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Forget about the Republicans and Democrats.


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now you're going to try and change that because you're fed up with the Democrats and Republicans ?



The reference two the Republicans and Democrats was not to add or detract them, but to ignore them and this petty like country we call the U.S. Most of the people here think the world revolves around us and it doesn't. The only thing we do is stuff our money in the pockets of those in power and try to force our own morale guidelines down their throat when they take it. The world is a bigger place than any country or group of countries can contend with. The U.N. is about as useless as a quadriplegic snail in space. It doesn't do crap but crap out naughty little hand slaps to the tyrants of the world and then look for some useless cause to go after , to make it seem more relevant

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@ Ghogiel ... My views on life and how it should be run are personal ... but I will say this, I believe in the instituition of a Republic under a Constituition, the rule of law and freedom of speech ... I believe in the right to pursue which ever path I choose knowing and understanding that the outcome of any choices I make were based on my ability under my right to the freedom of choice, all done within the parameters of a law that is blind and a justice system that is free of coercion and fair.


This is not what you will experience under a - and I hate to use this term - a One world Government that looks out for ALL the nations because we are all different and have different values.


And as KVN kicked off the topic stating that he would like to see the Democrats and Republicans go and a "World" government take over the financial state of affairs and not allow the US to control or manipulate the economy with the dollar this is what might ultimately be the best for us ... but it won't because, it will deny many people their "right" to live the way they choose.


This whole collectiv thing ia a crock ... it does not work, unless it is broken down into little pieces like little semi-autonomous states where each has by and large their own laws.

Like the European Union (to a certain degree) or the United "States" - plural.


@ KVN ... the US is not petty, every nation on earth has their fair share of problems ...and this finacial crisis has been begging to happen since the day that governments took away the "gold" backing behind the money ... and now our money is just paper, worthless.

So, don't get bent out of shape with America, the whole world is ultimately to blame ... the same guys you want to run it !


Another angle as to why you should not "let the world rule", is because false political doctrines - which promise freedom but poduce bondage - like Marxism and Communism - the only reason that they rule or exist and have a certain degree of success is because they are small ... if the "Whole" world were communist, it would collapse because those types of systems need an antagonist to survive (check your history and their propaganda).


Now a Democratic system which operates within a Republic and is governed by a Constituition has NO NEED of an antagonist to survive, it is self sustaining.


This "World" body that would govern to "fix" the financial mess (and other messes of the world), would start off on a high note - like the other "mass" failed systems - but within a few years after the shine has worn off ... if this "political order" were to to survive any longer as a unit, would have to CREATE a "new" enemy to sustain itself, which is really it's eternal

"old" enemy which is ... YOU ...


So, no, stick with your Democrats and Republicans and go to the polls and maybe, just maybe someone will realise that we need to back our paper money with "substance" like gold once again to prevent this current world crisis from a repeat.

Edited by Nintii
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How is gold going to help anything? Gold has less practical value then paper or cotton.


Seeing that the underlying thought of KVN's topic is financial I have no problem in answering this ... do some homework on what is known as "fiat money" as opposed to money backed by gold or silver.

The pro's of this far outweigh the con's and level the playing field right across the world.


Global financial stablitiy is currently dominated by politics and not any "real" value that should be attached to currency.

It's not too complicated a subject but it involves a lot of reading and the understanding of economics ... quite naturally those who at present use "political" means to

control and manipulate the value of currency\ies would definitely NOT want to advocate the return to a "commodity" based standard.


But as for the man in the street, the benefits would be enormous as it would keep inflation down to a bare minimim and virtually eliminate hyper-inflation altogether ... which would mean that your savings would not lose their value and that your money actually gets a genuine return.


Here's an interesting read ... US States Proposing Gold-backed Currencies

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I don't know how things are in sub-Saharan Africa, but in the US inflation isn't a problem.


Gold, on the other hand, is in a huge bubble right now. Dollars for donuts that bubble will burst within the year.

ROTFL...this is the pricing for the last 20 years....I'll take that bet..how many donuts do you want to match?





This is a chart of the four major bubbles compared, not once was gold the worst loser in the last 22 years.




I am off to the bakery for the exchange whenever you are ready. :laugh:

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I don't know how things are in sub-Saharan Africa, but in the US inflation isn't a problem.

Wait, what? So then what caused my gas, food, and energy prices to "necessarily skyrocket" (Obama's words) then? If it wasn't inflation, what was it?


Hint: The reason the media doesn't report that there's inflation is because the government no longer includes gas, food, and energy costs as part of the formula. They quit doing that after Reagan pounded Carter in 1980. Part of that propaganda machine everyone talks about but obviously doesn't truly understand.

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I don't know how things are in sub-Saharan Africa, but in the US inflation isn't a problem.

Wait, what? So then what caused my gas, food, and energy prices to "necessarily skyrocket" (Obama's words) then? If it wasn't inflation, what was it?


Hint: The reason the media doesn't report that there's inflation is because the government no longer includes gas, food, and energy costs as part of the formula. They quit doing that after Reagan pounded Carter in 1980. Part of that propaganda machine everyone talks about but obviously doesn't truly understand.

As much as I am in accord with the latter half of your post, inflation and skyrocketing prices do not necessarily correspond to the same thing...inept domestic energy policies certainly, lack of passage of a continuous pipeline to Canada, stalling on offshore and Alaskan drilling and a blind catering to the viability of questionable 'green' energy production..can anyone say Solyndra?

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How is gold going to help anything? Gold has less practical value then paper or cotton.


Seeing that the underlying thought of KVN's topic is financial I have no problem in answering this ... do some homework on what is known as "fiat money" as opposed to money backed by gold or silver.

The pro's of this far outweigh the con's and level the playing field right across the world.


Global financial stablitiy is currently dominated by politics and not any "real" value that should be attached to currency.

It's not too complicated a subject but it involves a lot of reading and the understanding of economics ... quite naturally those who at present use "political" means to

control and manipulate the value of currency\ies would definitely NOT want to advocate the return to a "commodity" based standard.


But as for the man in the street, the benefits would be enormous as it would keep inflation down to a bare minimim and virtually eliminate hyper-inflation altogether ... which would mean that your savings would not lose their value and that your money actually gets a genuine return.


Here's an interesting read ... US States Proposing Gold-backed Currencies

Still don't really see why it would help. Value is determined entirely by what people decide its value to be, including gold.

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