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Necromancers Gauntlet


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The Necromancers Gauntlet


A gauntlet (similiar in design to that of the one found in the midden) that can be found on top of the archmages tower that bestows many abilities upon the user


The Gauntlet is essentially a melee weapon that does the same damage as a daedric mace. You can claw your opponents violently and mercilessly to death.

But it also has other functions. Holding down the attack button (left button, right/left bumper) when aiming at an open space will summon a skeleton.

This will be no ordinary undead creature. It will be of the same stature as Tsun, clad in dragon plate armour and upon its brow will rest the Jagged Crown.

The skeleton will wield a Dragon Bone Hammer (with permission from theycallmecheese) and have a dragon bone bow as a secondary weapon (Skeleton will be available as a companion).

When you hold down the attack button and the bolt you emit hits a dead enemy, they will be resurrected as a zombie (limit of 5).

When you try this with a living opponent, They are enthralled for 30 seconds.

A power that can be used once a day is leech. This ability drains an enemy of all health and transfers it to you. When half they're health is drained they become a draugr (no armour). When all is drained they collapse into a pile of bones.


I release this would be a hard task to undertake but I think it would make the game a lot more fun for High level warriors who want to jump into magic without cheating.


There are a few skills any modder that is willing to do this is going to need.


1. Modeling skills


2. Coding Skills


3. Texturing skills


I realise that most modders have these skill anyway, but just a reminder.


There is a modder I would LIKE to do this as they have experience: BlackRL

BlackRL did the Necromancer mod which is great, so if possible I would like him/her to work on this

But any modder is welcome to try it out.



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