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Reinstalled Windows 10, NMM deleted all my .esps


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I had to reinstall windows on my :C/ Drive that also had all of my Fallout 4 mods installed. I have all the files still there, but after downloading NMM, I found out that while the Mods tab menu shows all of the mods I have downloaded properly installed, the Plugins tab menu shows no .esp and .esm files, beyond the basic ones (fallout.esm and the dlc.esms). Is there any way to get NMM to recognize the installed mods so the esp and esm files show up properly, or do I have to manually reinstall every single mod?

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The file that stores that info is called plugins.txt. Fallout 4 creates this file like it dose ini files so if you have run the game after the reinstall this file may have header info only.


NMM creates a backup called plugins.nmm.bak. This file may only have the mod list from the last time you opened NMM.


You can find these files at AppData\Local\Fallout4


If you use Loot, it has a plugins.txt file in AppData\Local\Fallout4\LOOT. If it is not there Loot also has backups at AppData\Local\LOOT\Fallout4 (you will need to rename). They would have only the mods that you had install when you last ran Loot but it would be better than starting from scratch. You would need to add a * in front of the esp names, rename to plugins.txt & copy to AppData\Local\Fallout4.


If these files are no longer there you can create a new plugins.txt file with notepad.

In a file called Games\Nexus Mod Manager\Fallout4\Mods you will find all your downloads. Get the names of your mod esps from these files & paste them to your new plugins.txt file. Put a * in front of the names like this.


# This file is used by the game to keep track of your downloaded content.
# Please do not modify this file.


*Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp



Good Luck

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