curseddonut Posted April 11, 2018 Share Posted April 11, 2018 (edited) EDIT: Found out that the issue is related to resolution somehow. It works fine when I play in 1410x810 windowed bordeless but it doesnt work with 1980x1020(both windowed bordeless or fullscreen) Anyone know a fix to this? EDIT2: Vogue ENB seems to work, looked around in the ENBseries map and noticed that it only had a weatherlist. Basically like the title says. I have no idea why this happens and it only happens when I use ENB's. If I play fallout without it it's normal. I have no idea what this is causing since I followed the installation instructions to the letter. Because this only seems to be happening when I enable ENB I, personally, have come to the conclusion it's something ENB related, or somehow, a mod conflicts with ENB, but I'm not sure on that. This happens with both PRC and subtle ENB Setup:CPU: i7 7700kRAM: 16GBGPU: GTX 1080 TIDuel screens but I play Fallout on 1 screen, with a 1980 x 1080 resolution Mod list 0 0 Fallout4.esm 1 1 DLCRobot.esm 2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm 3 3 DLCCoast.esm 4 4 DLCworkshop02.esm 5 5 DLCworkshop03.esm 6 6 DLCNukaWorld.esm254 FE 0 ccbgsfo4003-pipboy(camo01).esl254 FE 1 ccbgsfo4014-pipboy(white).esl254 FE 2 ccbgsfo4005-bluecamo.esl254 FE 3 ccbgsfo4022-powerarmorskin(camo01).esl254 FE 4 ccbgsfo4033-powerarmorskinwhite.esl254 FE 5 ccbgsfo4024-pacamo03.esl254 FE 6 cceejfo4001-decorationpack.esl 7 7 ccrzrfo4001-tunnelsnakes.esm254 FE 7 ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl254 FE 8 ccfsvfo4003-slocum.esl254 FE 9 ccgcafo4001-factionws01army.esl254 FE a ccgcafo4002-factionws02acat.esl254 FE b ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl254 FE c ccgcafo4004-factionws04gun.esl254 FE d ccgcafo4005-factionws05hrpink.esl254 FE e ccgcafo4006-factionws06hrshark.esl254 FE f ccgcafo4007-factionws07hrflames.esl254 FE 10 ccgcafo4008-factionws08inst.esl254 FE 11 ccgcafo4009-factionws09mm.esl254 FE 12 ccgcafo4010-factionws10rr.esl254 FE 13 ccgcafo4011-factionws11vt.esl254 FE 14 ccgcafo4012-factionas01acat.esl254 FE 15 ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl254 FE 16 ccgcafo4014-factionas03gun.esl254 FE 17 ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl254 FE 18 ccgcafo4016-factionas05hrshark.esl254 FE 19 ccgcafo4017-factionas06inst.esl254 FE 1a ccgcafo4018-factionas07mm.esl254 FE 1b ccgcafo4020-factionas09rr.esl254 FE 1c ccgcafo4021-factionas10hrflames.esl254 FE 1d ccgcafo4022-factionas11vt.esl254 FE 1e ccgcafo4023-factionas12army.esl254 FE 1f ccawnfo4001-brandedattire.esl254 FE 20 ccswkfo4002-pipnuka.esl254 FE 21 ccswkfo4003-pipquan.esl254 FE 22 ccbgsfo4051-dgbox.esl254 FE 23 ccbgsfo4053-dggoldr.esl254 FE 24 ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl 8 8 ArmorKeywords.esm 9 9 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp 10 a HUDFramework.esm 11 b SimSettlements.esm 12 c SpringCleaning.esm 13 d CROSS_CosmeticFramework.esm 14 e DLCUltraHighResolution.esm 15 f More armor slots.esp 16 10 CraftableAmmunitions.esp 17 11 Homemaker.esp 18 12 SSEx.esp 19 13 Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp 20 14 Stm_DiamondCityExpansion.esp 21 15 CBBE.esp 22 16 Weapons of Fate.esp 23 17 Eli_NukaStuff.esp 24 18 BTInteriors_Project.esp 25 19 plenty 'o' exploration.esp 26 1a UniqueUniques.esp 27 1b AA Better Companions - No Conflicts.esp 28 1c CraftableAmmo.esp 29 1d CraftableAmmo_plus.esp 30 1e True Legendary Enemies.esp 31 1f D.E.C.A.Y.esp 32 20 Radiant Clouds and Fogs.esp 33 21 AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp 34 22 Lots More Male Hairstyles.esp 35 23 KSHairdos.esp 36 24 DeadBodyCollision.esp 37 25 nvvault1080.esp 38 26 LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp 39 27 LooksMirror.esp 40 28 2RTR_Old_World_Camouflage.esp 41 29 ASCOCait02.esp 42 2a ASCOCurie01.esp 43 2b ASCODanse01.esp 44 2c ASCOPiper02.esp 45 2d ASCOPreston03.esp 46 2e Binary Speech Checks V.4.esp 47 2f Balanced Fusion Core Drain.esp 48 30 Realistic Death Physics - ALL DLC.esp 49 31 LongerPowerLines3x.esp 50 32 IncreasedSettlerPopulation50.esp 51 33 dD-Enhanced Blood Basic.esp 52 34 dD - Small Splatter Size.esp 53 35 Grounded.esp 54 36 PD_VisualReload.esp 55 37 Vault81Etiquette.esp 56 38 Weapon Rack Extended.esp 57 39 FSS_Officer.esp 58 3a ImmersiveVendors.esp 59 3b Journal.esp 60 3c ShellRain.esp 61 3d Colt1911.esp 62 3e OCDecorator.esp 63 3f OCDispenser.esp 64 40 OCDecorator - No