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Please Point Me In The Right Direction


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Hello and thanks for looking at my topic. I hope it's in the right area of the forum o_O


I'm new to modding, and have a basic understanding on how to apply all-ready created Mods to my Skyrim game, however this has only created a monster inside me that NEEDS to CREATE!


I've done some research soo far, but am getting lost in all the information, so I wanted to ask for some guidance.


I am mostly interested in learning how to create armors and clothes, as well as mod current Armors and Clothes to work with the Amazing and Wonderful CBBE and CHSBHC. I know there are already an amazing selection of Armors and Clothes for both CBBE and CHSBHC, but I would love to be able to contribute to the growing selections.


Here are a couple main questions that I have:


1: How can I alter Armors and Clothes to fit a custom CBBE or CHSBHC body shape, or are there any progs that will already do this?

i.e. I have used Claiente's Body Slider to create new body types, but cannot seem to figure out how to make armors and clothes to fit the new body types.


2: Which programs would be best for creating new armors and clothes? Also are there blank templates to use as a base to create the new armors and clothes with?



I would HIGHLY appreciate any assistance on my jump start into modding, and thank you for your time. Any direct guidance or direction to the appropriate tutorials for this would help greatly.


I'll surly be back with more questions,lol.

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1. Blender or 3ds Max:

-Import the existing armor/clothing delete the existing body, import your body then shape/sculpt the armor to fit the new body.

-Export the new body and armor together, open in Nifskope change some texture paths, save.

-reopen in Nifskope if it looks good, test in-game.



2. There are multiple programs needed to make custom armor/clothes

-Blender or 3ds Max with required scripts, and support files Blender requires: Python, PyFFI, Blender Nif Scripts

-Gimp or Photoshop Both require the DDS support plugin.

-Nifskope Nif viewer, changing texture paths, quick way to check your models-textures are working without loading the full game.


Blender and Gimp are free, so if you get sidetracked or frustrated your only out the time invested.


What your asking is the high-end of modding, so have patience and achievable goals i.e. start small Stick to modifying existing armors and see if they still work in-game before you start on your brand new armor.


Blender import-export video and support links

Gimp homepage Gimp DDS plugin

Nifskope downloads

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Yep, what he said. If you're after specific directions:

Download and install blender.

Have a look at these intro tutes. Do all of them if you like, but do the modelling and materials tutes especially.

Do a tute on UV mapping.


Then get GIMP and get comfortable with texturing (not my field, but if I could recommend a tute it would be this one). You'll find most tutes are for photoshop, but GIMP has just about every function you'll need, and works in a similar way.


So make a sword, and get it into the game with this tute.


Congratulations, you're a modder.


Making armour is a whole other level above this. For that you'll need to learn about vertex weights, and you'll need blender 2.49 to use it's import/expot scripts. My advice is make swords first- walk before you run.


Along the way to making your first thing you'll inevitably hit a wall. If you can't find a solution in the forums, send me a PM and I'll see if I can point you in the right direction.


Anyway, hope this helps, and good luck!

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I started making weapons recently, using Cinema 4D and Photoshop, but they are really easy and have kind of gotten boring,

I would like to take that next step into making armor, does anyone know if someone has posting a tutorial for armor creation


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