye Bash and deactivate the OOO esm and esp, and reappear when I reactivate them.


Any ideas as to what's wrong? I could believe I installed something incorrectly in OOO.

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