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Dark Brotherhood Bug.


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Hey crew.


Was wondering if anybody has a suggestion for me - I've just entered the dark brotherhood sanctuary and Astrid is there waiting for me. Yet she's on some kind of loop continously saying "remember, the sanctuary is in the southern.. blah blah" Treating it as though she's not there.


I can't progress unless I talk to her but I'm unable to as pressing "E" just starts the same speech. I've look for a quest progression consoles cheat on Wiki yet cant find one to get past it and waiting, re-loading nor leaving and re-enering helps.


Thanks for any answers.



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I hope you didn't use any quest advancing commands. They cause a lot of heavy glitches.


I think a fix for this would be to update Skyrim and see if it fixes your progress. If you are already updated you should look for the exact part of the quest you are on and force complete that task. Though you will have to force start the next task in order to keep doing the quest.

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No quest advancing commands as yet. I have used on or 2 in the past for a bug or 2 and caused no issues. Fully updated and rest of game is playing fine. Does 'verifying the Integrity of game Cache' clear mods by chance?
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No quest advancing commands as yet. I have used on or 2 in the past for a bug or 2 and caused no issues. Fully updated and rest of game is playing fine. Does 'verifying the Integrity of game Cache' clear mods by chance?

By the sound of it no. But you can be free to try.


You can play a clean vanilla run on skyrim just by unchecking all your mods in the launcher. If you used the NMM then all you have to do is move or rename the mods folder in C:\Games\Skyrim\mods.


If you have however added any mods manually you may have to cleanly install skyrim just to remove replacers.


I would recommend on this quest to either force it or see if there is something you missed. Usually a specific item or task needs to be done to even move on. I did the quests but I don't remember where you are.

Edited by Zazemel
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