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Show armor slots in SkyUI


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I've been using the latest version of b3lisario's SkyUI-Show Armor Slots for quite some time now. It's apparently been removed from the Nexus, and doesn't seem to be in development anywhere. It's been extremely useful during development of some mod "fixes" I've been working on, but it doesn't work with SKSE64 2.0.7. I've grown so dependent on it that I'm postponing an update to Skyrim SE 1.5.39.


I'd really appreciate it if someone would create a new mod that shows armor slots in SkyUI 5.2, and works with SKSE64 2.0.7. I do have some experience in programming (many years ago), but I have no idea how to get started with this type of mod. I'm willing to give this a try on my own if given enough information to get started.

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