Gilibran Posted April 23, 2012 Share Posted April 23, 2012 The best armor ever made for Oblivion in my opinion is Zertualpro's Sonja Underworld armor. I wanted this in Skyrim so i decided to try and convert it for personal use to the Caliente body. After two weeks of trial and error I failed miserably. My respect for model & texture modders has taken quantum leaps in those two weeks. I managed to get the body and armor into Blender and went to work with tutorials. I dont know how you modders do it, but i have to conclude this is out of my league. I just can not get the meshes to size up, i can not adjust them without getting al kind of weird forms. i keep havinf problems positioning it and moving it around properly in Blender. It either gets to bloathed, looses the original form, no details left and looks more like a bag of patatoos then the beautifull fitting armor it should be. And i have not even tried texturing yet. I am just not creative enough. So i threw in the towel and decided to send Zertualpro a pm if he was planning to convert the armor for Skyrim. Though he stated in the readme of the original that it is free to use as long as proper credit is given, that was for Oblivion. In case he did not plan the conversion to Skyrim, i asked him for permission to ask someone here to do the conversion for me and the community and upload it to the Nexus with the proper credits. He pm'd me back and gave me the OK on it. So what i'm looking for now is someone who would be willing to spend his/her time to convert this armor for the Caliente body so it will be available ingame as it is supposed to look like. If a modder confirms he/she will do the conversion, it is enough for me to know that he/she puts it on his/her list for the near future. I know a lot of you are very busy on your own projects and seeing the number of parts in this armor, my experience with messing around with meshes over the past two weeks, i am guessing that it is not a quick job, even for a experienced modder. I think this armor deserves to be in Skyrim. It's classy, elegant, sexy and beautifull. And it also fits the cold climate of Skyrim very well imho ;-) It's getting quit cold in all the good looking skimpy armors ;-) Thanks very much in advance to anyone who is willing to take on this project. You can PM me so i can forward Zertualpro's OK / permission on the conversion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ghimel Posted May 12, 2012 Share Posted May 12, 2012 I think this needs to be done as well... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DataRomance Posted May 31, 2012 Share Posted May 31, 2012 bump Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Supersponge Posted May 31, 2012 Share Posted May 31, 2012 I feel your pain, Gilibran. I also tried and failed miserably to convert the same armor.It was a crushing blow to my ego that heightened my respect for modders. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chezza28 Posted May 31, 2012 Share Posted May 31, 2012 this can be done as it was ladready done for a diff body type (lady body). so it is very much possible to do this and i hope someone deos pick this up and get into skyrim. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gilibran Posted January 9, 2014 Author Share Posted January 9, 2014 Okay, After getting fed up with Skyrim since late 2012, i started playing Fallout and had tons of fun with it especially with the "A Tale of two wastelands mod" However a few months ago i decided to give Skyrim another chance and i'm hooked again like i was when it was released. By now i had high hopes that somebody had converted Zerualpro's Underworld armor. Unfortunatly no one has except Krista in her 1.4 Lady Body. It is not in her most recent Lady Body release anymore. As i understand from searching the internet for it, she never had permission so that is understandable. Zertualpro has given me permission to convert it and i also found out he also gave it to Leyasa who also started a topic about this armor. Dissapointed no one has converted it i gave it another shot to do it myself over the past few weeks. I have tried and tried again. Got some results but never was able to get in game adapted to the Caliente body. The meshes look like crap, i cant get the skyrim skeleton imported into Blender no matter what tutorial i follow. I have however dug deep into my backup files and found the 1.4 lady body mod with the armor which i thought to be lost. All searches for a Lady Body 1.4 download lead to vague Russian sites which require registration and had dead links. So who wants to take on the job of converting this armor to Calientes body? I have the permission from Zertualpro, i dont need any credit, i just want to see this armor in Skyrim. I can provide the converted files from the Lady Body for someone more talented then me to finnaly convert this armor. I can import certain parts into blender, have a hoorible time adjusting them, then i get completely stuck importing the skyrim skeleton with all kinds of blender errors i cannot find the answer to. So here is another plea to someone willing to take up this task. I can provide the armor nifs & textures from the ladybody 1.4 version. She never had permission as far as i can dig up, So whatever work she has done is still owned by Zertualpro!? So using those nifs and textures should not violate any rules. Off course you could also start from scratch and use the original files. You will have my and probably a lot of other peoples eternal thanks for doing this. I can forward Zertualpro's permission to you. Anyone? I'm tired of the, although very nice skimpy armors, and want something else then my Ritter armor, which in my humble opinion is one of the very few viable good looking armors for Skyrim unless you are the Ice girl ;-) thank you very much in advance After a chat with one of the moderators i was told that even though the armor in the ladybody never had permission, and my line of thinking was that they still belong to Zertualpro although adapted for the lady body, and hence could be used to convert it, the armorfiles from that mod cannot be used. and it will have to be converted from the original Oblivion files. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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