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Real Forts and Outposts


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So i want to talk about forts, outposts and small settlements in Skyrim.

As for me there is a big problem, associated with such things in the game (actually i had the same problem in all TES games, wich i've played). And the main point of the problem is that key Skyrim roads, mines, even rather big areas are controlled by some crazy mages and bandits. But I would like to see all this points, owned by strong Skyrim factions.


For example:

1. All forts, wich belongs to Civil War Company should be filled wih stormcloacks/rebbelions from the very start of the game. And soldiers must not just stand on the walls as some kind of statue, they should perform there duty, sleep, train and so on.

2. I just hate Forsworn faction. This quest was just unfinished and there is some s*** with Forsworn in the Reach - they control every part of the hold except Markarth, but can't do anything. And Markarth guards do nothing as well. In this case outposts and forts of Reach should be occupied by forsworns and Markarth soldiers both. And in general Forsworn guest must be remade.

3. If a fort belongs to a quest line it should be changed after you finish it like that Nocturnal shrine from Thieves Guild company.

a) Fort with silver incvisitors from companion's quest can become companions's outpost in wilds.

b) Fellglow Keep from college's questline can be mage's experement point.

c) And so on...

4. Optional:

a) If you have cleared a bandit tower/camp it can become hold guard's encampment.

b) If a nord\dwemer ruin cleared it becomes a research point of Synod/College and so on.


Actually i don't want to fill all dungeons with guards, but a part of them should be changed in this way. I think it will make the game much better.

So tell me please, do you like the idea. Is there any mods, wich change the same things?

Thank you.=)


P.S.: Sorry for my english. ;)

Edited by Setterhead
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The idea is something that is actually "makeable" and it would be sweet to see such turn of life in the game, making factions presence more heard and seen. Fact is, this mod is probably one of the most difficult and timetaking a modder could start to do, and that is why it would take a lot of time for someone to even come out with a pre-alpha version! I hope you find the right modder!
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Why do you think so? I don't talk about any new models or textures. I think you should just make the same thing as bethesda made with civilwar city retaking.

And a modder can make a little part of the mod. For example just Fellglow Keep editing.


Thanks for your answer)

Edited by Setterhead
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