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I need help creating blue gooification.


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In my effort to improve the alien blaster pistol, I decided to add a critical gooification effect similar to that of the plasma weapons. I mimicked all of the plasma stuff in the CK and edited the ashpilegoo.nif to create a blue variant. Everything looks great in game except for one tiny detail. There is still green mist/smoke emanating from the blue goo pile. I've scoured the nif but can't find the correct line to change.


Does anyone know what I need to change in order to make it blue smoke instead of green?



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check the smokes Nif file if its anything like skyrim change the color of the texture in the BSEffectShaderProperty (if it is still that in Fallout 4) and point it to the new texture


Kinda like how I did in this mod


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I created a violet fire forge in Skyrim for a personal mod for shadow weapons. Changing the properties for the Nif was pretty easy, much like you described for your fire matrons. Unfortunately, I can't find the correct line to change in the Fallout 4 Nif. It's set up different in Nifskope. I've searched the Nif line by line and still can't find it. I thought maybe it had to do with the animation, but it only deals with the spawning of the goo, not the after effects.


I appreciate the advice, but I'm still searching for an answer.

Edited by aariq
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You have to use Nifskope (2.0 Dev 7) which supports both Skyrim Special Edition and Fallout 4.
Download it here: https://github.com/jonwd7/nifskope/releases/tag/v2.0.dev7


you also would have to find the Nif File the smoke points to in Creation Kit and edit that one in nifskope


Heres a example of the skyrim Nif for my Atronach mod im working on but it should work the same for fallout 4 (haven't really messed with that type of stuff in Fallout 4 yet)'

You have to use Nifskope (2.0 Dev 7) which supports both Skyrim Special Edition and Fallout 4.
Download it here: https://github.com/jonwd7/nifskope/releases/tag/v2.0.dev7


you also would have to find the Nif File the smoke points to in Creation Kit and edit that one in nifskope


Heres a example of the skyrim Nif for my Atronach mod im working on but it should work the similar for fallout 4 (haven't really messed with that type of stuff in Fallout 4 yet)



Also save it as a new file in a meshes folder for your mod like for example mine for my atronach Mod is "Meshes\modMulticolorFlameAtronach\Atronach\Blue\FireAtronach_Trail_Blue.nif"

same sorta thing for textures as well mine is "Textures\modMulticolorFlameAtronach\Atronach"

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First off, thanks for your help.

I do have the latest Nifskope and I am quite familiar with the process. My issue isn't knowing what to do, it's knowing where the information is hidden in the Nif. I know what I'm looking for, I just can't find it. I'm sure I'll kick myself when I do find it, but until then, I'm still stumped.




Edit: I just realized you were talking to thunderlord2200. Sorry about that.

Edited by aariq
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First off, thanks for your help.

I do have the latest Nifskope and I am quite familiar with the process. My issue isn't knowing what to do, it's knowing where the information is hidden in the Nif. I know what I'm looking for, I just can't find it. I'm sure I'll kick myself when I do find it, but until then, I'm still stumped.




Edit: I just realized you were talking to thunderlord2200. Sorry about that.



It should be in BSEfffectShaderProperty under a NINode or BSTriShape.

I know fallout 4 has a different file structure a little bit than skyrim but they are relatively the same

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I took a look on AshPilePlasmaGoo.nif . Maybe its smoke is "AddOnNode70".

AddOnNode adds other nif file on the node. Which nif file will be attached is decided in CK (SpecialEffect > AddOnNode).

In this case, "AddOnNode70" has value 70, so MPSPlasmaPileMist which has index 70 is that. And this has model "Effects/MPSPlasmaPileMist.nif" .

I don't recommend adding AddOnNode on CK for compatibility, so you should copy particle system (in the MPSPlasmaPileMist.nif) into your GooPile.nif .

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how do you change the Nif. never new you could do something litke that...

thanks alot =)

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