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Does Ash Vampires still live after Dagoth Ur is dead?


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That's the question I ask myself yesterday after I did a quick test for a mod. One of the Ash Vampires I edited in CS was already dead in one Dwemer ruin of the five crater citadels.


Does anyone if that is correct or did I make a mistake when I edit the Ash Vampire in CS?


All I did was to create a new spell then added it to the Ash Vampire at the same time removing a vanilla spell.

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The 'ashvampire' script that is worn by several of the named dagoths checks to see if Dagoth Ur lives (checks for the journal entry C3_DestroyDagoth >= 50), and if it is true sets the health to zero of those surviving dagoths. Yes, they die as a result of Dagoth Ur being killed.

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Ya, I'm still around, but without an active Morrowind forum to unite the community it feels like I am just drifting. I was hoping that Great House Fliggerty would become the de facto center of the community, but with the protracted access problems shortly after the loss of the official boards I fear it will never recover from the resulting exodus. Still, GHF is where I intend to post news about new mod releases.

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Don't you worry GHF is still around, although little quit these days and Fliggerty is busy with RL as usual, but the GHF forum are still working and here is what happen and what to do.


You know, if people more frequently visit GHF and be active on regular basis then perhaps Fliggerty probably need to fix the current server issue GHF had for the last 5-6 months as soon as possible.


I often visit GHF and most days it's quit, but now and then some people pop in and post on GHF myself included.



My bad, I forgot. You were right, I checked that in-game and another Ash Vampire was already dead when I arrvived and that Ash Vampire wasn't edited or altered in my mod.

Edited by leonardo2
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