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Vivid Weathers + Sounds of Skyrim SE Load Order?


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I am installing Vivid Weathers and the Sounds of Skyrim Complete SE.


I am playing in VR (hence the SE mods) and using Mod Organiser.


The Vivid Weathers description page says:

Make sure you load Vivid Weathers after any mod altering Ambiant Sounds and Weather Distribution.


So I would think that, given the fact Sounds of Skyrim is a mod that 'alters ambient sound' that I should load Sounds of Skyrim in to Mod Organiser BEFORE Vivid Weathers.


However, when I install Sounds of Skyrim, the FOMOD installer has a box to tick to install a Vivid Weathers compatibility path. So now I'm thinking well, a patch has to be installed AFTER the main mod it will be affecting (Vivid Weathers), so in this case I would load Sounds of Skyrim in to Mod Organiser AFTER Vivid Weathers.


I also see in the Vivid Weathers weather description:

Vivid Weathers SE provide compatibility patches for the following SE mods:

http://hikaru.at/s.gif - Sounds Of Skyrim


But when I load the Vivid Weathers FOMOD installer there is no option to select a patch for Sounds of Skyrim.


I'm thinking if the Vivid Weathers mod has a patch built in for Sounds of Skyrim then I should install Sounds of Skyrim first, don't tick the compatibility patch, then install Vivid Weathers last which would load it's built in patch over top of Sounds of Skyrim. I think that sounds right??


Am confused. Which load order should I go with?


SOS > Vivid Weathers


Vivid Weathers > SOS


Any help would be grand :smile:

Edited by F4CEpa1m
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I had the same problem. Please check the Plugins.txt. Are there all mods listed? I did not have SoS and Vivid.


Add the following lines into the Plugin.txt

*Vivid WeathersSE.esp
Then you reinstall the mods
1. SoS (without patch for Vivid)
2. Vivid
Done :) It works fine for me.
Sorry for the bad english.
Edited by Sanjuro78
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I had the same problem. Please check the Plugins.txt. Are there all mods listed? I did not have SoS and Vivid.


Add the following lines into the Plugin.txt

*Vivid WeathersSE.esp
Then you reinstall the mods
1. SoS (without patch for Vivid)
2. Vivid
Done :smile: It works fine for me.
Sorry for the bad english.


My plugin.txt shows


I ended up installing that way and then dragging just the patch to the end of the load order. Seems to work OK
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