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Riordan - hair missing


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I thought about the helmet too.


Thinking how odd Bioware can be, I thought maybe since the guard wore a helm, the game would assume Riordan is wearing one.


So, I removed Hide Helm.


And that did not do squat either.


Only thing I can think of is going into the Toolset and changing Riordan's hairstyle.


But, two issues: I don't know jack about it and I have no idea if that would even work.

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  • 2 years later...

I know this is an old thread, but for anyone still having this issue about missing scout hoods:

The culprit is the qunari mage mask and its .gda from the 'qunari update', it has the same item variation as the Grey Warden Scout Hood (gen_im_arm_hel_med_wlt.uti), both being 177.

How I fixed it step-by-step:

1. Opened gen_im_arm_hel_med_magb.uti with Gff Editor
2. Simply changed the ModelVariation number from 177 to 178 (see screenshot)
3. Saved and closed the file.

After this
4. Opened helmet_medium_variation_mgb.gda with GDApp
5. Under 'int', I changed 177 to 178 (see screenshot)
6. Clicked 'File' then 'Save'

And that's it!

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