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Forget about the Republicans and Democrats.


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I really get tired of the pettiness of our political system. We set around fighting over the kitchen scraps of our economy while the entire world is suffering from a income imbalance that staggers the mind. Why if we are in a global economy have we not yet concentrated on the world we live in and created an entity, with the teeth and the power to bring order to a world beset by greed, power mongering and poverty.


Should the world not stand up for it's citizens, no matter what border they reside in.


(1) What should that body be, since The U.N. has not yet succeeded in either stopping the aggression of some countries, even against it's own citizens. We can see that in Syria and North Korea, where the governments completely ignore the needs of it's citizens.


(2) what powers should this entity be given to cross international borders to bring contrary countries back into allignment and to secure the safety of the citizens there? Not only from aggression from their governments, but also from criminal elements, if that element has overwhelmed the countries ability to control them, like the pirates of Somalia and the Drug Cartels of Mexico.?


(3) How should this body handle the challenges to bring a standard of humanity to a world who has countries determined to remain unequal because of cultural or religious dictates.


(4) Would the governments that control the higher economies and industrial might and a stranglehold on power sources ever relinquish their control over their bases of power, so that such resources can be used to bring the rest of the world up and should they, if there are so many tyrants who control these under privileged countries that would abuse those resources.

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The UN is pretty much worthless as any sort of enforcement agency. They are way too politically correct, have no teeth, and no credibility. What are they gonna do? Slap you with some sanctions? We see how well that works on Iran, N. Korea, et. al.


The only way to put a 'world government' in place, would be thru conquest. Join us, or else. That would be messy, to say the least, given that some countries that would be opposed to joining up are nuclear armed.....


So far, the US has been unilaterally the self-appointed 'world government'...... at least, we appear to be working on it. (and failing miserably I might add....) Trouble is, the american PEOPLE (not the government) don't WANT to be the world police. Quite simply, we can't afford it.

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The UN is pretty much worthless as any sort of enforcement agency. They are way too politically correct, have no teeth, and no credibility. What are they gonna do? Slap you with some sanctions? We see how well that works on Iran, N. Korea, et. al.


The only way to put a 'world government' in place, would be thru conquest. Join us, or else. That would be messy, to say the least, given that some countries that would be opposed to joining up are nuclear armed.....


So far, the US has been unilaterally the self-appointed 'world government'...... at least, we appear to be working on it. (and failing miserably I might add....) Trouble is, the american PEOPLE (not the government) don't WANT to be the world police. Quite simply, we can't afford it.

I personally would love a world government. The thing is humanity is not ready to make that move. Not even close.

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The UN is pretty much worthless as any sort of enforcement agency. They are way too politically correct, have no teeth, and no credibility. What are they gonna do? Slap you with some sanctions? We see how well that works on Iran, N. Korea, et. al.


The only way to put a 'world government' in place, would be thru conquest. Join us, or else. That would be messy, to say the least, given that some countries that would be opposed to joining up are nuclear armed.....


So far, the US has been unilaterally the self-appointed 'world government'...... at least, we appear to be working on it. (and failing miserably I might add....) Trouble is, the american PEOPLE (not the government) don't WANT to be the world police. Quite simply, we can't afford it.

I personally would love a world government. The thing is humanity is not ready to make that move. Not even close.


Gotta agree with ya there.

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@Kvnchrist said: "Why if we are in a global economy have we not yet concentrated on the world we live in and created an entity, with the teeth and the power to bring order to a world beset by greed, power mongering and poverty. "


Kvnchrist, unfortunately I believe you answered your own question with the second half of the very same question...

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Giving any entity the power to do as you describe is a recipe for disaster. Power is mishandled even on the smallest of scales and on the larger scales it is downright abused and rewards only the corrupt. Even the most well meaning of people would bring destruction and misery with such power.
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Giving any entity the power to do as you describe is a recipe for disaster. Power is mishandled even on the smallest of scales and on the larger scales it is downright abused and rewards only the corrupt. Even the most well meaning of people would bring destruction and misery with such power.


Kinda like the US government?

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Giving any entity the power to do as you describe is a recipe for disaster. Power is mishandled even on the smallest of scales and on the larger scales it is downright abused and rewards only the corrupt. Even the most well meaning of people would bring destruction and misery with such power.


Kinda like the US government?





*Edit* - The US is the model I am going on to make my judgements but is certainly not the only government I am familiar with and have lived under. All of my experience with government has convinced me that concentration of power is a very, very bad thing.

Edited by csgators
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Governments are going to break promises and go against what the people want no matter what. The only thing the world should be focusing on now is stopping us rich western countries from invading eastern countries just for oil. Honestly some western countries, the Americans and the Brits being the biggest offenders, make up a shitty reasons for invading countries like Afghanistan when they are actually just invading for oil. Of course no one seems to care what happens to those countries and all the citizens being murdered by western world soldiers.


-An Irish guy who supports renewable energies.

Edited by shotgun188
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So far, the US has been unilaterally the self-appointed 'world government'...... at least, we appear to be working on it. (and failing miserably I might add....) Trouble is, the american PEOPLE (not the government) don't WANT to be the world police. Quite simply, we can't afford it.


And the left and progressives have to form and reeducate the human race untill we are ready to take that glorious step to world government. Thats whats inplented in these typical leftwing statements.


The UN is pretty much worthless as any sort of enforcement agency. They are way too politically correct, have no teeth, and no credibility. What are they gonna do? Slap you with some sanctions? We see how well that works on Iran, N. Korea, et. al.

The UN is one of the most powerfull organs out there and maybee you should get informed about who founded the UN and delivered North Korea with technology for their nuclear programm, same as who financed the ayatollahs and where they lived before the revolution.

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