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Summons ride-able horse


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Hello all,


What I have done so far is create a new unique horse in game. I have placed it in game. I have created a new spell to summons it. Problem is when it is summoned it is not ride-able.


in console its easy enough just do help horse name then do a player.placeatme with proper ID. So my question is how do I make a spell to do this?


Once again thanks in advance for any help.

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I have done a lot of reading on this and it seems that the spell itself cannot do it... what I want done needs to be in magic effects as a script. I also found a link that tells how but for some reason I cannot put 2 and 2 together ... http://www.creationkit.com/PlaceActorAtMe_-_ObjectReference this one is for a leveled actor http://www.creationkit.com/PlaceLeveledActorAtMe as a Papyrus Version, which if one just removes the "Leveled" reads the same.


any help on how EXACTLY to fill out the script when adding a new one?


Once again thanks in advance for any help!

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I know that Leveler's Tower has a mount that you can summon. You might get that mod and try to dissect the script for that function.


Thanks for the lead... Nice the Author says basically U can pick apart his mod with his permission. So I spent most of yesterday working on it. Pretty complex, but have come along way. But still cannot summons it. What I do see if I go to console commands and do Help HorseName I now see a new listing I have never seen before ... its a MGEF with horses name and ID, I am guessing that is magic effect. But cannot figure out how to call it still... :( What I see when doing console for horse name is the MGEF, book, spell and NPC_ Awful complex for what can be done in game with console as a simple player.placeatme


One other thing when I do a help horses name it shows the global variant... If I load his mod and do help nightmare it does not show it.



What I have found so far is the horse file, A Global variant, The Magic Effect file and script and the spell. I don't see a spell book however.


Back to working on it and thanks for the lead!

Edited by whonoes
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