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Load Order Assistance


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So I'm aware of the importance of load order as well as the merged/bashed patch; took me quite a while with FO3 but I feel these things are easily understandable at this point with FONV. Finally deciding to do a hardcore mod installation, I gathered all of the mods that I love from the top 100 list--knowing there would be incompatibilities--and am in the process of tweaking the load order and forming a good Merged patch. Problem is, after spending a weekend merging what I thought would work, there are still graphical glitches and crashes occasionally (~20- to 30-minutes of playtime). These CTDs are always related to when I enter a previously unexplored cell, but I can load right back up and enter the same cell with no problem; it is not consistent. I have placed my load order below (copied from NMM) for the approval of any pros out there that may have a similar build of--or at least an understanding of--these mods. I would also like to add that all of the NPCs in the game are SUPER weak compared to the mobs. I thought VVV would fix this but...maybe I'm doing something wrong?







Ignore the "Merged2" at the bottom; I just haven't gotten around to deleting it yet (accident). Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. I don't mind doing a "little" (har har) work with the merged patch in order to get these things meshed right, but after the time I've taken, I think I may have made things WORSE not better. For instance, before the Merged modifications, the Stim packs were showing their re-textured red color (forgot which mod does that; FOOK?) and now they're not.

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FOOK and nVamp are not compatible with each other. FOOK's readme says that they are compatible with old version of nVamp, 0.7 or something. NOT compatible with later versions.


I'm quite sure Mission Mojave conflicts with NVEC. I only got it to work when I use NVEC essentials, instead of Complete you got there.


WME also conflicts with PN's Equipment, and possibly FOOK's extra guns. When I load PN, I only load core and cyberware, not equipment or rebalance. YMMV.

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I understand that FOOK and nVamp are not compatible with each other, especially since the later has not been updated in ages. This is why I am not using it. The files with "nvamp" in them were installed by default upon using the NMM mod installer; I didn't not purposefully install them. I'll look into the NVEC stuff as that was something I only added because "error correcting" mods of all kinds are ones that interest me the most and I sometimes don't notice specific direct conflicts. As for PN, I believe loading just core and cyber will be fine; I'll need to look into that.


Does anyone else have anything to say about the load order? I've used BOSS and then manually moved a few things around to what I visually think is right, but I find a great number of the later mods in the list are not included in BOSS and thus aren't sorted officially.

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NMM only adds mods if you've "activated" them, i.e. installed them. They don't "just appear". I think you got VVV loaded, which is why we're seening nVamp.


Maybe you should forget VVV and load Monster Mod or Monster Mod Wasteland Edition. Just a thought. :)


There's a version of More Perks merged with NVEC so you can load less files, not sure how recent that is.


You don't need PerkEveryLevel. FOOK will let you set perk every level (or every 2, or every 3...) It's in the readme.


You have too many MMUE patches loaded. The readme says you load only ONE of regular, regular+AWOP, or regular+AWOP+NVInterior. You have the last two loaded together.

Edited by kschang77
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You don't need any of the WME - GRA esps... only the the esm as you have FOOK installed which handles all that.


You also don't need the NVI Combo... just NVI Core, NVI Combo AWOP and AWOP tweaks.


Not sure if this still stands but the main AWOP esm should be just before the FOOK esms.


Lighting/weather/visual effects mods should be pretty much the last thing to load.

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Nope it doesn't....


1. Move the contents of the rar file to your /data folder.

2. When asked to override a few meshes, say yes.

3. Arrange your Load order, WME - FOOK should be loaded after FOOK - New Vegas.ESP. Weapon Mod Expansion. ESP will no longer be needed when using this patch.

4. For WME - FOOK DLCs, make sure you have the following installed: WME - DLCs, and WME - GRA (Not Light).

5. WME - FOOK DLCs should be loaded after WME - FOOK.

6. For those using WME - FOOK DLCs DO NOT use any of the WME - GRA .esps. Everything is taken care of in FOOK.


So Weapon Mods Expansion.esp also needs to be unticked.

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