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Overpowered Weapon


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I'd like an overpowered weapon with a cool skin. And it should be unique so you can't find any npc with it.


Example: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=6031


But the weapon should have 5000 damage minimum. No low attack speed. It should not be faster than example Wuuthrad or Daedric battleaxe. I want it to look good but still 1-shot everything.


I like the story of skyrim but I am stuck because I'm too weak right now.


The weapon should be a cool 2 handed axe or 2 handed sword.


If you want to do this then it would be perfect! Or perhaps you could tell me how to modify http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=6031 ? If you can tell me how to modify it then I could make it get 5000 damage myself and use it. A certain program or something.


Please. Best regards Muukzor.

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Open the frostmourne esp in Creation Kit and go to Items > Weapons and find the frostmourne entry. Open that and change damage to 5000. You can also adjust speed but I wouldn't go too fast or it will screw up animations.


Thanks a lot! I will try this out. Is there any way I can keep the normal version aswell? Incase I want to forge the normal one and stop being overpowered.


Really appreciated.


(Without uninstalling and installing the other one ofcourse. If I need to change the name so they won't get the same name at the forge then that is no problem. I don't care about the name just the skin and damage :) )


Thanks a lot once again.

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Duplicate it prior to changing the damage, etc. Open up the copied version and change the name (Not the ID, but you could do that as well if you want). Maybe to Frostmourne OP or something.


You could also just open the console whenever in combat, select whats attacking you and type kill. After you exit console it will drop dead.

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Duplicate it prior to changing the damage, etc. Open up the copied version and change the name (Not the ID, but you could do that as well if you want). Maybe to Frostmourne OP or something.


You could also just open the console whenever in combat, select whats attacking you and type kill. After you exit console it will drop dead.


Ok I just can't get it right... I tried with http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=7754 and when I changed all weapons to 10 times more damage then they didn't appear in the game.


Do you know why? I did as you said :/


It worked with some other weapon but these just won't work. I'd like 1 dagger with 100 damage (Blade of woe or Daedra Dagger works fine), 1 1-h sword (Don't know what skin. Something big) with 300 damage, 1 2-h axe with 750 damage (Wuuthrad skin here), 1 bow with 250 damage (Daedra Bow skin)


Then I'd like to make them so they are unique and none else can get them. (I would change the dagger skin and bow skin if the Phantasy pack would work with it. I just get 500 errors, press ignore, change the files, then they won't appear in the game when I have saved.


If you tell me how I can do it then I can do it myself but when I try to change stuff example Make a copy of daedra dagger, change the name and damage then it won't show up in the game at the forge! I tried with phantasy weapons, 500 errors and won't show up in the forge. Even if i had it in the inventory before I changed it.


Do you have any ideas? :/

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Go ahead and make unique ID's for each of the weapons you copy (These wont show up in NPC hands). I should have said that sooner, my mistake. They won't be craftable, since you have to do a few additional things for that I believe. What I'd do is using the Cell View window, load up an easy recognizable spot (Whiterun - Dragonreach? Or something). And drag and drop the weapons into the window. They'll appear in game. Or if you hover over the weapon name in CK, an ID will appear. Ingame, load up the console and type player.additem itemID 1 to add it to your inventory (1 being how many).


If you want to make them craftable, go to Items > Constructivle Object. Duplicate the craft recipe for that base item (RecipeWeaponDaedricDagger for instance). In the duplicated recipe, you can adjust mats/perks required but make sure to select your custom weapon in the "Created Object" drop down.

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