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I was at work today, and in the downtime I had I remembered a mod idea I had for Fallout: New Vegas. As I am currently playing Skyrim, I thought I would roll it over to that game. So, the story goes: There is a group/cult that have taken the reigns so to speak from the old Dragon Cults, and needless to say, they don't take kindly to your mistreatment of their masters. So they hunt you. Endlessly. Strolling down a path minding your own business? They'll find you. Exploring a creepy dungeon? They'll find you. Talking to a Windhelm resident about the effects of crimson nirnroot on your weight-loss program? Better start running now. The quest will start shortly after your encounter with (and destruction of) Mirmulnir. With his death and the call of the Greybeards, the Cult now knows a Dragonborn has surfaced. And they want you dead. The cult will consist of Soldiers (player level), Sergeants (+2 player levels), Lieutenants (+4 player levels), Commanders (+6 player levels), and Generals (Dragon Priest at >+6 player levels). Soldiers will have random normal loot lists, Sergeants may have some unique/somewhat powerful leveled loot, Lieutenants will have greater chance of unique/powerful items, and so on and so forth. NPCs can be any class (Warrior, Mage, Thief) with leveled weapons, armor, and loot lists (except Soldiers). NPC group size will increase within a given span of player levels like so: Levels 1-5, 2 soldiers; levels 6-10, 3 soldiers; levels 11-15, 1 sergeant and 2 soldiers; levels 16-20, 1 sergeant and 3 soldiers; levels 21-25, 1 lieutenant and 1 sergeant; levels 26-30, 1 lieutenant and 1 sergeants and 2 soldiers; levels 31-35, 1 commander and 1 lieutenant and 2 soldiers; levels 36-40, 1 commander and 1 lieutenant and 2 sergeants; levels 41-45, 1 commander and 2 lieutenants and 2 sergeants; levels 46-50, 2 commanders and 2 lieutenants and 3 sergeants; levels 51-100, 1 general and 1 commander and 2 lieutenants and 2 sergeants and 4 soldiers. Hunting groups will issue forth from a number (4?) of "Dragon Shrines" with the boss being found in a "Dragon Temple". The temple can not be located until player has reached level 50 or has defeated Alduin, whichever comes first. The leader of the cult will be found somewhere within the temple, and the hunt will only cease when the leader is killed. Quests could be added to the mod, as well, to make it more interesting. Anyway, there is my idea so far.
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