Experience.esp 65 41 OCDecoratorDLC.esp 66 42 AES_Renovated Furniture.esp 67 43 Publick Occurrences Expanded.esp 68 44 PlayerComments.esp 69 45 ImmersiveGenericDialogues.esp 70 46 CWSS Redux.esp 71 47 THBrows.esp 72 48 More Armor Slots - All Dlc.esp 73 49 More Power Armour Mods.esp 74 4a RestorePAFrames.esp 75 4b Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp 76 4c Vault-Tec Workshop Overhaul.esp 77 4d Family Mauser.esp 78 4e M1Garand.esp 79 4f M1Garand - AWKCR.esp 80 50 MP40.esp 81 51 StG44.esp 82 52 M1014.esp 83 53 wasterArmor.esp 84 54 ARESAppleseed.esp 85 55 Eli_Apocalypse Attire.esp 86 56 ApalLeotard.esp 87 57 OSArmyFatigues.esp 88 58 NomexGloves.esp 89 59 NukaRadBans.esp 90 5a Dickys Pinup Outfit.esp 91 5b AkaWaterWorld.esp 92 5c MakeYourOwnSynths.esp 93 5d GermanRadio.esp 94 5e Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp 95 5f Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp 96 60 Vivid Weathers - Natural Bright.esp 97 61 Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp 98 62 Vivid Waters.esp 99 63 M2216.esp100 64 1CAS_serviceRifle.esp101 65 Crimsomrider's Transparent Cleanroom Suit.esp102 66 Headcrab_Bunny.esp103 67 S_Uniform_F.esp104 68 S_Uniform_M.esp105 69 dinoshelf.esp106 6a dinoshelf_extra_ammo.esp107 6b 1918bar.esp108 6c DOOM1911.esp109 6d DPAssaultCarbine.esp110 6e DPAssaultCarbineNukaWorld.esp111 6f AK74M.esp112 70 DOOMLK05.esp113 71 mk14.esp114 72 mk14-awkcr.esp115 73 Mosin.esp116 74 chem redux.esp117 75 SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp118 76 SimSettlements_XPAC_IndustrialRevolution.esp119 77 SimSettlements_XPAC_RiseOfTheCommonwealth.esp120 78 Quieter Settlements - Vanilla.esp121 79 Quieter Settlements - Wasteland Workshop.esp122 7a Quieter Settlements - Contraptions.esp123 7b CROSS_Uni_Headset.esp124 7c DelyteC&E.esp125 7d Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp126 7e Craftable Armor Size.esp127 7f RU556.esp128 80 SCAR-L.esp129 81 WeaponsHD.esp130 82 The Eyes Of Beauty.esp131 83 Lacy Underwear.esp132 84 Sporty Underwear.esp133 85 Eli_Armour_Compendium.esp134 86 BetterSettlers.esp135 87 BetterSettlersCCAPack2.0.esp136 88 BetterSettlersCleanFacePack.esp137 89 BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp138 8a ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion.esp139 8b ValdacilsItemSorting-AidReducedWeight.esp140 8c ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp141 8d ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorBySlot.esp142 8e ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp143 8f ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp144 90 ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp145 91 ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp146 92 ValdacilsItemSorting-Mods.esp147 93 ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunkJustMoney.esp148 94 ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp149 95 ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp150 96 ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron.esp151 97 ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions.esp152 98 ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor.esp153 99 ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld.esp154 9a ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec.esp155 9b ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorBySlotOverride.esp156 9c ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp157 9d ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp158 9e VIS-PatchChemRedux.esp159 9f CutWeaponModsRestored-GOTY.esp160 a0 CWMR-GOTY-Patch-AWKCR.esp161 a1 SimSettlements_MegaPack_YearOne.esp162 a2 BetterModDescriptions.esp163 a3 SVT40.esp164 a4 SVT40-AWKCR-VIS.esp165 a5 Skibs-WH77Redux.esp166 a6 AN94.esp167 a7 3dscopes-framework.esp168 a8 3dscopes-m2216addon.esp169 a9 3dscopes-m1911addon.esp170 aa 3dscopes.esp171 ab Immersive Fallout - Movement (DLC).esp172 ac Immersive Fallout - Real Recoil (DLC).esp173 ad Immersive Fallout - Realistic ADS (DLC).esp174 ae radionam.esp 3dscopes-AddToSpawnList - CWMR Compatible.esp Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp Survivalist.esp175 af LooksMenu.esp176 b0 Multiple Floors Sandboxing.esp UniquePlayer.esp Institute Patch for PRC.esp PRC Patch for Enbs.esp177 b1 Depth of Field Removal.esp < What it looks like Edited April 12, 2018 by curseddonut Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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