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Brightness Issue


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Hello, I have a brightness issue where I am able to move the slider, but no changes are made. This only occurs for me when playing Special Edition. Does anyone else experience this? Please help.




Intel® Core i5-4200M CPU @ 2.50 GHz 2.50 GHz

8.00 GB (7.69 GB Usable)

64-bit Operating System

Nvidia GeForce GT 750M


I also made another thread on this issue, it also occurs with the main menu. Using the default main menu looks fine though.


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If you're using ENB and/or a weather or lighting mod, some of these ignore your brightness settings. If you have absolutely no weather or lighting mods or ENB, something might be wrong with your game files.

That's what I'm beginning to think too; I don't use ENB and I have lighting and weather mods, I use ReShade, but simply playing without mods and ReShade I still can't change the brightness. I've reset my INI files multiple times. I've gone into the display options and nothing works. For some reason, this only occurs on Special Edition and not classic.

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