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Choosing your Character's Disposition

Varus Torvyn

What character type do you like to run?  

53 members have voted

  1. 1. Choose which behavior best describes your favorite

    • Good (obey the law - help the needy)
    • Neutral (neither one - my toon reacts)
    • Evil (anti-good no matter what)
  2. 2. If you R-P a good toon, do you run Infamy quests

    • Yes (I like to run all quests)
    • No (I R-P the hardcore way)
  3. 3. If you R-P an evil toon, do you run or skip Fame jobs?

    • Yes I do run Fame Quests
    • Pure Evil - Ignore Fame Quests

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Vote on your choice of how you prefer to R-P your characters. Please feel free to open up a discussion on your choices. :)


My answers are Good, yes, and yes. I can't help it. There are some good enchanted items in quests that are opposite to my toon's morality, and I want to have them. ;D

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I always skip infamy giving quests on my good paladin character I play now.I sort of have to though because of I am a member of the KoTN. Though I do admit to doing one and using the console to remove the points but It was for my RP thing. It was the quest for Mehrune's Razor. I have a mod so you can use it as a daedric artifact for the main quest so I was sorta destroying it (Paladin quests to destroy evil dagger).


Edit forgot responses: Good, No, No (when I am playing a evil dude).

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Vote on your choice of how you prefer to R-P your characters. Please feel free to open up a discussion on your choices. :)


My answers are Good, yes, and yes. I can't help it. There are some good enchanted items in quests that are opposite to my toon's morality, and I want to have them. ;D


I answered Neutral, yes and yes; but the fact is that my char tends to the evil side; I just love the freedom of doing anything I want, and hey - I taught Garrett everything he knows, as it is common knowledge! Stopping to think now, I couldn't care less about fame, I just want to be a shadow - pass unnoticed by guards or whoever, and if someone happens to offend me out of the blue (and it happens all the time), ok: he/she is history: I wouldn't do anything in the open, but have anybody heard about "In Cold Blood"? With a little difference, for I wait for them to sleep. Sweet dreams honey, sweet dreams are made of "cheese". And the Garrett in MY Thief games is just like that: "it's easier to take him down... hmm, knife or arrow?" (or sword, in the two previous installments). Or (my char - Lithos - in Oblivion): "Hey, what a NICE outfit he wears, nice dagger, nice whatever! Where would I hide the body?"...


Talking about D&D rules, for a comparison: all that said, my char is not the reincarnation of evil, but what they call "pure neutral", or something like that. If I'm in the mood of doing good deeds, so be it. No morals, no judgement. Never was a Jesus in Tamriel, so we "people don't know what we are doing"... Ah, Nine Divines my *.*... (excuse my French) ;)

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Ahhh the famous Garrett... :D I just love him and how he handles the situations...


Well my character is like Garrett, a thief assassin hybrid, able with bows and the lurker of shadows...


My assassin is like, neutral to say the least cause I try to help the helpless whenever I can and I run infamy and fame quests since I would like to see all the quests available to the character, since I hate to leave quests behind whatever it is, since I dont really care about what I do as long as I get my money for it :D since I am both gray fox and head of the DB, I am a little greedy and a little eager with a bow... :D

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I would have to go with Nuetral, BEACUSE chararcter morality in Oblivon has no big effect on Gameplay. Sure, you can change an ending here and there, but all the guild quests, and the main quest are all the same regardless of fame/infamy points. That said, I love mudering entire populaces of iscolated little towns, one by one. I'm crazy.



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Neutral, Yes, and Yes. There's no point in limiting yourself by choice.


If you want to be a murderer, great, but think before you kill someone: Will I 1-hit them? Do I know the way to a safe house? What is my Plan B? Will I still be able to enter cities without being arrested? Will this affect the Merchant's dispositions?


If you want to be a Paladin, fantastic, but think before you dismiss the darker side: Where do the better weapons come from? Am I limiting my potential by shunning these quests? Can I still achieve a satisfactory resolution without resorting to murder?


Don't fully lock yourself out of what could be fun, or profitable, just because it doesn't agree with you morals (or lack thereof).

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My answers would be Neutral, no, and no.


My characters have very diverse personalities and alignments, so I can't choose just good or evil, so I picked neutral.


If I'm a good character, I avoid infamy quests, seeing as how those quests don't involve things my character would do. The same goes for if I'm playing an evil character, I'll normally pass up the fame quests in favor of the infamy quests.

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Neutral, no, yes.

A good character generally won't do evil things, but an evil character should have nothing against doing goods things if it helps him. Take the DB: in a way, you're doing a good thing by killing all those assassins--but why not? Or why not help Henantier, if you're rewarded for it. I mean, unless your take on evil is that you're a misanthrope who WANTS people to suffer, rather than just enjoying the hunt or the chaos.

But my good characters (and even neutral char's are good by this standard) judge by their own standard. So like Barfman, if you destroy an evil artifact, you're doing good. But I'd still take the infamy hit, because people aren't always going to understand you--like Batman.

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